League of Legends (LoL)

@Saphaer- Kennen is awesome. Love that little ninja. How's anivia and karma doing for you? My friend is thinking about trying Karma and anivia was the first champ that caught my eye.

@Rosalina- How is Akali? Every time I save up for a champ, Akali is always one of the choices I have in mind, but I tend to go for other roles first.


@BlackCat- Miss Fortune is good, I use her on the side. I am on the U.S server though. (username is djquakquak for those who care)
SmityWerbenJagerManJensen wrote...
@Saphaer- Kennen is awesome. Love that little ninja. How's anivia and karma doing for you? My friend is thinking about trying Karma and anivia was the first champ that caught my eye.

@Rosalina- How is Akali? Every time I save up for a champ, Akali is always one of the choices I have in mind, but I tend to go for other roles first.

I know you're not really directly talking to me but i have all three of the champs and i play them occasionally aswell XD

Karma- she has an awesome shield ;) trully annoying against but awesome on your team, her ulti isnt that great imo tho ;x only really buffs her next skill. And her lil mini heal is nice too, acts as an attack aswell XD

Anivia- i think is really good, her wall is great especially if you're focusing one from the rest of the team or running away/chasing then blocking the path. Her passive is a free gaurdian angel if your egg's not killed x.x but i always try to die somewhere safe or not at all XD since you have good range ;3 and if you land the combo right it's like 3/4 of their hp gone XD usually.
Good CC champ with a stun and lots of slow, plus a wall XD

Akali- Hmm, i dont play her often since i prefer irelia <3 but she's got a nice passive, which really powers her up and her orb really comes in handy when running away or when you're trying to kill. Like all assassins you mainly come in kill the squishy dps then runaway, but she's rather quishy herself and she doesnt have lifesteal usually (depends how you build her).

Just my opinion but i find irelia much better, more cc plus lifesteal for survivability and she has a normal skill thats like akali's ulti when you dive towards the target and better base stats :x

Only thing akali has got over irelia is the orb so really up to you XD but i just occasionally pick them so i'm sure rosalina and saphaer could probably correct if i'm wrong and give more insight ;3


I agree MF is awesome, but even if i'm overfed i cant escape very well if the other team purposely goes after me first and my team is nowhere in sight or are insight but runaway XD
I would only play her if someone chooses galio or amumu, or any other champs thats got a good aoe stun/slow knock up... that + her ulti is like mass killing XD
Thanks for the info BlackCat! Especially about Akali vs Irelia, because Irelia is another champ that caught my interest so its cool of you to compare both of them for me.

And you are right about having Amumu and MF together, their ults together are devastating. She is one of the champs that is hard to escape with, so I just tend to be more careful then normal. Use her slow to get away, or if you've been hit use the slow to hopefully buy time to start your passive up. If you're caught in a gank against good players though, chances are its back to fountain as MF.

Anivia I know is pretty good, I am just reluctant to buy her because a lot of people say she is one of the hardest champs to get good with. Just worried I will buy her, but before I get good with her I will find another champ I like/do better with and that IP was wasted.
SmityWerbenJagerManJensen wrote...
Thanks for the info BlackCat! Especially about Akali vs Irelia, because Irelia is another champ that caught my interest so its cool of you to compare both of them for me.

And you are right about having Amumu and MF together, their ults together are devastating. She is one of the champs that is hard to escape with, so I just tend to be more careful then normal. Use her slow to get away, or if you've been hit use the slow to hopefully buy time to start your passive up. If you're caught in a gank against good players though, chances are its back to fountain as MF.

Anivia I know is pretty good, I am just reluctant to buy her because a lot of people say she is one of the hardest champs to get good with. Just worried I will buy her, but before I get good with her I will find another champ I like/do better with and that IP was wasted.

No problem, i know that feeling it's like 100 questions wether to buy that champ and alot of maybe i want this other champ XD But i've unlocked 48/76 champs so far, if you have any questions on another champ feel free to ask ;3 if i have that champ ofc XD

Yeah, i know what you mean about using rain to escape and it's the case of 4/5v1 since i'm usually fed when i play mf in mid then gank top and bot for more kills and what i mean is out of 1/3 ganks, but if flash is on cooldown and the rain doesnt slow them enough or one comes from behind or some from sides, nothing can be done.

I think Anivia is abit hard to use due to being really squishy and a skillshot in her combo, but i'm used to being squishy and skillshot champs so i think if you practice at skillshooting or if you're good already then shouldnt be too bad, but also wall placement/timing.

I've had an awful anivia before that actually helped the enemy escape since we got blocked by the wall from chasing.
Lol exactly! Not only do you have to consider what the champ brings, but who else is similar. Unlike my friend who bought 10 champs by now and he doesn't like any of them, I try to weigh my options xD

Yeah, if rain doesn't work and summoner's are on CD, it's over. That's why I prefer Kennen right now because even in dire situations, he's got the dash and chance to stun with any of his moves plus I take Cleanse and Ghost to help.

Yeah, I've gotten good with skillshots (thanks again to Kennen ;D), and when I did play anivia the weeks she was free, I got the hang of her unique SS. It's the wall I am worried about, I want to avoid being one of those you mentioned that lets the enemy escape...
Anivia? Squishy? Anivia is one of the most dangerous heroes in the game. The only hard thing about her that I can think of is maybe having the right runes and masteries. To put it simply, the best Anivia is best at early game. Her early combo is extremely misleading. Her ice arrow does an incredible nuke/burst damage that can take out a third of your health, but only during lanes. Even then, if she gets fed...

Her passive lets her always have early game dominance, because harassment doesn't even mean anything, and your jungle will just waste a gank.

I play Jax, Urgot, Katarina, Gragas, and Taric. My jungle Jax jungles faster than a WW, and can gank at full health at level 3. My Jax can go hybrid, AD dps, AP dps, or tank. And all I have to do is switch masteries and summoner spells. You could say I main Jax.
Cool, I haven't seen many Jax's lately. Always nice to see someone main a champ you don't see in every other match lol.
NeoStriker wrote...
Anivia? Squishy? Anivia is one of the most dangerous heroes in the game. The only hard thing about her that I can think of is maybe having the right runes and masteries. To put it simply, the best Anivia is best at early game. Her early combo is extremely misleading. Her ice arrow does an incredible nuke/burst damage that can take out a third of your health, but only during lanes. Even then, if she gets fed...

Her passive lets her always have early game dominance, because harassment doesn't even mean anything, and your jungle will just waste a gank.

I play Jax, Urgot, Katarina, Gragas, and Taric. My jungle Jax jungles faster than a WW, and can gank at full health at level 3. My Jax can go hybrid, AD dps, AP dps, or tank. And all I have to do is switch masteries and summoner spells. You could say I main Jax.

most casters and carries are squishy ;p unless you have alot of hp runes or use some doran items for the extra 100 or so hp, but i dont use hp runes often with casters and carries, i use them for my tank and support rune page, and well doran items depends on the player's playstyle. I differ my starter items if i can kill better with it, like i guess who i might be facing in mid or a lane XD

But i agree anivia is ownage used right ;p but she is also easy to kill if you know how xD plus she never or hardly gets many nerfs, lol.

Ohh jax :3 i dont play him often, usually in 3v3 and he wins games ^^ what items do you usually get for him?
BlackCat 0w0 wrote...
most casters and carries are squishy ;p unless you have alot of hp runes or use some doran items for the extra 100 or so hp, but i dont use hp runes often with casters and carries, i use them for my tank and support rune page, and well doran items depends on the player's playstyle. I differ my starter items if i can kill better with it, like i guess who i might be facing in mid or a lane XD

But i agree anivia is ownage used right ;p but she is also easy to kill if you know how xD plus she never or hardly gets many nerfs, lol.

Ohh jax :3 i dont play him often, usually in 3v3 and he wins games ^^ what items do you usually get for him?

I've noticed a small trend in the 6300 IP mages, they're usually "bulkier" than most, and I believe their escape mechanisms are trickier to use. I believe only ranged carries are actually squishy. Mages and melee carries are normal. Tanks are just bulky. In my experience, a good Anivia generally dominates mid lane, because while the two mid solos are usually eye-to-eye, Anivia can generally harass without impunity and then force a fight to the death, because she basically has a second health bar, meaning she gets off scot-free. The best and probably only way to play against her in mid is to play extremely defensively. But they usually slow down after lanes. This is all in my experience, and, in my opinion, the most effective way to play an Anivia.

I'm mesmerized by the unpopular and unorthodox champions. In my eyes, those words only mean "unique".

My Jax uses 6 armor pen marks and 3 magic pen marks. 9 dodge seals, and 9 flat ability power glyphs. My quints are also dodge. Using 9 attack speed marks only gave me a slightly faster jungle; the full penetration marks didn't really slow me down at all, really, and ganks were much more possible with the better nuking. In fact, I think I should switch to full magic pen marks...

If I'm going jungle, I switch to 21 offense and 9 defense. Regardless, I can still play as AD, AP, or hybrid, but unfortunately, not tank. I get smite and exhaust.

If I'm laning, I switch to 9 offense and 21 defense. My summoner spells are flash and cleanse. With this build, I can be anything I want to build Jax...!

The "core" would be ninja tabi and a hextech gunblade. I don't get rageblade anymore. You almost never, ever really "slug it out" long enough to reach max stacks, and then still be able to take advantage of it.

If I'm jungling, I usually get ninja tabi like right after level 3 and that gank attempt. Then, I go for a phage, for even better ganking potential (diving towers, sometimes slowing them). Right after that, Depending on my team, I either get bilgewater cutlass or hextech revolver first, depending on AD or AP. Then, I move onto sheen or zeal, depending on AD or AP. If I'm going hybrid, I work on getting them all.

If AD, I would usually have ninja tabi, hextech gunblade, frozen mallet, phantom dancer, infinity edge, and finally black cleaver. Crits are important. Imagine his AP ulti hits mixed in with crits.

If AP, I would usually have ninja tabi, hextech gunblade, frozen mallet, lich bane, nashor's tooth, and a rabadon's deathcap.

If hybrid, I would usually have ninja tabi, hextech gunblade, frozen mallet, phantom dancer, lich bane, and a nashor's tooth. But really, that last spot is your wild card.

If tank, I would usually have ninja tabi, trinity force, banshee's veil, atma's impaler, a hextech gunblade, and a randuin's omen.

Overall, timing is the best way to play Jax. You need to have an understanding of the flow of the game, the ability of your teammates, and the ability of your enemies. Ideally, you should jump in when the heat of battle is already raging, and go for the weakest. In my opinion, Jax is the best way to really learn how to control the game, or at least gain a mastery of items and attain a strong foresight.

PS. I love Jax.
SmityWerbenJagerManJensen wrote...

@Rosalina- How is Akali? Every time I save up for a champ, Akali is always one of the choices I have in mind, but I tend to go for other roles first.

Akali is a situational hero. Think of pizza for example when it gets out of the oven it deteriorates over time. In Akali's case its go in hit fast and hard, The longer your in the fight the less damage you'll do. In the case shes basically anti carry anything with low hp or almost dead will die by her since her main goal is to enter team fights and take out the weakened or weakest. Main drawback is anything that in the aspect is tanky will be able to take her down in fights. Oh and best way to start an Akali is having at-least 10 ap and ad in runes and mastery to get her passive activated.
@Neo- I have a strange feeling that you like Jax...just not sure why...

NeoStriker wrote...
I love Jax.

...Hmm...don't know why I got that feeling...

And agreed, champs that are not part of the mainstream grab my attention, always look out for them on the free weeks.

@Rosalina- Thanks, and very cool analogy. Basically a get in, get out quick and leave nothing but a corpse behind champ. I am also a fan of her ult and how it uses a separate resource than her other moves. Have a lot of champs to get to trying lol...

What's everyone's take on 'Roaming'? I personally am not a fan of it, both in doing it and it as a role altogether.
I played this game a few months ago, got really into it and found the best champion for me - Poppy. I freaking love that character. If the game really drags on and I get all 6 of my weapons I do around 800-1200 per hit. A few times I've singlehandedly killed the whole team (Though not at the same time, I got a quad and then ran after the last one).

Poppy is definitely one of the strongest champions in the game and feels just right for me. Cass is also pretty dang good.
SmityWerbenJagerManJensen wrote...

What's everyone's take on 'Roaming'? I personally am not a fan of it, both in doing it and it as a role altogether.

For Akali Roaming is required since its her main role so i do it often when i know my lane is safe. Same with many champions with good gank potentials. For me i roam when i see easy targets.
Rosalina wrote...
For Akali Roaming is required since its her main role so i do it often when i know my lane is safe. Same with many champions with good gank potentials. For me i roam when i see easy targets.

That I can understand and agree with, but what I mean is taking out a champ from lane for nearly the whole lane phase and having them run between lanes to harass enemy. True, it makes for 3 solo lanes, but that roamer will be under leveled if it can't get any successful ganks off seeing as that would it it's main cashflow. And the main Roamer used is Alistar, arguably one of the best laners so taking him out of lane seems pointless. I've tried Roaming with Akali, and while she is great at it, doing it all of lane phase I can't get behind.

EDIT- Basically, if Roamer does it's job, it can help. But I just see it is too easy to counter it, and once you do it will be a 4v5.

Oh, and I am testing a new Kennen build, want to know what someone else thinks;

Sorcery Shoes
Moonflair Blade
Kage's Pick (later upgraded to Deathfire Grasp or sold)
Haunting Guise
Rylai's Scepter
Sheen (upgrade to Lich Bane if game is long enough)
*Depends on flow of game, Substitute items for Deathfire are Zhonya's Hourglass or Abyssal Scepter

Doesn't give as high an AP as the recommended build or other builds I've seen, but it is more realistic in that you don't need 4 3k items like most guides suggest. Plus, you still get a good amount of AP, magic pen, and Sheen/Lich's passive boosts your auto-attack for a good amount.

Full of holes? Yes. Could it be the worst build ever and I have no clue what I am doing? Tis possible. Lemme know what you think if you want.
Wow! A lot of you guys seem to know what you are talking about! Anyway, was there any significant changes to Teemo?

I don't know if this has been gone over but this thread should be all threads for premading(sounds funny, not even a word either), match up info, and just valuable resources!
vietxmikey wrote...
Wow! A lot of you guys seem to know what you are talking about! Anyway, was there any significant changes to Teemo?

Well none too recent, but a bit ago I think they nerfed his speed buff a bit. I don't play teemo, so not sure how drastic he's changed.

I don't know if this has been gone over but this thread should be all threads for premading(sounds funny, not even a word either), match up info, and just valuable resources!

Well if you ever have any questions, feel free to ask and I am sure someone here (myself included if I can) will answer them and give you advice on whatever you need. ^^;;
His mushrooms have been nerfed slightly so you cant generate as much mushrooms


Latest Patch,or upcoming anyway
SmityWerbenJagerManJensen wrote...
vietxmikey wrote...
Wow! A lot of you guys seem to know what you are talking about! Anyway, was there any significant changes to Teemo?

Well none too recent, but a bit ago I think they nerfed his speed buff a bit. I don't play teemo, so not sure how drastic he's changed.

I don't know if this has been gone over but this thread should be all threads for premading(sounds funny, not even a word either), match up info, and just valuable resources!

Well if you ever have any questions, feel free to ask and I am sure someone here (myself included if I can) will answer them and give you advice on whatever you need. ^^;;

Alright thanks! Yeah, I was expecting not a lot of people to play Teemo. He just doesn't feel the same, though, a lot of people claims that he hardly changed. I just came back to this game not too long ago so I barely know anything.

By the way Argentine, that mushroom video is badass and thanks for the preview of the patch update!
The patch is out, and other than slight annie rework and some Alistar dmg nerfs, not much to say champ wise.

BUT CHYEAH ABOUT TIME MORE THAN ONE MASTERY PAGE!!! And they are free? Thank you Riot!!!

$10 for a name change? HAHAHAHAHA no thank you...

EDIT- Oh yeah, ofc, what is everyone else's take on the new patch? And buffs/nerfs to your champ you love/hate?
lol coincidentally the patch was all the heroes i hate, especially Irelia - -;;.

Not really any complain or so.Maybe to wit's end.Kinda pointless now.