360 or PS3

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echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
I know this may have been made before but I didn't see it on the list of video game threads. So I want to ask which one I should buy. It seems to me that these days you can get either one for around the same price. And almost all big time games release on both systems. So Im not sure which one would be better. I don't really play online at all so im not terribly worried about who has a better network.
depends on what stuff you want.

Ps3 more japanese and rpg's, free online play, better made console but mostly shit libary of games.
360 has more shooters and fighting games, pay for online but better online then ps3, third gen console is ok, not enough import or weeb games.

I have both but i never use them because my cunt of a bro hogs them. Also free xbox live for me.
Do have both as well, but seem to use my PS3 a lot more than the 360. Of course that's because more than anything I like to play RPGs on my consoles and the PS3 has always been good for that. In the end though not sure either has come even close to the success of the PS2. Could just shelve both modern systems and replay all the great games released on that one.
I'd say get a PS3. You don't plan to play online so that edge the 360 has doesn't apply to you. The majority of games are multi-platform, so you could always get them on the PS3. One thing to note, the PS3 has more exclusives than the 360, including JRPGs and Japanese theme games. First party games are more vast, though that doesn't really mean anything if you don't like most of them. The PS3 it's a better value in the end if you like games and don't care about the extra services Xbox Live offers.

Of course, this is only my opinion. I own the three systems and play them equally depending on the game I'm scheduled to play. If you are still uncertain, you could wait for E3 to see what the future may offer for both of them. Though the library for both systems is quite huge as it is, especially if you are jumping into this generation right now.
I can't really choose one over the other, i own a PS3 and i enjoy playing RPG's and FPS on it. But the 360 is pretty good as well. Its really what you look for in your gaming console. 360 is better for online play and has a good list of games. PS3 is awesome game play and some coll games (though limited in selection). If you end up getting a PlayStation feel free to add me.
They both have their own exclusives. So it really depends on which one has the exclusives you want really.
PS3 for: Final Fantasy, Ratchet & Clank, Ridge Racer, BF3 (haven't played that though), and Kingdom Hearts pretty much in my view.

Xbox 360: Halo, CoD, Star Wars, just pretty much every shooter.

I prefer shooters on my 360, but any racing game or rpg-like I want it to look nice and pretty on my PS3. Each has it's own exclusives.

For online play, top to bottom:
1. PC
2. 360
3. PS3
94585859475: Wii (lol)
Xbox 360.
Add me sometime.
Pm for IGN.
It's all about the exclusives to be honest, and in this case PS3 wins. Take out Gear and Halo and PS3 now has everything 360 has.

Now why buy a console when you can just make a better PC rig? :tf:
Depends which one u like me and my friend have xbox and ps3 we both play em but we prefer Xbox if you get Xbox add my budd R0YA1xPA1N don't tell him i sent u he's awkward and uh hard to handle with his sick mind my Xbox broke I play with his now and he doesn't go on hentai or anything like this so yeah.....
I would say PS3, mainly because Its sorta like a computer for web browsing. (Also the XBOX 360 controller is impossible to use in my opinion)
single player games - PS3
Multiplayer games with friends - xbox 360
(just my opinion)
Shinzumakami wrote...
(Also the XBOX 360 controller is impossible to use in my opinion)

Funny. Cuz I feel the exact same way about the Playstation controller...
psbox362 wrote...
Shinzumakami wrote...
(Also the XBOX 360 controller is impossible to use in my opinion)

Funny. Cuz I feel the exact same way about the Playstation controller...

The X-Box controller shares a similar design as the Ps3 controller. Its more difficult to use the X-Box controller because of its bulky feel. Practically the Ps3 controller is more easy anybody can use it, saying the Ps3 controller is more difficult to use than the X-Box controller is like saying You can't work a Television, but you can work a computer.
(Also your name sort of seems like a combination of Ps2 and X-Box 360, which the Ps2 and Ps3 share same designs)
Shinzumakami wrote...
psbox362 wrote...
Shinzumakami wrote...
(Also the XBOX 360 controller is impossible to use in my opinion)

Funny. Cuz I feel the exact same way about the Playstation controller...

The X-Box controller shares a similar design as the Ps3 controller. Its more difficult to use the X-Box controller because of its bulky feel. Practically the Ps3 controller is more easy anybody can use it, saying the Ps3 controller is more difficult to use than the X-Box controller is like saying You can't work a Television, but you can work a computer.
(Also your name sort of seems like a combination of Ps2 and X-Box 360, which the Ps2 and Ps3 share same designs)

Okay, what you just said made little to no sense. It's a simple matter of ergonomics and personal opinions. I don't like the playstation controller because it's shape never felt right in my hands. It felt like I was forcing my hands into a slightly awkward position as I'm holding it. Largely due to the position of the analog sticks and bumpers. However, I don't feel that way with the xbox nor 360 controllers because their size, shape, and even weight have a more comfortable feel, in my opinion, which is why I prefer it so much over the playstation controllers.
psbox362 wrote...
Okay, what you just said made little to no sense. It's a simple matter of ergonomics and personal opinions. I don't like the playstation controller because it's shape never felt right in my hands. It felt like I was forcing my hands into a slightly awkward position as I'm holding it. Largely due to the position of the analog sticks and bumpers. However, I don't feel that way with the xbox nor 360 controllers because their size, shape, and even weight have a more comfortable feel, in my opinion, which is why I prefer it so much over the playstation controllers.

Well i'm not all that great in descriptions. I'm way to lazy to start an argument over controllers, so lets just say your the only person who hates the PS3 controller.
(Also don't quote back saying how your friends hate Ps3 controller, because their not part of this conversation/ argument.
Played X360 longer, the 360's controller feels better. And the online is somewhat better.

Ps3 is overall better tho.
I prefer the PS3. The online features are free, comes in lots of options, all around a good system to have. It's also a lot more simplified.
Shinzumakami wrote...
psbox362 wrote...
Okay, what you just said made little to no sense. It's a simple matter of ergonomics and personal opinions. I don't like the playstation controller because it's shape never felt right in my hands. It felt like I was forcing my hands into a slightly awkward position as I'm holding it. Largely due to the position of the analog sticks and bumpers. However, I don't feel that way with the xbox nor 360 controllers because their size, shape, and even weight have a more comfortable feel, in my opinion, which is why I prefer it so much over the playstation controllers.

Well i'm not all that great in descriptions. I'm way to lazy to start an argument over controllers, so lets just say your the only person who hates the PS3 controller.
(Also don't quote back saying how your friends hate Ps3 controller, because their not part of this conversation/ argument.

Okay, one; it was your simile invovling TVs and computers that made me question what you were saying. Had nothing to do with descriptions. Two, I wasn't starting an arguement, but merely explaining my own preference of the xbox and 360 controllers over their playstation counterparts. And three, at what point did I bring friends into the conversation?
psbox362 wrote...
Okay, one; it was your simile invovling TVs and computers that made me question what you were saying. Had nothing to do with descriptions. Two, I wasn't starting an arguement, but merely explaining my own preference of the xbox and 360 controllers over their playstation counterparts. And three, at what point did I bring friends into the conversation?

Sorry I typed that while I was extremely sleepy so I had no idea what I was saying properly. But right now I feel like this is going nowhere so I'll just say.
Ps3 = Internet browser, Better exclusives, and a more friendly community (Trust me alot of Xbox 360 players are douche-bags)
Xbox 360 - Cross Game Chat, More clean settings, and Proflies.

One thing that I'm confused about is the online? Both Ps3 and Xbox 360 have same feel in online multiplayer. I see no difference in both online, makes me question why people say Xbox 360 online is better? Only + I see is Cross game chat.
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