what do you think is your purpose?

now when you see the title, im sure you think it sounds idiotic. but what im getting at here, is what do you think your central purpose is to do in this world? is it to become a civil rights leader for some opressed country? to change the world in some way? to get a job? to live? to live with someone? to find someone you love? to prove something? or not to prove something and go about your life the way its going now? or is your purpose to not have one at all? or have you never decided on one? if your not sure what to say, then you can just say you feel that you have an unknown purpose, or that you dont have one.

i believe my purpose in life is to become a guitarist and make people laugh. i always am making someone laugh some way, some how at school and at home. i also have this passion for guitars i didnt even know i had, and i love it so much that i feel i should try and become a guitarist. if not then i will do something else, but i should try to pursuit my dreams. i think thats my purpose, to pursuit my dreams.
sorry, but I have yet to find out what's mine... and I'm not exactly looking for it either...

I'll continue to live my life as I see fit, without relying to others (as much as possible) and according to my own personal beliefs and perspective.
i have yet to find my purpose in life every time i thought i found it turned out it wasn't meant for me so as time goes i still await until i find what life has in store for me hopefully something good.
I think my purpose in life, is just to live my life! To make difficult or easy decisions and experience new things.
My purpose is to live. That's my general purpose in life, as well as my personal purpose. As long as I'm alive, I can do anything I want. Dead, I can't do anything.

If we're talking about the purpose of life, I'd say that there is no purpose. But I don't believe in a caring God, so there's really nothing to create an overall purpose.

Besides, I'm a peon. I'm a little nobody. If there are answers out there, I wouldn't be able to get to them. I just live my life doing what I feel like doing, enjoying myself.
my purpose n life is 2 post on this thread

*post*.... fuck now i feel empty

seriously tho ill find my on purpose n life, know what im saying?
I don't think I have a purpose except to value my life and make the best of it by making smart decisions and whatnot. That may seem vague, but I'm not sure what mine is yet.
ShaggyJebus wrote...
My purpose is to live. That's my general purpose in life, as well as my personal purpose. As long as I'm alive, I can do anything I want. Dead, I can't do anything.

If we're talking about the purpose of life, I'd say that there is no purpose. But I don't believe in a caring God, so there's really nothing to create an overall purpose.

Besides, I'm a peon. I'm a little nobody. If there are answers out there, I wouldn't be able to get to them. I just live my life doing what I feel like doing, enjoying myself.

well if you dont know, then thats fine. but when i say purpose i mean what do you think your purpose is, based on what your best at doing. im best at video games, and guitar, so i htink i should either make games, or play music. but just to live i think is a great purpose, wake up, survive, go back to sleep. pretty basic to me, but i think sometimes basic is better.
My purpose is to be apathetic to my purpose.
hermitVI wrote...
sorry, but I have yet to find out what's mine... and I'm not exactly looking for it either...

I'll continue to live my life as I see fit according to my own personal beliefs and perspective.
mines is similar to this, yet i try the best in my abilities that i can to help out people in need.

To rebuild my empire!
That's easy...

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/4426-DKQE7CU.gif

I'm a peon. Haul some wood, build some wooden barriers, whatever is needed. I'm great at following orders or completing repetetive mindless tasks. Not everyone was born to lead, some of us are just peons.
My purpose is to build a functional mech suit, then create a robot army and destroy civilization as we know it. :P
If you think about it, everything in this world is made to spawn more of it's kind. I'm confident that my purpose in life is to breed, and I'm carrying out my mission with enthusiasm.
nzephier wrote...
now when you see the title, im sure you think it sounds idiotic. but what im getting at here, is what do you think your central purpose is to do in this world? is it to become a civil rights leader for some opressed country? to change the world in some way? to get a job? to live? to live with someone? to find someone you love? to prove something? or not to prove something and go about your life the way its going now? or is your purpose to not have one at all? or have you never decided on one? if your not sure what to say, then you can just say you feel that you have an unknown purpose, or that you dont have one.

i believe my purpose in life is to become a guitarist and make people laugh. i always am making someone laugh some way, some how at school and at home. i also have this passion for guitars i didnt even know i had, and i love it so much that i feel i should try and become a guitarist. if not then i will do something else, but i should try to pursuit my dreams. i think thats my purpose, to pursuit my dreams.

They aren't laughing with you, they are laughing at you.

tsuyoshiro wrote...
That's easy...

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/4426-DKQE7CU.gif

I'm a peon. Haul some wood, build some wooden barriers, whatever is needed. I'm great at following orders or completing repetetive mindless tasks. Not everyone was born to lead, some of us are just peons.

You are the mortar with which the wall that is this world is held together, sir.
People like me are only good at throwing the spare bricks at that wall.

There is no purpose in life.
But believe what you want.