Thinking of trying my hand at a VN!


As a long-time fan of VN's, manga, love stories in general (none of the hardcore stuff, more the fun, action, psychological and cute, happy-go-lucky side of things) and creative writing...
I'm contemplating the thought that, in the new year, I might turn my hand to the creation of a Virtual Novel!
It wouldn't be at a cost - I'd be creating it for the fun of it.
Big issue: My drawing skills, out of 1/10, are ZERO.
See that? Didn't even use the number, I used the bloody word, that's just how bad I am at drawing.

This thread isn't a vein attempt to get anyone to buy into my amusing hobby. I'm after some opinions. If I went ahead and started looking, does anyone think I'd have much luck finding people for such a open-sourced venture? Are there many bored artists out there willing to put in about a hundred hours for half the credit to a fair-sized VN that wouldn't cost a penny?
Just a museful thought.
Thanks for your time~