Whelp still behind the paywall

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Can anyone explain to me why you guys are using this site as compared to other free alternatives. Genuinely confused.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
High quality, uncensored art, supporting the actual authors, physical books, etc.
Meh 13 an month for quicker access. I find more in change in my pockets per month then that.

I'm use to paying for hentai. You get those "free" hentais because we commission them or fund the release via donations. This is just the cheaper of those. I get more from it too.
I felt the same for the longest time, was inactive for years because of it... now I'm back and seeing all the great stuff they've been able to do by having paid support. Totally worth it!
Its cheap, it supports the artists, same-day releases, uncensored art, no shitty quality scans, physical books.

Most hentai artists and publishers write off the west as a potential market due to the rampant piracy. If more sites were like Fakku and actually supported the industry we'd get more content.
Drawing Guy PRO Crastinator
Most "free" sites steal the artworks that they host on their sites, and while stealing a candy bar is cheaper than paying for it, it is still a bad thing to do. Supporting artists is a GOOD thing - it is how they are able to create their works rather than having to go work in some office. As Saito has pointed out, this piracy is so prevalent, many Japanese artists see the West as a thieving black hole that there is no reason to cater too. If you pay for their work, then that will change. This means uncensored works (something that may never be released without sites like Fakku!), translated art (where art has Japanese text would be drawn in English or possibly other languages), and even more art as more income for them means they can devote more time to their craft.

Supporting the artists should be reason enough. Like you deserve to be paid for working, they do too. You can look carefully for sites that are honest and are using their ad revenue to pay the artists, but outside of artist's individually hosted sites, I know of none. Hentai in the West is still a niche of a niche, so ad revenue is unlikely to be sufficient. Even sites like PornHub is filled with stolen works. It has the same structure as YouTube, so anyone can post anything relying on a reporting system to take stuff down. Though they have a vast ad revenue network and STILL have a pay wall for better video quality or to access videos that actually support artists (or for live videos). In short, nothing is really for free, nor should it be.

Beyond being legal and actually supporting the ability to get the content you enjoy, you personally benefit from high quality hosted works, paying for professional translations, paying for any additional work for the artist to provide uncensored and/or adjusted works for Western audiences, and for physical copies of works if you so desire.
Been here before and after their change plus help the company out with random things so my reasons personally:

- good team/group who work hard to deliver good quality content and translations. They are very open to questions and concerns which I respect very much as well.

- quality content that is treated with care which is more then I can say for most published content even non eroge related.

-fair pricing is you consider what it costs in Japan or compare prices to other subscription based goods.

- artists are compensated fairly for their work and are given opportunities no one thought possible such as guest appearances in the states and a broader fanbase that can follow and support them as close as humanly possible.

- setting a good example of how published works can look and should be treated again not even applying to eroge.

- the chance to see goods and merch that we would have never had if it wasn’t for a good team of fans who work tirelessly to make this possible.

- them giving back and helping others in return such as with helping make hentai haven a place that legally streams hentai anime.

So can’t say I’m too upset with how things have went and I’m happy to help such a lovely group of people.
cactus5390 M★I★D★O★R★I
I know I got a sub solely because well, I like doujins, I prefer them more over porn or hentai (surprisingly), the price is worth it for all the stuff you get, minus the other things that arent included in the sub (games, doujinshi, shirts, figures, etc) which is reasonable. Basically the 13-14$/month is like paying for a bunch of Japanese doujin magazine subscriptions, (which is basically what it is) that are translated and uncensored without having to just click through countless Japanese text without having any idea of whats going on..
So yeah, and there's some good free stuff too, I used to think "man it sounds dumb to be subscribing for porn" in which yeah it sounds a lil weird but It's worth it.

tldr: its worth the price
Why wouldn't you support your favorite artist be going "legal" and pay for their hard work.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Most everything I was going to say has been said already.

I'm subscribed because I want to be on the side that encourages Japan to consider the West as a potential market.

The only reason piracy is so rampant is because there's nobody (at least until now) that was willing to supply the content despite the interest. However the rampant piracy has bred entitled twats who expect their hentai to always be free, which it isn't. It should only be free on their terms, not because we expect it.
I don't know why people are downvoting you. When did people become so sensitive lol. I get what you mean. I go to free sites because they have a better selection of what I like. FAKKU! has a great offer that beats the selection though. They offer uncensored hentai, good quality, professional translations, and books

I get it though. Tbh when FAKKU! has a dry spell or a ton of content coming out that I don't like I go to the free hentai sites to get off. FAKKU! doesn't have a lot of new NTR hentai or other great authors. FAKKU! is a great site though and I feel satisfied with it

EDIT: An artist did tell me that they don't make much money doing this though
Gravity cat the adequately amused
StartingAllOver wrote...
I don't know why people are downvoting you.

It's because of the title of the post, "Whelp still behind the paywall" and the wording of "Can anyone explain to me why you guys are using this site as compared to other free alternatives." It can come off as a jab both at the site for going legit and mostly subscriber-only, and to subscribers for paying to view content when there's free content elsewhere.

The transition from pirate site to business wasn't met well with a few, and those who stayed to complain usually came off as whiny twats, so people kneejerk react those threads with downvotes. That's probably what's happening here.

If they worded it to have a bit more of a neutral tone they probably wouldn't have received the negativity, as far as rep goes.
Fakku is better because:

1) No scanning artifacts that are so common in free stuff
2) Not having to wade through shitloads of loli/ shota/ unpleasant content to find decent erotic material
3) English translations done well- coreect translation, appropriate fonts, appropriate 'sound words' written
4) No spyware, scamware or other virus etc risk
5) Viewer is really good (on windows tablet) and loads quicker, no pop-up ads
6) Able to build libraries, follow artists etc - saves having to download & curate tons of files
7) No having to go through 4 or 5 different ad-clogged sites to find works by 1 author
8) Sites loads faster & smoother than ad-infested free sites
9) Being a responsible adult and supporting the creators whose work you enjoy- encouraging those creators to create more works you enjoy.

Money talks; comments on websites,& forums mean absolutely nothing. Artists cannot pay their electricity bill with 'likes' and pageviews.
Shadow Cat Resident Yuri Fan

Supporting artists means they will be paid for their work

Supporting publications means they have more money to continue publishing. (Yes Hentai is more popular in Japan but the internet is still a thing)

Supporting both of the above means we get some really high quality books

It also means the company has the funds to try new imprints like Denpa and Kuma, two things that wouldn't be a thing if Fakku totally went a few years ago

Scan sites:

Supports the site host financially. There have been two (from what I remember) sites who have gone totally official and another that might be over the next year

But a fair few are just popup virus heaven who steal other peoples translations for profit without really giving anything back.

Final comment:

Would be happy to pay for a Sub just to read SYOU Chapters
I think the paywall is something the whole anime community has taken for granted. I'm not an expert in how the industry runs, but I believe it's fair to understand that the things we enjoy, hentai manga, doujinshi, anime, etc. Takes time to create and time could be money. I actually am a culprit of using free sites, but that's only because I have no other means of obtaining it at the moment. Ever since Fakku has started releasing h-manga and doujinshi, I've always made sure to buy them because I believe the artists and companies behind what I enjoy deserve them. To me, fakku and the "paywall" shows two major signs to the industry; that there is a desire to do things legally and fairly, and that our community is big enough to show artists and people in Japan that there is a demand enough to take us seriously.

Perhaps I'm just at that age (25) where with a job, saying I'll pay for this is much easier than before when I had no income to spend, but I feel like if that's the case, you're either too young or you're just not there yet. Personally, I'm of the type where I would rather go out of my way to do something safely and properly, than to take a risk and face potential legal issues.
Biggest reason I end up using FAKKU much more than others is the uncensored artwork. It doesn't seem like a big deal when you're first coming from reading censored hentai all the time, but then you get spoiled and seeing black bars/mosaics makes you sigh.

Similar to the previous poster, material circumstances are a factor: I'm 24 and have a good paying job so the subscription fee seems cheap for what you get (compare FAKKU's quality well-edited daily releases and well designed site to, say, Crunchyroll's unusable manga service and often sub-amateur anime translations with iffy video quality...), and buying physical books from your favorite artists is very appealing when you live alone don't have anyone to hide them from.

Finally with the recent development re: sadpanda, this will probably be the only hentai site I use for the foreseeable future. Especially until some other successor emerges, I'm now extra invested in FAKKU expanding their catalogue so that it doesn't feel like we're missing anything. In terms of stability as a successor, FAKKU has the advantages of being legit in terms of licensing, and being subject to US law which provides more artistic freedom than places like the Netherlands so they can freely publish shota content and such without the kind of legal threats that apparently took down sadpanda.
jibbers_gibbers wrote...

English translations done well- coreect translation, appropriate fonts, appropriate 'sound words' written

For the most part. Besides the occasional typo, every now and then when I'm reading it just sounds so "western porn script"-y that I'm genuinely wondering if what they wrote in Japanese is actually equivalent to things like "MC-KUN KEEP THRUSTING YOUR THICK COCK INTO MY TIGHT PUSSY", but that's usually on the less tame stuff that it gets that bad. I know there's phrases that are hard to translate and I know it's not just Fakku that does this. I've seen it on amateur and professional translations of lots of hentai media over the years, probably the worst being Visual Novels when you can hear them actually saying words that aren't the same in meaning compared to the text on screen. Regardless, for an average of 3 new chapters a day, roughly 90 new chapters per month, that's a little over 14 cents per chapter at $12.95 for high quality uncensored hentai manga. That's a pretty good deal to me, even if I personally feel like some translations are skewed to have more dirty talk in them.
Still waiting for OP to reply. I think we got him, boys.
FAKKU is the cleanest site around. The other sites can't compete with this one in terms of quality. That is worth the subscription cost.
Only $13/mo
Adds new stuff pretty frequently.
Nearly everything is uncensored.

They don't have any of the artists I like.
The way tagging and searching works (or rather, doesn't) here is awful.
(Relatively speaking) small library.

I could go on (and on) with the cons, mostly because I am very much a pessimist, but I'd say a subscription here is definitely worth it.
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