Far Cry Primal


Looks fucking sweet. Far Cry 4 was fun as hell to play with a good story {ending spoilers}
even if the country was screwed no matter what you did
.It will be interesting to see how they balance the game with no guns as previously you character was pretty squishy to damage requiring more stealthily approaches, but hell your a caveman should be able to take a hit better. And now you can tame beasts I've seen owls, wolves, bear and mammoths being sent to tear enemies a new one, stilling hoping you'll get a saber-tooth also.
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
waynoinsano wrote...

Looks fucking sweet. Far Cry 4 was fun as hell to play with a good story {ending spoilers}
even if the country was screwed no matter what you did
.It will be interesting to see how they balance the game with no guns as previously you character was pretty squishy to damage requiring more stealthily approaches, but hell your a caveman should be able to take a hit better. And now you can tame beasts I've seen owls, wolves, bear and mammoths being sent to tear enemies a new one, stilling hoping you'll get a saber-tooth also.

Good idea, though I like Horizon Zero Dawn more.

Then I stop caring about Horizen since its a PS4 exclusive.

I'd like to play it, but I won't want to own it.

Somehow i think it will be released broken and only bandaids hold it together.