Defense of the Ancients 2

Volvo might also do the wrong thing and split down the price pool to the lower placements.
CIS played like shit because visa issues and no training.
VP is always throwing.
MVP Phoenix did a good job but somehow losing their momentum after game 1 against Liquid.

Congrats for Liquid.

This is fuckin real, people.
Damn. How in the fuck LGD is still alive until this far.
How is clown9 still alive... oh right, Sing keeps getting Ember. Carrying his team in every sense.
DK 4th and EG 3rd.

Chinese domination. Personally rooting for VG, but I think Newbee will win this one. They have better record.
Was rooting for C9, then they fell D:

Now I'm rooting for VG, but Newbee seems strong as well, so I just hope for the best of the two
Those drafts hurt my soul.
The Grand Finals was so anticlimactic and boring.

I'm happy that Newbee won, and they deserve it, but damn, that was the most boring TI finals I've ever witnessed, even more so noticeable when you compare it to last year's Finals.

It felt like VG didn't even try after the 1st round, they just kept on picking pretty much the same drafts for game 2-4, not to mention the casual GG's.

Who wouldn't feel like VG threw the game after all that?
Same bans and picks every game, this is like DotA turned league of lesbians. Fuck chinese teams, fuck this patch and fuck the current meta.
For those that don't know, there's a new team called Secret made by Puppey and S4, the members are Kuroky, S4, Puppey, BigDaddy and Fly.

Saw their game today against VP =D was a great match too see, Koro got 14-0 godlike killstreak in the first 13 mins xD
My favourite players in one team. Maybe ice^3 instead of Fly and it would be perfect.
Anyone else ever get so pissed off with the people in solo mmr that you feel like quitting for good? X.x
How bout going to normal matches?

I stopped caring about ranked after ti4 because the current 'meta' feels stale and of course tryharders. I'm stuck on 4.3-4.5 and fine with it.

or you can smurf and do dumb/not-meta builds
I stopped playing solo entirely when they removed the "true" solo queue. The one thing thats pissing me off in mobas is unfair matchmaking, i.e. 2stack + 3 randoms vs 5stack.
i seem to always get idiots that feed like hell when i solo, adn then they blame it on the others...

As for my mmr it's only 2400, only had 1200 games total and my luck is sadly that i get people that constantly feed about 80% of the time, i only know a few people with simular games as me and they dont play too often so if i join my other friends i'm stuck in a 2300+ game circle x.x (enemy is hard... and i get yelled at...)
Well maybe we should organize if it's too much of a problem.
RosarioLight, give dotabuff
had a better win-rate a while ago but the recent solo mmr matches have somewhat been my downfall x.x maybe a week with no pc is a good thing.... lol

6.82 soon

I guess I'll stay in normal matches now.