What about this?..

Hey fakkuzas I have an idea maybe everyone could say "I +rep you for that..." or "I -rep you for that..." so you would know who and why given you rep... Maybe there is people who do not care about rep but for those who do care - what do you think about it? Yes or no?
I usually do that, and so do others. It's the more unfrequent members that we usually don't know who repped us, and nor do we know where we got repped. Jacob's point in creating this "this user got +/- repped" is to show others an example of repping, and not as a way to increase rep.
Hmm, well some people say that already in threads, but yeah, I just don't see everyone doing that, it's easier to just click and move on (IMO).
I'd say it would be nice to maybe be in your private profile section to list which users had repped you and on what post, but then that would probably defeat the whole anonymous negative repping idea. Hmmm...
@Ayase: That's what a rep log is for, and the admins adamantly pounded that idea into dust.
g-money wrote...
I usually do that, and so do others. It's the more unfrequent members that we usually don't know who repped us, and nor do we know where we got repped. Jacob's point in creating this "this user got +/- repped" is to show others an example of repping, and not as a way to increase rep.
Yeah I know that. But its just interesting to know who repped me... Let say now I've got -1rep and I don't even know why and who given it to me. But ofcourse if everyone knows who -repped them then it could begin endless rep wars :?
halas12 wrote...
g-money wrote...
I usually do that, and so do others. It's the more unfrequent members that we usually don't know who repped us, and nor do we know where we got repped. Jacob's point in creating this "this user got +/- repped" is to show others an example of repping, and not as a way to increase rep.
Yeah I know that. But its just interesting to know who repped me... Let say now I've got -1rep and I don't even know why and who given it to me. But ofcourse if everyone knows who -repped them then it could begin endless rep wars :?

That's exactly why I de-repped you. Also because there are at least a dozen other rep topics and at least eleven of them cover this exact idea.
blind_assassin wrote...
halas12 wrote...
g-money wrote...
I usually do that, and so do others. It's the more unfrequent members that we usually don't know who repped us, and nor do we know where we got repped. Jacob's point in creating this "this user got +/- repped" is to show others an example of repping, and not as a way to increase rep.
Yeah I know that. But its just interesting to know who repped me... Let say now I've got -1rep and I don't even know why and who given it to me. But ofcourse if everyone knows who -repped them then it could begin endless rep wars :?

That's exactly why I de-repped you. Also because there are at least a dozen other rep topics and at least eleven of them cover this exact idea.
Oh sorry dude. I've forgot to search :? And thanks for saying what I've done wrong ^^ Cuz then I don't know that I've done wrong I feel just... not right =.=
g-money wrote...
@Ayase: That's what a rep log is for, and the admins adamantly pounded that idea into dust.

This is basically what you're asking for if you read closely. And yes, Blind Assassin has a point - the topic of rep has been discussed many times.
g-money wrote...
g-money wrote...
@Ayase: That's what a rep log is for, and the admins adamantly pounded that idea into dust.

This is basically what you're asking for if you read closely. And yes, Blind Assassin has a point - the topic of rep has been discussed many times.
Yeah I got the point :? And one more question how does people gets "fakku elder", "fakku elite" and "fakku uploader"?
This has also been outlined in the Rules/FAQs sticky in the Feedback and Suggestions section. I'll paste the questions here:

How do I get FAKKU Elite status? FAKKU Elder status?
To gain Elite status, you must have 500 posts. For Elder status, you must have 1000 posts. These numbers are subject to change at administrative discretion as the forum grows.

What about the other FAKKU titles, excluding staff positions (admin, moderator)?
FAKKU Uploader: The Uploader status is a special status given to exceptional users who we feel have contributed material to the site immensely, whether it be in the image section or uploads of doujins, manga, games, and/or anime, over a long period of time. And yes, this means the uploader status is higher than the elite status.
FAKKU Artist: This rare title is awarded to outstanding artists on FAKKU who have contributed over a period of time. If you would like this title, PM an admin (Jacob, Raze, or I) for consideration.
FAKKU Subber/Scanlator: Members of the sub/scan team. These are the people who work very hard to bring you our translated releases. In terms of influence, this rank is the highest outside the Admin rank.
g-money wrote...
This has also been outlined in the Rules/FAQs sticky in the Feedback and Suggestions section. I'll paste the questions here:

How do I get FAKKU Elite status? FAKKU Elder status?
To gain Elite status, you must have 500 posts. For Elder status, you must have 1000 posts. These numbers are subject to change at administrative discretion as the forum grows.

What about the other FAKKU titles, excluding staff positions (admin, moderator)?
FAKKU Uploader: The Uploader status is a special status given to exceptional users who we feel have contributed material to the site immensely, whether it be in the image section or uploads of doujins, manga, games, and/or anime, over a long period of time. And yes, this means the uploader status is higher than the elite status.
FAKKU Artist: This rare title is awarded to outstanding artists on FAKKU who have contributed over a period of time. If you would like this title, PM an admin (Jacob, Raze, or I) for consideration.
FAKKU Subber/Scanlator: Members of the sub/scan team. These are the people who work very hard to bring you our translated releases. In terms of influence, this rank is the highest outside the Admin rank.
Thx for not being lazy and pasteing these questions :wink: "fakku artist" wtf...
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
halas12 wrote...
Thx for not being lazy and pasteing these questions :wink: "fakku artist" wtf...

You know all those pictures you fap to? That's art. :o

Mycstea for example:

Forum Image: http://i30.tinypic.com/a5ky9z.png
Forum Image: http://i32.tinypic.com/izcga1.png
Forum Image: http://i30.tinypic.com/aff2pv.png
Forum Image: http://i30.tinypic.com/25snb52.png
Forum Image: http://th00.deviantart.com/fs39/300W/f/2008/344/1/4/Noumi_Kudryavka_by_MistaYoH.png
Forum Image: http://th05.deviantart.com/fs36/300W/f/2008/252/6/7/Kaleidoscope_2008_by_MistaYoH.jpg
Forum Image: http://th08.deviantart.com/fs39/300W/f/2008/337/5/0/Natsume_Rin_by_MistaYoH.jpg

That's pretty fucking amazing imho.
halas12 wrote...
g-money wrote...
This has also been outlined in the Rules/FAQs sticky in the Feedback and Suggestions section. I'll paste the questions here:

How do I get FAKKU Elite status? FAKKU Elder status?
To gain Elite status, you must have 500 posts. For Elder status, you must have 1000 posts. These numbers are subject to change at administrative discretion as the forum grows.

What about the other FAKKU titles, excluding staff positions (admin, moderator)?
FAKKU Uploader: The Uploader status is a special status given to exceptional users who we feel have contributed material to the site immensely, whether it be in the image section or uploads of doujins, manga, games, and/or anime, over a long period of time. And yes, this means the uploader status is higher than the elite status.
FAKKU Artist: This rare title is awarded to outstanding artists on FAKKU who have contributed over a period of time. If you would like this title, PM an admin (Jacob, Raze, or I) for consideration.
FAKKU Subber/Scanlator: Members of the sub/scan team. These are the people who work very hard to bring you our translated releases. In terms of influence, this rank is the highest outside the Admin rank.
Thx for not being lazy and pasteing these questions :wink: "fakku artist" wtf...

Forum Image: http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p298/Karhak/Forums/1182356006017.jpg