Would you keep it?

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Keep the money even if you saw the person drop it?

Total Votes : 39
So hypothetically you see a little old lady drop a 20 dollar bill. She does not know she dropped it. She's walking off, and you pick it up. Do you Return the money or keep it?

This actually happened to me tonight, so I'll answer my question, I returned the money. My Moral Fiber will no let me keep something when I know who the rightful owner is. But in all seriousness, what would you do?
I'd probably return it. I thought about it for like 5 seconds.
I would return it. Though, I had a similar situation where I found a $100 bill on the ground in a grocery store. Couldn't find someone nearby who I figured it belong to so I just kept it.

Events like these can make us question our stance on karma and luck.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
I would return it. Though, I had a similar situation where I found a $100 bill on the ground in a grocery store. Couldn't find someone nearby who I figured it belong to so I just kept it.

Events like these can make us question our stance on karma and luck.

That is the same way I am, though I do not believe in luck. Karma on the other hand I do believe in. I believe that if you do good upon others, good will come back upon you.

I never take tips, unless they force me to(Believe me it's happened, one little old lady shoved a 5 dollar bill in my pocket when I refused to take it.)
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
I never take tips, unless they force me to(Believe me it's happened, one little old lady shoved a 5 dollar bill in my pocket when I refused to take it.)

Nah, she just wanted to feel ya up. The five bucks was hush money or a tip. You know like how girls like to tip male dancers just to get to touch them.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
I never take tips, unless they force me to(Believe me it's happened, one little old lady shoved a 5 dollar bill in my pocket when I refused to take it.)

Nah, she just wanted to feel ya up. The five bucks was hush money or a tip. You know like how girls like to tip male dancers just to get to touch them.

Lol That put bad mental images in my head >_< (The old lady wanting to feel me up)
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
I never take tips, unless they force me to(Believe me it's happened, one little old lady shoved a 5 dollar bill in my pocket when I refused to take it.)

Nah, she just wanted to feel ya up. The five bucks was hush money or a tip. You know like how girls like to tip male dancers just to get to touch them.

Lol That put bad mental images in my head >_< (The old lady wanting to feel me up)

Fine, to make amends. Picture one of these girls feeling you up instead.

I think I could live wih beeing mobbed by these

i'll reconsider if the 'ma dropped this instead.
Forum Image: http://www.my-burden.com/images/1MillionDollarBill01.gif

-novelty alert-
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
I think I could live wih beeing mobbed by these

Not if there was more than four of them. You never

Go over four.
I'd return it but srsly if you see a huge sum of money lying in front of you without anyone around, what would you do?
Hypothetically I'd engage the little old lady in a conversation, judge her personality and decide afterwards.
That's a waste of time. She'd probably try and cop a feel on you, as hinted by Fiery Penguin.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
If there was a large sum of money and no one was around, you can't exactly just take it to customer service and have them page lost money. Everyone and their mom would claim its theirs, plus who's to say customer service wouldn't steal it?

There was only one time I found money and it was a whole wallet on one of those racing games in the lobby of Wal-Mart, he had like $200 and all his info and credit cards and we called him up and gave him it

But, if it were just $200 laying there naked, and nobody around? I'd keep it, why not? The next person who sees it will if I don't.
If I knew who it belonged to, then of course I would return it. On the other hand, if I didn't know who the money belonged to, then finders keepers, right?
Fine, to make amends. Picture one of these girls feeling you up instead.


this was one of the girls on the page...
Forum Image: http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w65/altamont10/hot_girl.jpg
biglw17 wrote...
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...

Fine, to make amends. Picture one of these girls feeling you up instead.


this was one of the girls on the page...
Forum Image: http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w65/altamont10/hot_girl.jpg

I saw that too. I wonder if someone would have that feel them up?
GourmetPrince wrote...
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
I think I could live wih beeing mobbed by these

Not if there was more than four of them. You never

Go over four.

Only when they are not that hot, but just looking a that picture my flag is at half mast.
[size=10]Well it depends....

If I don't know you, I'll return it.
If I like you, I'll return it.
If I hate you, I'll keep it.

Lol, but I voted return it.. since it's right.[/h]
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