help on final fantasy 7

so, right now im on disc 2 i just finished the part where i end up escaping that city witht the big ass cannon via airship. through out the dialouge the characters where talking about how now we must save cloud as i talked to red he said to check the north crader for the life stream that there is also a small island that i can land on for the search, he also said the the life stream sometimes comes out via south island but i dont see shit. the only thing that i see is some big ord in the north crader that every time i get near it it pushes me back. i have been stuck at this part for 2 weeks now i i lost all hope untill i thought of asking for help here. i tried finding help on google but all those damn links dont help for shit!!! if you can tell me what to do i will love you forever and ill +rep you.
I can't remember the exact thing, but I'm very sure you can find the answer here.
The part where you get the airship? It's the same part where I got stuck. That game is ass.
The southern Island to the right is called Mideel if you hit triangle you can see if you're at the right place, go inside and head to the top of the town to find a clinic,Cloud is inside.
When you first escape from Junon did you go to Mideel where Cloud is? If so you have to go Mt. Coeal to do and event. Then after you go to Fort Condor then finally go back to Mideel where Cloud's past is finally comes to light. Its about 30 mintues long so grab a snack while your at it.
ok cool, thanks for your help im back on track agian