What's a good game with satisfying melee combat?

oppairaptor Ace Degenerate
I've been playing Mount and Blade: Warband and I love it so far, but I'd like a game with more satisfying swords. An rpg would be good but I really just want to find a game where the swords/axes/maces have some kind of weight behind them and feel satisfying to use.

Does anyone know of some games like this?
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Tried Zeno Clash?
I assume PC? Wait until Dragon's Dogma releases and you'll get the combat you're looking for.
jww187 Plays poorly
oppairaptor wrote...
I've been playing Mount and Blade: Warband and I love it so far, but I'd like a game with more satisfying swords. An rpg would be good but I really just want to find a game where the swords/axes/maces have some kind of weight behind them and feel satisfying to use.

Does anyone know of some games like this?

Chivalry is fun melee, but I wouldn't say it the most satisfying. If you own Chivalry, and buy killing floor 2 you can use a 2h sword in that game, or its vanilla katana. KF2 melee is very satisfying. It fun loping off zed arms, and heads on easy.
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
oppairaptor wrote...
I've been playing Mount and Blade: Warband and I love it so far, but I'd like a game with more satisfying swords. An rpg would be good but I really just want to find a game where the swords/axes/maces have some kind of weight behind them and feel satisfying to use.

Does anyone know of some games like this?

Don't know about Feel behind it but.

Cant go wrong with this
The upcoming game For Honor looks pretty good, so I'd keep close tabs on it in the coming days.

Devil May Cry(the first game isn't that great nor necessary for the later installments in the series), few games have come close to capturing the satisfaction from skateboarding on demon's back while showering bullets and cheesy oneliners. Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, God of War are more of the same.

If your looking for more simplistic fighting with a focus on realism, Way of the Samurai. I've only played the first two but apparently the more recent installments are just as competent.
Old, but still feels good.



Power Axe:


Thunder Hammer:
