Want to get into ero-games... where do I start?

Blanket Man Hentai Harvester
Yo! I really want to start playing some ero games, but I don't know where to start! Does anybody have any good suggestions?
Kevin94 Tadapapapapa!
same here, but very less english subbed eroge available. :(
Try Fate/Stay Night or Katawa Shoujo.

Go to the Fakku recommends thread. There's some goodies there.
Kevin94 wrote...
same here, but very less english subbed eroge available. :(

There's actually alot translated and a fair bit of it is decent. Enough to keep you reading for years.

I would recommend G-senjou no Maou, Ever 17 (no H) and Sengoku Rance for some longer ones to start.
If you want something shorter saya no uta (gore warning) and maybe Planetarian (no H).

Use https://vndb.org/v/all?q=&fil=lang-en ordered by rating and other tags to find titles that sound appealing to you and are well rated.
Go for licensed eroge first, like from Mangagamer or JastUSA. They're already translated and you don't have to deal with Japan locale bullshit when installing (for starters).

You can read the sticky (Fakku Recommends v2.0 by amorim) or http://visual-novels-general.wikia.com/wiki/Recommendation_Chart
Kevin94 Tadapapapapa!
Sanada-Kun wrote...
Go for licensed eroge first, like from Mangagamer or JastUSA. They're already translated and you don't have to deal with Japan locale bullshit when installing (for starters).

You can read the sticky (Fakku Recommends v2.0 by amorim) or http://visual-novels-general.wikia.com/wiki/Recommendation_Chart

solanin wrote...
Kevin94 wrote...
same here, but very less english subbed eroge available. :(

There's actually alot translated and a fair bit of it is decent. Enough to keep you reading for years.

I would recommend G-senjou no Maou, Ever 17 (no H) and Sengoku Rance for some longer ones to start.
If you want something shorter saya no uta (gore warning) and maybe Planetarian (no H).

Use https://vndb.org/v/all?q=&fil=lang-en ordered by rating and other tags to find titles that sound appealing to you and are well rated.

Thanks, I owe you a milk , It was back then when like 5 years ago I couldn't find much of it, nowadays seems promising.
Majikoi was my first Vn, I enjoyed it. Found it comfy, might be a good starter for you.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
I always want to make the difference and intention clear when someone asks something like this. You see, at least in my mind, there are 2 whole different types. Like this section is called, there are visual novels and then there are eroge. They each focus on very different things meaning what you want determines what I would recommend.

Visual novels are all about storyline. They are there to build a engaging and often emotional plot filled with interesting characters and dialogue. These games are usually very long and contain few sex scenes.

Eroge are all about the sex scenes. They are there to be super fap fuel. Pretty much any plot that is created is all for the purpose of making the sex more arousing. These games are usually very short and contain a ton of sex scenes.

So basically do you want a porn or a story?
>> echoeagle3
True enough. It can be a difficult dividing line though. Like would the Rance series be classed as, I'll call them nukige in this case, because the games have frequent sex scenes or would they be something else considering the draw is more the game systems, world building, characters and comedy (at least for me)? They certainly can't be called visual novels alone since that is misleading (sex throughout) but treating them the same as say the latest weird Valkyria fetish nukige doesn't quite sit right with me because they do far more than just act as fap material. So I use 3 tiers as you might've guessed: vn, eroge and nukige. All of which I think are worth while in their own right.

At the same time, it's just semantics of foreign words used in an international context and too niche to really matter all that much. I'm just happy when people aren't applying the term dating sim to the entire medium.
echoeagle3 wrote...
I always want to make the difference and intention clear when someone asks something like this. You see, at least in my mind, there are 2 whole different types. Like this section is called, there are visual novels and then there are eroge. They each focus on very different things meaning what you want determines what I would recommend.

Visual novels are all about storyline. They are there to build a engaging and often emotional plot filled with interesting characters and dialogue. These games are usually very long and contain few sex scenes.

Eroge are all about the sex scenes. They are there to be super fap fuel. Pretty much any plot that is created is all for the purpose of making the sex more arousing. These games are usually very short and contain a ton of sex scenes.

No arguement here XD
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
solanin wrote...
>> echoeagle3
True enough. It can be a difficult dividing line though. Like would the Rance series be classed as, I'll call them nukige in this case, because the games have frequent sex scenes or would they be something else considering the draw is more the game systems, world building, characters and comedy (at least for me)? They certainly can't be called visual novels alone since that is misleading (sex throughout) but treating them the same as say the latest weird Valkyria fetish nukige doesn't quite sit right with me because they do far more than just act as fap material. So I use 3 tiers as you might've guessed: vn, eroge and nukige. All of which I think are worth while in their own right.

At the same time, it's just semantics of foreign words used in an international context and too niche to really matter all that much. I'm just happy when people aren't applying the term dating sim to the entire medium.

Interesting that you point out Rance. What saves Rance from being just another fap fuel is the fact that it has actual gameplay. I have played Rance and found myself playiing more for the gameplay then the sex scenes. So that would indeed be a different category, guess I would call it something like a hentai rpg? I dunno
>> echoeagle3

There's that too of course, but some of the series is a bit too text heavy to really be comparable to just regular rpgs, particularly the recent 9 and the 01 n 03 remakes.
Plus, eroge doesn't technically exclude non-vns, whether rance is or isn't one.

The way you split vns and eroge does make sense though. I just somehow prefer calling vns with ero scenes eroge regardless of frequency. I think it's because dividing certain ones off as vns despite them having ero content makes it feel like I'm hiding that content because I'm worried it somehow devalues them when it really shouldn't. I guess I've just developed my own association with the word that sees it as more than just porn, but still considers the porn aspect of it to be a necessary part of what makes it what it is.
If you are interested in eroge for an emphasis on story then I would recommend a VN style eroge. Bazooka Cafe was good if you like huge boobs and X-Change was good if you like gender benders.

If you are interested in eroge for gameplay then there are some different options. Hunie Pop is a great puzzle game. Otherwise Japanese eroge that have gameplay options tend to be RPGs and western eroge tend to be cheap flash games.
I would suggest Muv-Luv and Muv-Luv Alternative (Cry Warning) For story

Monster Girl Quest 1-3 or Sengoku Rance for rpg type of VN

But there are a lot out there, so depends on what you are looking for.

For starters Katawa Shoujo (Just learned their is going to be a second one O_O)

Edit(Ahh so the second one Full Hearts is from another group on the boarder of legality)
Fayte wrote...
I would suggest Muv-Luv and Muv-Luv Alternative (Cry Warning) For story

As much as I loved muv-luv I have a hard time recommending it because of the pacing, esspecially as a first read. It's something everyone into vns should read at some point but not something to begin with really. I think Id've dropped it part way and It'd put me off trying others more than anything. Despite this, it's one of the only 5 vns I've given a 9 or higher and I've read like a hundred of them.

Though I did recommend ever 17 above and the pacing there isn't much better :p