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what do you say

Total Votes : 149
weapons is the one thing keeping the war to exist in this world, many weapon manufacturer dig up ridiculous amount of money from every war that wage around the world, do you think weapon is worthy enough to exist?
Weapons do not perpetuate war, they just make the overall destruction of a war worse.
If all weapons suddenly disappeared from the world, people would still fight. They would build new weapons, too.
Really weapons are an extension of human anger,rage,ingenuity. Weapons aren't the cause for killing and wars people are. We have emotions good and bad alike. If what I say is true then to stop wars you'd have to take away our emotions. Sure you'd stop all the bad but you'd kill all the good to. Happiness and love would be nothing and we would all be just empty shells with no purpose but to sit around waiting to die. Good can not live without evil and vice versa.

Like said before if you took away all the weapons and the memories of weapons and wars you would only create a short term solution. It would start over by someone getting angry to the point of murder and picking up a big stick or a rock.

Weapons are here and we have to accept the world as it. On that note I'll leave with this quote. "We make war so we may live in peace."
York wrote...
Really weapons are an extension of human anger,rage,ingenuity. Weapons aren't the cause for killing and wars people are. We have emotions good and bad alike. If what I say is true then to stop wars you'd have to take away our emotions. Sure you'd stop all the bad but you'd kill all the good to. Happiness and love would be nothing and we would all be just empty shells with no purpose but to sit around waiting to die. Good can not live without evil and vice versa.

Like said before if you took away all the weapons and the memories of weapons and wars you would only create a short term solution. It would start over by someone getting angry to the point of murder and picking up a big stick or a rock.

Weapons are here and we have to accept the world as it. On that note I'll leave with this quote. "We make war so we may live in peace."

You're right, I think I'm just being silly and childish because the world current situations...about the emotions, I believe I saw a movie that the world is at peace because all of human's emotions is taken, but it ends up that the peoples wants to live with emotions and rebels
they make us stronger but it really depends on how the user use it for good or bad....
yes i think they are needed in some situations. I live in a bad city in new york.... no its not nyc.... i wish it was. Im not gonna say what city it is. (this is the internet you know) but i will say that i actually own a handgun just to be sure i can be safe on the streets. Its sad but its true. i wish i didnt have to own a gun but if there werent any guns on the streets...would I really need one?
egward wrote...
yes i think they are needed in some situations. I live in a bad city in new york.... no its not nyc.... i wish it was. Im not gonna say what city it is. (this is the internet you know) but i will say that i actually own a handgun just to be sure i can be safe on the streets. Its sad but its true. i wish i didnt have to own a gun but if there werent any guns on the streets...would I really need one?

I don't understand owning a gun for protection unless you're worried about someone breaking into your home.

If someone tries to mug you and points a gun at you, it's not like you can pull out your own gun and shoot the guy mugging you. The second you reach, he'll pull the trigger.
69% of murders are non-firearm related. Guns are the only item in convenient range of ownership that serve no other purpose besides killing. Banning "weapons" is impossible.
egward wrote...
yes i think they are needed in some situations. I live in a bad city in new york.... no its not nyc.... i wish it was. Im not gonna say what city it is. (this is the internet you know) but i will say that i actually own a handgun just to be sure i can be safe on the streets. Its sad but its true. i wish i didnt have to own a gun but if there werent any guns on the streets...would I really need one?

I don't know if a gun is really necessary for protection. Either you have it were you can reach it, and then so can anyone who comes into your house, or it isn't, and it's useless anyway.
Knives can be useful to have close.
Or you could lock your house the fuck up.
How can you ban weapons? I can easily take a stick and shove it in a guy's throat and BAM he's dead. Anything can be a weapon. Beside that, it's how the specific product is used that makes it dangerous. I mean humans are going to kill no matter what. I mean even without a weapon we'll get in eachother's face and rip the scrotum out of our crotches and wear it on our foreheads as trophies.
Sticks and stones? People can kill others with their bare hands.

As for guns being necessary for protection, I was watching a thing on the internet several months back and the guy was telling a story of his friend who kept an unloaded shotgun by his bed.
Apparently he didn't live in the best neighborhood, but whenever he heard a noise or some suspicious sound, he would cock the shot gun so it would make the CHICK-CHICK sound that is so infamous. If it was someone breaking in or thinking about it, well, would you stay if you thought someone had a loaded shotgun pointed at you?
The only real way to stop wars (not including mass murder and/or removing our emotions) is world domination through propagandous control of world politics and public information. You would have to brainwash us to believe everything the government says and then gain control of that government. You would have to start riots everywhere (nonviolent revolts if your trying to end war.) then sieze pollitical control. After a few years you start "encouraging" Your countries to merge together under your banner. Even then if your not 100 percent succesfull on the propaganda, revolution to your regime will occur and the biggest civil war ever would occur which would defeat the whole purpose of your actions. But that would be even worse than the wars because the whole world is now filled with mindless drones and the constant abuse of our rights.
Selbbin wrote...
The only real way to stop wars (not including mass murder and/or removing our emotions) is world domination through propagandous control of world politics and public information. You would have to brainwash us to believe everything the government says and then gain control of that government. You would have to start riots everywhere (nonviolent revolts if your trying to end war.) then sieze pollitical control. After a few years you start "encouraging" Your countries to merge together under your banner. Even then if your not 100 percent succesfull on the propaganda, revolution to your regime will occur and the biggest civil war ever would occur which would defeat the whole purpose of your actions. But that would be even worse than the wars because the whole world is now filled with mindless drones and the constant abuse of our rights.

The most likely way to reach anything like world peace would be through globalization and world economy. Because people care more about money and business than anything else. So you are less likely to go to war with a country if you depend on them economically.
Dante1214 wrote...
Selbbin wrote...
The only real way to stop wars (not including mass murder and/or removing our emotions) is world domination through propagandous control of world politics and public information. You would have to brainwash us to believe everything the government says and then gain control of that government. You would have to start riots everywhere (nonviolent revolts if your trying to end war.) then sieze pollitical control. After a few years you start "encouraging" Your countries to merge together under your banner. Even then if your not 100 percent succesfull on the propaganda, revolution to your regime will occur and the biggest civil war ever would occur which would defeat the whole purpose of your actions. But that would be even worse than the wars because the whole world is now filled with mindless drones and the constant abuse of our rights.

The most likely way to reach anything like world peace would be through globalization and world economy. Because people care more about money and business than anything else. So you are less likely to go to war with a country if you depend on them economically.

true say! my opinion on weapons u can never get rid of them cause anything is basically a weapon? Lol jk but ya guns, dont think we would really get rid of them.
A weapon can do nothing on it's own. A gun will just lay there waiting for someone to pick it up. The same goes for a hammer, a shovel, a pitchfork, etc.

The problem with banning weapons is that it's impossible. For countries like Japan that have bans on firearms. Guns still get into the country and into the hands of the Yakuza and similar organizations. In order to counter this the police or other security forces would have to be armed to counter the threats of gangs or the petty thief. There are two problems with this (I'm just going with guns for simplicity)

1). Criminals will usually have better weapons. They can access anything from a GLOCK to a fully automatic rifle. The average patrolman is only issued a 9mm. Sometimes they are issued a shotgun but, only S.W.A.T. have any real access to "heavy firepower". In order to counter this problem you have to equip the average patrolman with better guns on par with S.W.A.T. teams. Which leads to problem #2

2). With increases in firepower between the criminals and the police. The average citizen is the only one actually effected by the banning of weapons. They are no longer allowed to possess any means to defend themselves (outside of baseball bats, golf clubs, etc). Which leaves the citizens vulnerable to robbery. Police can't always be there to protect them and not everyone will have the money to hire their own security. So in the absence of police the only person left to defend the family is the family itself. A related problem to the difference in firepower between citizens and the people charged with their protection leads to abuse of power.

plato wrote...
Every care must be taken that our auxiliaries, being stronger than our citizens, may not grow too much for them and become savage beasts.
Without the means to protect themselves it leaves the citizens at the mercy of abusive police or criminals. History has proven several times that the removal of weapons from the hands of the ordinary citizen only leads to trouble.

As for the carrying a weapon on your person for protection on the street is nonsense. The only chance to use such a weapon would be if the thug turned his back to run. Which would lead to the thug just shooting his victims before he runs. In the end it is impossible to prevent humans from killing one another. It is simple human nature.
A weapon is a tool used to apply or threaten to apply force for the purpose of hunting, attack or defense in combat, subduing enemy personnel, or to destroy enemy weapons, equipment and defensive structures. A weapon is therefore a device that changes the direction or magnitude of a force.[1] In general, they can be defined as the simplest mechanisms that use mechanical advantage (also called leverage) to multiply force.[2]

In attack, weapons may be used to threaten by direct contact or by use of projectiles. Weapons can be as simple as a club, or as complex as an intercontinental ballistic missile. Metaphorically speaking, anything capable of causing damage, even psychologically, can be referred to as a weapon. More recently, non-lethal weapons have been developed for para-military, security and even combat use, designed to incapacitate personnel and reduce collateral damage to property and environment.

weapons don't kill, people do... :D :D :D
Guns dont kill, I DO!!!!!!
jokes, in a serrious note, guns like all weapons are merely extensions of human nature. weapons are tools and can be compared to the hammer, pick or shovel. For thousands of years, humanity had survived where other species cannot, needless to say we are natural survivors. It is thanks to our ability to adapt and cope with the changing environment and the use of tools. It is human nature to have conflict, there is not a society that can live side by side with each other. From the earliest days where the primative primapes bashed its neighbours with a club, to the sack of Carthage by the Romans and even the tragic wars of WW2. Humanity has fought for every centimeter of land. And it is our use of tools which enable us to survive, enabled us Homo Sapiens to outlive the neanderthals and survied through the ice age. WEapons are not necesary evil, they are just extensions of human nature and bannin em would have the same effect of banning the hammer...nuff asid
Still the existence of weapon is for us here to accept cuz when in the terms of weapons they come in many form be it mechanic or biologic , as is just a tool where it brings harm and the objective of using it is also important whether is defensive or offensive , still for both sides the weapons still needs to exists ^^ 8)
pesonally i dont belive in guns i despivse them. I belive they have no honor when you fight with a gun and all guns should be destroyed and we should go back to swords and such so that we may regain the value of honor.
York wrote...
Really weapons are an extension of human anger,rage,ingenuity. Weapons aren't the cause for killing and wars people are. We have emotions good and bad alike. If what I say is true then to stop wars you'd have to take away our emotions. Sure you'd stop all the bad but you'd kill all the good to. Happiness and love would be nothing and we would all be just empty shells with no purpose but to sit around waiting to die. Good can not live without evil and vice versa.

Like said before if you took away all the weapons and the memories of weapons and wars you would only create a short term solution. It would start over by someone getting angry to the point of murder and picking up a big stick or a rock.

Weapons are here and we have to accept the world as it. On that note I'll leave with this quote. "We make war so we may live in peace."

You sir, explained a really important philosophical lesson many people need to know =P you also pretty much said the most important points i wanted to point out.
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