what is your typical view on JAPANESE?

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from what he ^ just said without japan technicaly produced fakku because as he said no japan no fakku
Let's see

-A must go, for the traveling martial artist and spiritual person
-creative tv/anime/movie/game producers.. or maybe those people hire potheads, who knows
-Pretty women and barely any fat chicks
-Won't get on the trains in that country cause I'll be too busy fighting with those pricks that feel up on women
Interesting and cute womans, boys doesn't talks too much with strangers... i try to speak with them in their own lenguage and they ignore me, so yeah...

Robots at work, but they seem to like the respect and honour, so less corruption i guess...

Nice food!

And hentai of course, they introduced the 2nd porn of the world.
Ever since i saw a vid of a couple having sex in public,
I became unsure.
Generally I See japanese people as Smart, Elitist, and Racist. Granted I don't know very many and have never been to Japan, mabey there they are different?
from what ive seen the Japanese's race looks like a wacky race of people but then they are probably not
Argh! I don't know where to post and when to post now! It's annoying with the revival of old threads.

But this still caught my attention.

My view on Japanese is a concoction of many views.

1. They are smart, Like the creation of Gemenoid-H1? now was that right? It was a prototype android, though not perfect, it looked a lot like as if it was a clone of its creator. Then there are hobbyists who create robots within their very own home.

2. Creative. Without their creativity, there won't be mangas, animes, games that we know of. Electronic gadgets that we could've never guessed of.

3. Innovative. Ever heard of Teleport city? I saw it in Nat Geo, and one American Author noted that, though science fiction brings idea that would create the next big thing, Japan has created something that even Science fiction hasn't thought of yet, and they are making it the next big thing.

4. Values their past. Although very modern in its present standards, they still value their customs, religion etc. Where they head on embracing and rushing towards the future but still holding onto its past.

5. Respectful and polite. Especially to the elderly. And with all those forms of address like onii-chan, sempai, otou-san, obaa-san etc. what is there to compare their politeness to those of other countries?

Well those are the good things. But as I said that my view is a mix, I find some negative things too.

1. Perverted? Well there are lots of people that are perverted, and have perverse thoughts, but never have I seen any country before that makes cartoons (animes) that have sex as it's theme, but still a good point among us FAKKUers, desho?

2. They can be discriminating too... very, especially the upper class. well atleast some, or when you go to the wrong place.

3. Fashionable, although not wrong, but many fashion themselves to the point that they are easily distinguishable from other cultures. Exaggerated hairstyles, wacky clothes... that is not including cosplays.

Well all countries have negative characteristics among its people, so nothing to hate about the Japanese. I respect them in all ways. If it weren't for them I wouldn't have been able to watch my favorite anime shows, played great games like Final Fantasy, felt the touch of the very first playstation :oops:
TK201 wrote...
Argh! I don't know where to post and when to post now! It's annoying with the revival of old threads.

But this still caught my attention.

My view on Japanese is a concoction of many views.

1. They are smart, Like the creation of Gemenoid-H1? now was that right? It was a prototype android, though not perfect, it looked a lot like as if it was a clone of its creator. Then there are hobbyists who create robots within their very own home.

2. Creative. Without their creativity, there won't be mangas, animes, games that we know of. Electronic gadgets that we could've never guessed of.

3. Innovative. Ever heard of Teleport city? I saw it in Nat Geo, and one American Author noted that, though science fiction brings idea that would create the next big thing, Japan has created something that even Science fiction hasn't thought of yet, and they are making it the next big thing.

4. Values their past. Although very modern in its present standards, they still value their customs, religion etc. Where they head on embracing and rushing towards the future but still holding onto its past.

5. Respectful and polite. Especially to the elderly. And with all those forms of address like onii-chan, sempai, otou-san, obaa-san etc. what is there to compare their politeness to those of other countries?

Well those are the good things. But as I said that my view is a mix, I find some negative things too.

1. Perverted? Well there are lots of people that are perverted, and have perverse thoughts, but never have I seen any country before that makes cartoons (animes) that have sex as it's theme, but still a good point among us FAKKUers, desho?

2. They can be discriminating too... very, especially the upper class. well atleast some, or when you go to the wrong place.

3. Fashionable, although not wrong, but many fashion themselves to the point that they are easily distinguishable from other cultures. Exaggerated hairstyles, wacky clothes... that is not including cosplays.

Well all countries have negative characteristics among its people, so nothing to hate about the Japanese. I respect them in all ways. If it weren't for them I wouldn't have been able to watch my favorite anime shows, played great games like Final Fantasy, felt the touch of the very first playstation :oops:

you said it all. we have the same view on japanese people. they are smart, but not perfect. And what I really like in japanese girls when they are moaning. yeahh. "there is something.. ahhh.. sensation when I'm actually hearing it.. it's so cute and sexy"
Here's my view

1. Polite
2. Hardworking (Like workaholic?)
3. Patriotic

No japanese = No eroge, no hentai, no manga & doujinshi, and i wouldn't be here
What I Like about Japanese are :

1. Yamato Nadeshiko
2. Culture (Legends, Samurai, Ninja, Festival, Onsen, etc and etc(Hundreds of them)
3. Their Creation (Technolgies, Games, ANimes, Etc and etc)
joseph wrote...

And what I really like in japanese girls when they are moaning. yeahh. "there is something.. ahhh.. sensation when I'm actually hearing it.. it's so cute and sexy"

lol you said it, I can't believe I missed that out on my list :lol:

Yeah, I dunno, but it turns me on too!
excentrical, even more so than the english.
im glad im japanese.
discordia wrote...
excentrical, even more so than the english.
ok then please do explain how the british are excentric... come on
is that some sort of rhetorical question?

either way, i shall pose a counter question

what nation could be considered more eccentric than the english (except for the japanese)
The Chinese, Filipinos and other Asian countries including the M.E.
they all are eccentric, with their customs.
This thread is still going?

I just made it because there was so many "What is your typical view on <Insert>" threads.
Japan is freaken win.
mnx wrote...
10 things about japanese imo:

1.they know how to work their asses off.
2.they know how to get drunk and party.
3.they know how to redefine the word "bizzare" and "freak"
4.they are polite.
5.(most of)their food is amazing.
6.they are not good creators,but the best innovators out there.
7.beautiful,beautiful culture.
8.their attention to detail is peerless.
9.their tech goodies is futuristic.
10.they contibuted hentai,cosplay,many great games and much more to the world.what can i say?

and feel free to pm me if anybody thinks that there's a mistake here.
Stole the words from my very breath. So very very true.
from a western point of view...

what i actually meant is that japan is eccentric for east asia (actually, japan is weird for any possible point of view), and england for europe
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