who is someone you think changed the world the most?

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Well as the name suggest, what I am asking is, who do you think changed the world the most? or made the most defining moment in history? was it Ghandi? Martin Luther King jr? Rousseau? Voltaire? who?

me personally, I think it was Barack Obama. I am not basing my decision on the fact that he is the first African American president, but because of what it meant when he became preesident. us black folk (yeah im black) had an excuse to be lazy, we all thought that being smart does not mean anything if you are black. after he got elected, we had somthing to look up to. he gave us black people a reason to want to get an education, and a reason to think smart, and not irrationally. when the decleration of independance was written, black people were not included in the freedoms it stood for. 200 years later we have a black man for president. so i think that is how he changed the world. plus it has been 43 white guys in a row.
I think Hitler made some pretty big changes.
Not very nice changes but changes none the less.
Stalin was quite a move and shaker, Mao made a difference.

On a different note I think Mandella and peacful co-existence along with Ghandi and peaceful protest (MLK+) were large changers in the maturity of human behavior and philosophy of action.

Also people can only answer this question as to their favourite changer because it's impossible to judge who made the biggest difference, especial as different people change different things.

Finnaly Obama being elected was a massive change for America but we're going to have to see how he turns out as president before he can be personnaly judged as a "changer"
I think Martin Luther King Jr. had a huge impact on the american society. One could argue that without the prerequisite of MLK's actions, Obama wouldn't even be close to being president.

On a side note, Obama didn't change the world. That just makes it sound so dramatic. All he did was break the racial barrier that kept blacks form being elected president in america, that is all.
That Jesus guy seems to be quite vital in influencing our world to become what it is today, no?
mnx wrote...
That Jesus guy seems to be quite vital in influencing our world to become what it is today, no?

Who? :?

Also, does anyone else think that this seems suspiciously like an essay topic? >.>
mnx wrote...
That Jesus guy seems to be quite vital in influencing our world to become what it is today, no?

Well, un-biasedish historians reckon the real Jesus was just some moderately awesome dude that did fairly good though not miraculous stuff for his town.

I'd say it was the hundreds of really high guys with agendas who wrote the bible who made the difference.
Scribe wrote...
mnx wrote...
That Jesus guy seems to be quite vital in influencing our world to become what it is today, no?

Well, un-biasedish historians reckon the real Jesus was just some moderately awesome dude that did fairly good though not miraculous stuff for his town.

I'd say it was the hundreds of really high guys with agendas who wrote the bible who made the difference.
If you view it from the history standpoint, yes.

Whether the description of Jesus in the bible is the truth or not, the Mr.Jesus written in the bible had some huge effect if you view it from the religious standpoint. Maybe not for me, but for some Mr.Right-wing-consevative-guy out there, perhaps?

Hell, the man is supposedly so awesome he even got so many nicknames i'm having a headache picking my fave.
mnx wrote...
That Jesus guy seems to be quite vital in influencing our world to become what it is today, no?

Jesus? The guy who works at that Taco Bell in town? Well..I guess he's changed the world...If it wasn't for him Taco bell couldn't have made those awesome tacos. (I had to do it mnx)

If I had to pick...I would say Thomas Jefferson. (I'm a fan boy sorry)

He was the third president.

The author of the Declaration if Independence.

Founder/co-founder of the Democratic–Republican Party

Founded the University of Virginia

Not to mention the Louisiana Purchase.

Hell. JFK even said once (when he invited a group of Nobel prize winners to the White house) "I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent and of human knowledge that has ever been gathered together at the White House – with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone."

Without the man America we know wouldn't exist in any shape of form nor would the ideals the country was founded one. By indirect methods without Jefferson (and the other founding fathers) the world wouldn't be the same in the ways that America has had a hand in it (WW1&2).

When you think on a larger scale you can realize that people have a larger influence than we think. If it wasn't for ww1. Lawrence of Arabia would have convinced the tribal groups in the ottoman empire to fight against the empire. Thus never leading to the creation of the Muslim Brotherhood. Nor would Israel have been created.
I think the world would not be what it is today without the efforts of countless billions, some of which might have had greater impact than others, but not so significantly that without a great many others, they wouldn't have made any difference at all. People like Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, etc., would not have had that power without followers. I'm sure there have been equally insane assholes at several points in history that didn't have the same charisma, or did their thing at the wrong point in time, and no one fallowed them.
I also think it's easier to make an impact in a negative way than a positive way. And if you try to affect the world in a positive way these days, someone tries to kill you. JFK, Gandhi, MLK, people even tried to shot Bob Marley, then God just decided cancer was better than a bullet.

I would also like to say to the black community: that's a fucking cop-out. seriously, I realize that there is still not necessarily equal education opportunities in certain areas that are mostly populated by blacks and Latinos, and all that jazz, but it shouldn't have taken a black man in the highest elected office in the country to fucking motivate you. Shit, he didn't have that example when he was a kid; granted, he didn't come from such harsh roots as such others, but all the same, nothing changes just because you want it to. There is no good excuse for an entire race of people to be lazy. What, Martin Luther King wasn't good enough for you? People both of your race and others genuinely making an effort to change the way things were in this country so that your generation wouldn't have to suffer the same thing the ones before you did didn't matter to you until you had a black guy as LEADER OF THE FUCKING FREE WORLD? If you can't get motivated before that, then you are lazy and useless, regardless of race.
I'd have to agree with that Jesus dude being a pretty pivotal character in the history of humans. I mean, some people are still celebrating his birthday even though the guy has gone missing for quite some time, they've more or less forced everyone to keep track of the year he was born (BC/AD system), some people decided to make a compilation of literary works in his honor, and reading groups meet on Sundays to listen to people read from that book.

Of course, his overall message is a great one, and I'm sure other people felt the same before his time and tried to spread the word, but he was the first to make it heard beyond his sound waves.

and.... I'll be the first to admit I'm not quite making 100% sense.
Klorofolun wrote...
mnx wrote...
That Jesus guy seems to be quite vital in influencing our world to become what it is today, no?

Who? :?

Also, does anyone else think that this seems suspiciously like an essay topic? >.>

I thought it was some sort of homework assignment or something. And it seemed like, maybe, he was fishing for an answer. But then I saw that he actually gave his own opinion on somebody who he believes changed the world. So, in my eyes... it seems legit.

As for me, I can't really say for sure. Hitler was a decent answer. Wasn't a great change, but it was a change.[/h]
faildog wrote...
I'd have to agree with that Jesus dude being a pretty pivotal character in the history of humans. I mean, some people are still celebrating his birthday even though the guy has gone missing for quite some time, they've more or less forced everyone to keep track of the year he was born (BC/AD system), some people decided to make a compilation of literary works in his honor, and reading groups meet on Sundays to listen to people read from that book.

Of course, his overall message is a great one, and I'm sure other people felt the same before his time and tried to spread the word, but he was the first to make it heard beyond his sound waves.

and.... I'll be the first to admit I'm not quite making 100% sense.

Yeah you aren't making sense; Jesus born in winter?
Dante1214 wrote...
I would also like to say to the black community: that's a fucking cop-out. seriously, I realize that there is still not necessarily equal education opportunities in certain areas that are mostly populated by blacks and Latinos, and all that jazz, but it shouldn't have taken a black man in the highest elected office in the country to fucking motivate you. Shit, he didn't have that example when he was a kid; granted, he didn't come from such harsh roots as such others, but all the same, nothing changes just because you want it to. There is no good excuse for an entire race of people to be lazy. What, Martin Luther King wasn't good enough for you? People both of your race and others genuinely making an effort to change the way things were in this country so that your generation wouldn't have to suffer the same thing the ones before you did didn't matter to you until you had a black guy as LEADER OF THE FUCKING FREE WORLD? If you can't get motivated before that, then you are lazy and useless, regardless of race.

I'm glad you said it. Anyways, I fully endorse this product and or service.
I'm going a different route than everyone else. I'm thinking that a person who has changed the world the most is an inventor. I'm not sure which one, but inventors have done a lot for us, and depending on the invention, they could have made something that nearly every person in the world uses.

Take Thomas Edison - he invented a ton of shit, and a lot of it is either still used today or has been modified so that it's still used today.

Another, Albert Einstein - not necessarily an inventor, but without him, the atomic bomb may never have been created, and that bomb has affected a whole lot of people. Without it, Japan would have quite a few more people right now, and the Cold War never would have happened.

How about the guy who invented the air conditioner? I don't know who it was, but air conditioning ROCKS! Stick that up your ass, mother nature!

What I'm trying to say is, a person standing up and saying things can have a huge effect, but it won't effect nearly as many people as inventing something good that everyone can use. After a hundred years, people may not care what the speaker said (or it may not be relevant), but they could still be using toilets, made long before the speaker was even born.

4chan, and everything that followed, resulted from one simple 15-year-old.

Indeed, we can say that his contribution to the decline of internet courtesy and sharp rise in stupidity is comparable in greatness to intellectual movements such as the Renaissance or Enlightenment. Only having an opposite effect to the human Psyche.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
in all seriousness the idea of Jesus Christ has had the biggest effect on this world, be it positive or negative he has affected EVERYTHING. As far as a single human being I would say the creators of mass communication devices such as the telephone, and internet (not Al Gore) have had the most impact, they have made it possible for us to move humanity along much further and much faster than we would had these devices not existed.
Zeth Wheeler. He invented toilet paper.
people who made 2d girls? or anime and mangas.
[size=10]no need for explainations. :P [/h]
I say Hitler
What other crazy person would do the things he's done,If he won the war hentai would probly not be invented.
ZomgAsdf wrote...
I say Hitler
What other crazy person would do the things he's done,If he won the war hentai would probly not be invented.

On the contrary, Japan was part of the alliance with Hitler's Germany, so going by the conclusion of If Hitler Won, we'd still have hentai. In fact it might've been in much more abundance since Japan would have all the territories gained from winning alongside Germany.
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