Weebs Will Take Over The World X!1 Prophecy

Contemporary collective learning (memes/anime/furries/pansexuals) for the millennial degenerate has been spreading through China's stinking streets. The hobosapien soul is taking new meaning through liberal democratic stupidity, it means the future is initiated and our wave of hipster children will arrive to the land of masturbatory sci-fi fantasies, 2030 Prophet X!1 - Kockwankerer

Unless if we break their fingers every time they watch pixel porn of tanned lolis and slime girls (good taste fyi), the moment they set foot on. And we begin to distinguish ourselves by our failure to contribute truth...then it's a means to an end of everything we know of.

The history of emotions are written in social outlets though scholars unsung, also factual to the reason why Hitler could've saved us from utter failure.

Kay Kay Kay, Kay Kay Kay, Kay Kaaaay Kaay Kay K K Kay.