Clannad: 8 light locations

Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
So I'm following the 300 hour walkthrough guide, and it mentions these 8 lights to collect. And when it gets to a part where the light supposedly is supposed to be, I don't see anything ;| Am I supposed to do anything specifically?

The guide is like: [1] Help her (this scene will not appear if your previous route is not Sagare Misae) (Misae's light GET) <_< but on the spot where it says that, I literally don't see anything ;| What am I doing wrong?
Kaimax Best Master-San
There's no "obvious" sign that when you get the Orbs of Light. You won't know realize that you'll get it, same as what happened in the anime. Tomoya never realizes that the Light orbs legend is real.

The common thing is, Get all Good ends with all characters = getting all orbs of light.

Just follow your walktrough and you'll unlock the True Route.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Okay :) Thanks


Actually, there's a random scene I briefly seen where a hand if held out and an orb falls into the hand. I seen it twice this path - and I supposedly was to find 2 lights. I wonder if there's any connection.
Collecting enough lights (I think 10?) unlock the After Story. Yes, there is an animation showing that you grabbed the orb. Are you sure you did Misae's route immediately before doing the one you're doing right now (I think that's Tomoyo's route, if I remember correctly?), because if not, the choice won't even appear. Not all the time do you get the person's light in their route. Sometimes you get their light from someone else's route, or even the After Story.

Anyways, Yukine's route thoroughly explains what the lights are all about.