whats the best final fantasy game you have ever played?

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6, then 10.
7 and 9.
7,8,9, and 10
and why is six afraid of 7? cause seven ate nine!
Tactics and FFVIII. My favorites.
Final Fantasy 7 was the best for story line, character development and battle system in terms of materia, magic and the battle menu. Bosses were fun and I replay the game often.
Final Fantasy Tactics psx was also amazing for story, the tactics and the guild system? I think it was called.
Those would be top for me imo.
smashspite wrote...

Final Fantasy Tactics psx was also amazing for story, the tactics and the guild system? I think it was called.
Those would be top for me imo.

FFT war of the lions never had a guild a system. The story was that your team was a hobbled group of the best warriors, under the former guise of a band of mercs and as wanted men, in the land struggling to fight for the truth.
Case in point, FFTWotL and FFTA2 had the system where you can hire soldiers, with exception that FFTA2 and FFTA you could only hire based on the area and race in city/region (FFTA2 included weather and time).

all the FFTs & FF based in ivalice.
yes that includes ff12 you damd haters.
Took all the side jobs and had a fun time doing all of them in 12.
Ultima captured my heart. Havent liked a summon since siren and shiva haha!

FF11 didnt play much but i use to make my character sit and just stare at the scenery as the day passes by.

FFT i spent alot more time than i played FF8 or 7 back in the day. loved everything
about it. and the replication glitch! ninja beoulve with 99x Excaliburs to throw.
rofl! funniest shit ever! or the time when you randomly come across 22 monks in The Siedge Weald, the pass between Gariland and Dorter. i died so many times and had very few wins haha!
or going down Midlight's Deep and having a painful time getting all the floors.
and Agrias, one of my fave heroines of the game.

FFTA spent as much time as i did FFT, maybe even more so with a clocked save at 272 hours haha! but its more than 300+ hours because of restarting to find a certain viera to complete my team (i let go my entire roster in the guild just to see what reactions they would have. as i would have it i pressed save instead of load! from that point i found mostly everyone except that one viera haha!). i spent most of my creating the perfect lvl 50 max of viera assassin/sniper skills. fun times comboing with invis assassins when you can just take your time around one opponent, and then boom! best (lame) setup

FF8 i prob had a blast just using Zell limit breaks on Ultimecia haha! or pumping out tons of AP shots with Irvine. or making squall eat monsters while junctioned with Eden. or using selphies limit breaks and competing with my brother to see who could get the happy ending finish haha! fun old times.
Final Fantasy 4 is my favorite, though 5, 6 and 2 are all great too. And I facepalm more often when people talk about FF7 being their favorite than FF12 just because I'm tired of hearing about it and how it's "the best RPG ever!" It's fun, but the whole thing is because it was the first 3D FF and even more than that because it was for the PSX and it was the first RPG most younger gamers played so it automatically qualifies as "the best." The classic Final Fantasy games top any and all of the 3D ones, 9 is the only one that comes close and that's only because they tried to go back to the old style a bit. Don't even get me started on 12 and 13 and "everyone" wanting nothing but action RPGs and visible monsters instead of random battles now. You wanna do that, create a spin off series and leave the main series true to its roots. Same thing goes for 11 and 14.
Ayanami00 wrote...
final fantasy tactics a2!
lol no one has ever played it ever or could give a shit less but it is one of my favorite DS games.

otherwise ummm....7? 1 and 2? I'm honestly not a huge final fantasy fan.

A2 was a AWESOME ds game.

My Favourite FF game would be x, x-2, and xiii
ff 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, ,12, 13, ffta, ffta2, crisis core, dissidia, ff mystic quest, ff adventures, and thats it really.

i love final fantasy. :)
FFX seemed the best to me. Blitzball was my favorite minigame on which I've spent 90 hours alone. And the other safe file where I captured all the monsters for the carnival thing, I've spent about 130 hours on that, trying to get all overpowered. The story was alright too, nothing spectacular, yet still enjoyable.
FF7, FFVIICC and Dissidia, the only ones i've completed. I haven't even touched my XIII.
asaforever The Lord of Butts!
Its Final Fantasy 8 followed by X for me. i cant even count the hours i spent on those games, especcially FF8, wich im still clearing once a year.
Final Fantasy Tactics. The original btw. I may love it more than FF 7 and 8. But if I had to do my top 3. It would be.
final fantasy 7 crisis core
the story and characters really pulled me in that couldnt put my psp dpwn for a second. i beat the game in 1 week then after seeing the ending i cried cause zack died and aries has all alone
I would say 10, if it wasn't for the GODDAMN blitzball and unskippable cutscenes.
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