
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Did anyone pick up their copy today? I did and so far it's pretty fun. Havn't gotten that far, only on chapter 1 of Ellen's story.
Never heard of it. What kinda game is it? Console or PC?
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
It's a PS3 game. Action/RPG.

Girl story: She gets a letter from, who she thinks is her dead mother, to come to a certain village to find her. The village is said to be a place to meet the dead. Eventually you go to the underworld to find your mother and try to remember the past that you've forgotten.

Guy story: You're a supernatural magazine reporter. You receive a phone call from a woman asking for help, saying that faeries will kill her. You go to the village to investigate.

The stories are supposed to intersect.



Cloak Transformation:
Hmm, looks ok. Seems pretty generic, what I'd expect for a new system. Kinda like Evergrace was for ps2, nothin special, had it's share of flaws but fun nonetheless, may be worth picking out of a bargain bin for a few bucks in a couple years.

If I ever buy a ps3 and stumble across this for a few dollars I may look into it.
I tried the demo, but I thought it was a little boring, to be honest...
after watching the story and the gameplay i have to say it looks like a fusion of resident evil 4 + onimusha 4 + a little bit of blood rayne. Dont u think ??
played it myself for a couple of hours and i have to say im not impressed at all this could have been so much more and ya have to admit the soul rippin minigame after every kill is kinda retarded i stoped playing cuz my arm hurt its lair all over again but i digress the graphics are good but not up to PS3 par and story is actually pretty good but the loading is probably the worst i've had yet on ps3 the music is the best part about the game though amazing score 2 of 5 for me
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
I've never gotten physically tired from playing this game. You just flick your wrist upwards to absorb or tilt the controller left and right to pound the soul into the ground.

Graphically, it's no Heavenly Sword, but it was visually pleasing to me.

I didn't mind the loading times, it seems as time goes by people are complaining more and more about that. Although, I did install it to the HD to cut back on loading time.


Sort of rmeinds me of silent hill + something else