What is truth?

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Truth is whatever you belive to be what was and is done in the world. EXAMPLE:my dad belives that whatever direction he faces is north and that is his truth. See what i mean? If you belive it is true then it is truth it is a word true truth is that youy will die and you will live and draw breath thats really it everthing else is just perception.
Don't worry people, I'm working on my response. I promise that I will give you something to think about.
A number of times in the past, I've said that I've given up on the pursuit of truth. However, when someone raises a question like this, I'm always thrown right back into the fray because one of the very things that defines me is that "I will forever be enthralled by truth, in whatever form.

"There is no subjective truth."
I can't say that I've found many statements that provide me with so much entertainment. On one hand, it could be a paradox, but on the other hand, it could just be completely false. The fact of the matter is that the statement is subjective. That being said, the statement, implies that it is true, and therefore proves itself false. Unless, it came from an objective source, but that is relatively impossible. I won't say it is impossible because of the existence of ascended masters who choose to remain in our world.

Anyway, truth is rooted in perception and the ability to accept what is, whether it is beyond our rationalization or not. We all have experiences that we can't explain and even if we write it off as some bullshit, it always exists in some part of our mind as an uncertainty. Whether that uncertainty remains as it is or not is up to you. Sometimes we need other people to help us out. Asking questions doesn't hurt and history proves that a majority of the truths that we acknowledge today stem from uncertainties that people went to others to help understand. We can make our truths. Even if we are wrong at the time, when we accept something, we open ourselves up to criticism. That criticism aids us in the realizations that become truth. Without fallacy, truth cannot exist.

It may seem as if I'm talking nonsense right now, but in the light of the subject, "What is truth?" can there be no greater stepping stone?
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