Wad's your sexuality !?

Your sexuality...

Total Votes : 38
Heterosexual - Straight

Homosexual- Gay or Lez

Pansexual or Omnisexual - You just like the person because he or she looks appealing to you, regardless of the gender, species, etc....

Bisexual - You like both male and female

Asexual - You dont experience any sexual attraction at all
I'm a lesbian with a penis.

How is this a serious discussion? Is one guy gonna go, "Well I'm homosexual and I think I'm better than all of you"? Then everyone argues with him.

Random forum
I prefer the vagina. 8)
I experience no sexual attraction at all. -_-
I'm parasexual, I only like to do it with ghosts.
rbz123 wrote...
Random forum much?
Heterosexual for me! :P
edit: fixed.
Actually, I'm not attracted to wads at all. >.>

I mean, I know that some people swing that way, but I just don't get aroused by crumpled up pieces of paper. >.>
i'm heterosexual or as you put it "normal"
and i prefer "pussy" ^^
i like-a to hav-a dee sexy time wid-a dee poonani!!!
Heterosexual bordering on bisexual.

I definately like men, but I like certain aspects of girls too, I guess really it just comes down to who they are. If it's a girl, well, I like everything above the waist, but below, I couldn't see myself doing oral since well I don't even like it on guys, but thats not to say there are not toys that would satisfy both of us.
Hmm but yeah, I'd rather find a guy that has the qualities I'm looking for. I do like boobs though...ah, what are those chicks called that have both, I could probably go for someone like that! I still have hope in you guys though!!!
Ayase wrote...
Heterosexual bordering on bisexual.

I definately like men, but I like certain aspects of girls too, I guess really it just comes down to who they are. If it's a girl, well, I like everything above the waist, but below, I couldn't see myself doing oral since well I don't even like it on guys, but thats not to say there are not toys that would satisfy both of us.
Hmm but yeah, I'd rather find a guy that has the qualities I'm looking for. I do like boobs though...ah, what are those chicks called that have both, I could probably go for someone like that! I still have hope in you guys though!!!
Then you are looking for a hermaphrodite.
Ayase wrote...
Heterosexual bordering on bisexual.

I definately like men, but I like certain aspects of girls too, I guess really it just comes down to who they are. If it's a girl, well, I like everything above the waist, but below, I couldn't see myself doing oral since well I don't even like it on guys, but thats not to say there are not toys that would satisfy both of us.
Hmm but yeah, I'd rather find a guy that has the qualities I'm looking for. I do like boobs though...ah, what are those chicks called that have both, I could probably go for someone like that! I still have hope in you guys though!!!

There was that guy who got breast implants on a dare . . . and kept them after the deal ended because he liked them so much!
ShaggyJebus wrote...
There was that guy who got breast implants on a dare . . . and kept them after the deal ended because he liked them so much!

=p He got a little more than he bargained for with that dare.

rbz123 wrote...
Then you are looking for a hermaphrodite.

In a way yes, but I'd want them to be more female in the way of emotions and other physical features. But then, it's not like I can wave a flag around saying I'm looking for one so it's probably highly unlikely I'll find someone like that since it's kinda rare, on top of me actually liking them for them.
DxTRiNiTYLiMiTxD wrote...
rbz123 wrote...
Random forum much?
Heterosexual for me! :P
Wtf was the point in quoting me? Incorrectly too. I don get it.
rbz123 wrote...
DxTRiNiTYLiMiTxD wrote...
rbz123 wrote...
Random forum much?
Heterosexual for me! :P
Wtf was the point in quoting me? Incorrectly too. I don get it.
i messed up because of the FF "connection timed out" page.
it was suppose to be "fixed" since i thought this topic was a bit random too. (=.=)
Asexual, I undergo mitosis every couple of decades.

Nah, just boring old heterosexual
i think im asexual. but i like women, so i guess im heterosexual to. its kinda hard for me because i can look at the worlds most beautiful women, and not feel anything. but at the same time if i wnated, i could get a boner in less than 1.5 seconds.

so i dont know if im asexual, or just really good at self restraint.
Monster Girl
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