The Children of Lux (Action/Adventure novel)

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leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
DatYuriThough wrote...
Okay, so whether or not my life has been sorted out or not I've decided to post a little update as to what has happened.

So recently I got bad medical news that has deterred me from writing more of The Children of Lux and I wanted to explain why I've lost the motivation to continue writing. You'll need some context of my life first to understand why this has been such a big issue for me. As I'm sure you'll know I like Yuri because I'm a Lesbian (You should have seen some comments left by my Girlfriend) but despite that the thing I've always wanted to have a child of my own and I've been doing research over ways I could have one (such as IVF). The only issue is I always wanted to be pregnant since I always wanted it to be my child (and that has always been a non-negotiable point of my dream). So I booked an appointment with a local physician to discuss the possibilities of how I could go through with this and my physician said it would be best just to see if I was fertile. She said it would be fine since the odds were in my favour given how both of my parents were fertile and general statistics suggested I would be fine. As it turns out I'm completely infertile. This killed my dream of ever being a mother, adopting wasn't an option since I wanted it to be mine. This killed a lot of my motivation as a result and sent me into a depressive spiral of which I haven't really been able to exit so far. I'm not so proud of this story so far (based off the amount of criticisms, not the criticisms themselves. Some people didn't gather that from what I've said and have acted in an unsympathetic way, calling me ungrateful despite the fact if you looked back I always thanked everyone for their feedback and even continued to ask people for feedback even after these events) and that was a reason for why I didn't want to continue but it won't stop me. What may stop me is the crippling depression, however, I am moving passed it so hopefully I'll start up again soon.

Anyway, I hope you stick with the story if you have been reading it, keep giving feedback and I apologise if I acted in a rude manner to any of you. I'm sorry, truly I am for acting in a way I shouldn't have, but it hasn't been a good couple of weeks for me.

I'm also sorry that I'm posting this as my problems shouldn't have to involve any of you but I needed to in order to explain my actions and apologise. So hopefully the next chapter may be here soon, depending on how quickly I move passed this.

I am looking forward to it.

Here is a thread that I have created months ago to lampoon the contest entries (mine included) submitted for an event months ago. It is written in the hope to make people, myself above all, laugh. I hope you would be entertained by it.

ED: I have read the latest chapters of your story. It appears to me that the first few chapters did attempt at some kind of foreshadowing about the true identities of our heroes. I felt that the story dropped hints which include the title of this story, the prologue of the story, Olsen's strange powers and the even stranger circumstances that led to Olsen and Cerice being in a relationship.

It felt somewhat satisfying to see the dots connect together.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
leonard267 wrote...

I am looking forward to it.

Here is a thread that I have created months ago to lampoon the contest entries (mine included) submitted for an event months ago. It is written in the hope to make people, myself above all, laugh. I hope you would be entertained by it.

ED: I have read the latest chapters of your story. It appears to me that the first few chapters did attempt at some kind of foreshadowing about the true identities of our heroes. I felt that the story dropped hints which include the title of this story, the prologue of the story, Olsen's strange powers and the even stranger circumstances that led to Olsen and Cerice being in a relationship.

It felt somewhat satisfying to see the dots connect together.

Firstly, thank you for the link, your work always gives me a little chuckle and seems very well laid out and put together. I can't wait to see what you do next! ^_^

Secondly, I'm glad that the dots did end up joining together. I was afraid I hadn't done well enough with the exposition of their circumstances but if you say it's all-right then I'll take your word for it. And if you got satisfaction from it, all the better ^_^

Also, due to being bed-ridden today, I managed to pass the time by writing Chapter 11. It'll need editing since I was only Semi-conscious given my delirious state so it might be a bit weird in places. I don't know when I'll release it to the public but hopefully within 3-4 days.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
So after about 2 weeks of being unable to get out of bed from depression most days I have written Chapter 11! Hurray for doing nothing except crying! In all seriousness I'm moving past it, writing helps.

In any case, this Chapter explores Lamina's past with The Lord of Light and how terrible, terrible people Ofre and Persephone are. Enjoy ^_^
Read Chapter 4.

She gave an embarrassed sigh and looked about.

A way to improve your writing is rather than just outright saying what emotions a character is feeling, tell us something that hints at the emotion. Rather than saying "embarrassed" in the quote above for example, you could say, "Her cheek's flushed red." We automatically associate blushing with embarrassment.

Olsen smiled and took her hand in his own.


“So this would be your residence then? In comparison to the rest of the village this is very impressive Olsen,” Cerice said, looking very impressed,


“Of course not! The Lord of Light is always forgiving! But why do you ask?” Cerice asked as she tilted her head and lost her momentary smile.


“Oh yeah! Cerice; this is my childhood friend Aria Lesten, first in line for the throne of Despra,” Olsen explained quickly and Aria turned to see Cerice.

“Where are my manners?!” Aria jumped up and dusted herself off and extended her hand to Cerice, “Hello, I am the fiancée of Olsen Craftsen and Princess of Despra: Aria Lesten.

I would have had Aria cut Olson off so we don't have to hear Aria's title repeated again so soon. Also, it would fit her personality from what little I've seen of her at this point.

Fear arced down her entire body at the idea that Olsen could have been lost to her so soon after acquiring him.

Replace with "be"

More of these confusing emotions she had come to know.

Delete. I don't see what's so confusing about fear of losing the one you love

Cerice corrected herself and her and Olsen both shared a laugh.


, interested in her question.


“My parents went there on behalf of King Einkard to the diplomatic meeting to try and prevent war, instead they were slaughtered by Xion when they sent a whole battalion to kill all the diplomats.”

Here there are two complete sentences, so they can't be combined with just a comma. You have to use a connecting word like "but" as well or just make them separate sentences.

The previous war was started over claims by Xion that The Land of Light had been involved in illegal spying on Xion itself as well as pressing small villages and outposts on the edge of The Land of Light in preparation for a war.

I'd change that to "near the border" since The Land of Light is kind of a mouthful.

“Of course not my love! I shall not let you escape my grip so easily,” Cerice laughed as she threw her arms around Olsen, who looked annoyed with the current situation.

This is probably just a joke but given that this IS fantasy, now I wonder if there's some kind of magic that can bind Olsen to Cerice if he's dead.

His name is Caballo, he was brought in from a foreign land far away.

Comma error

About grammar. You mentioned it isn't one of your strong points. Xenon really knows his stuff, and he's super helpful. I'm sure if you asked, he'd be willing to read a chapter or two.

Cerice’s carriage door swung open and she leaned out to give Olsen an infuriated look, “Can you please stop gawking at the horse for five minutes so we can leave?” Cerice complained and slammed her carriage door shut before mumbling something about Olsen in a negative tone.

The carriage door probably has a window, so there's no need for Cerice to open the door.

Cerice complained and slammed her carriage door shut before mumbling something about Olsen in a negative tone.


Little did the four of them realise that the journey they had just begun would lead to the discovery of unknown magic, other Magika’s, and the start of a war. And perhaps the most terrifying event that they would come to witness: The Beast of Chaos’ return.

DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Thanks d, I'll get on the some point.

d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...
Read Chapter 4.

“Of course not my love! I shall not let you escape my grip so easily,” Cerice laughed as she threw her arms around Olsen, who looked annoyed with the current situation.

This is probably just a joke but given that this IS fantasy, now I wonder if there's some kind of magic that can bind Olsen to Cerice if he's dead.

It's just a joke. But you never know...It may become foreshadowing...but probably not. And humans in the world become disembodied spirits if they are still attached to the world when they die...maybe that could happen to Olsen?

d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...

His name is Caballo, he was brought in from a foreign land far away.

Comma error

About grammar. You mentioned it isn't one of your strong points. Xenon really knows his stuff, and he's super helpful. I'm sure if you asked, he'd be willing to read a chapter or two.

Usually I'd have my editor deal with it, but A. He's busy with stuff that I don't want to interrupt him from and B. I wouldn't have the courage to ask someone else to help. A little sad, I know, but it's kinda one of my not-so-great personality traits.
t's just a joke. But you never know...It may become foreshadowing...but probably not. And humans in the world become disembodied spirits if they are still attached to the world when they die...maybe that could happen to Olsen?

It's actually not that uncommon for people take something that originally wasn't connected to anything and make it a piece of foreshadowing. It makes it look like you had at all planned out in advance, and that in turn makes you look really smart.

Usually I'd have my editor deal with it, but A. He's busy with stuff that I don't want to interrupt him from and B. I wouldn't have the courage to ask someone else to help. A little sad, I know, but it's kinda one of my not-so-great personality traits.

I don't find it sad at all. I'm actually a pretty shy guy in general in real life. It's hard for me to talk to people besides family and a few close friends.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Due to having nothing to do since I have two weeks off from school and no more exams expect an abundance of Chapters! I need to find a way to pass the time and after watching a whole Anime series I only waisted half a day. Chapter 12 has been written and is in the process of being checked by myself and Chapter 13 is about 30% done. Just as a preview: Chapter 12 focuses more on Lamina's past and our heroes reach the capital of The Land of Light. Chapter 13 focuses on a battle between our antagonists and protagonists.

EDIT: Chapter 13 is done! I like it purely because it explores Ofre's decisions more and includes some more action.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Chapter's 12 and 13 are up in one bulk upload! You lucky things. Enjoy!~
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Chapters 14 and 15 are up and detail the end of Act 1. I've planned out Acts 2 and 3 but they won't see the light of day for some time I'd imagine. I don't think you'll get a lot of closure from the ending but it does set up the main quest of the series and will be detailed at the start of Act 2. Enjoy in any case~
I read Chapter 5.

I don't think you did the best job of pulling it off, but Cerice and Aria's conversation and Cerice learning that Olsen has lied to her is a smart development for their relationship. They seemingly fell in love at first site and to have them go on happy with no conflict would have been a mistake.

We've seen magic used before, but it's nice to get some details on the system.

The group travelled through a thick and dense forest outside the village, several hours after leaving the village.

I'd delete this and add "Several hours out," to the beginning of the next paragraph. We already know the village is surrounded by forest. Therefore if the group is several hours out, it can be reasoned that they're traveling through forest. If you feel that we must be reminded of the existence of the forest, then do so in an indirect way. For example, you could include a sentence of Cerice watching the trees as they go by. It lends a more natural feel to the prose as opposed to simply stating they're in a forest.

Cerice sat in her carriage with one leg crossed over the other, she looked displeased as she repetitively furrowed her brow as Aria flicked through a book that Cerice was allowing her to read, while she admired the red cushion seats she was sitting upon opposite to Cerice, while occasionally looking at the golden paintwork on the insides of the carriage.

I'm not 100% sure if there's anything wrong grammatically with this, but it's very wordy. It would be better if you chopped it up into smaller sentences.

“What is the meaning behind such a tone? I demand an answer!” Cerice crossed her arms and stared intently at Aria as she declared her interest in whatever Aria was talking about.

This is another example of stating information that doesn't need to be. Cerice's intention is clear from her dialogue and her actions. Additions like the bold section should only be there if her intentions need to be cleared up.

“But…why would Olsen lie to me?” Cerice asked

I would think that Cerice would have more of a reaction to the reveal of Olsen's brother rather than simply being upset that Olsen has lied to her. Is she not curious at all as to what happened to Ofre?

Olsen reworded his question in such a way that made Cerice embarrassed over her lack of understanding, but also slightly frustrated at how blunt Olsen could be.


Sir Davies explained and Cerice brought her still bloody knife out from her hip, and slight surprise caught both Cerice and Davies over its bloody state

Could have been better worded. Something like:

Cerice removed her knife from its sheath at her side and started at the dried blood that covered it. Davies eyes opened wide.

Cerice walked with both hands held behind her back as she offered no help to Olsen apart from offering him company and conversation.


Olsen informed Cerice about his abilities and she tilted her head quizzically at his point.


Cerice closed her eyes and looked away in a distasteful way as she spoke about him.


“That is not what I asked, I meant as a person; you did know him for nine years so surely you should know quite a lot about him as a person?”

Delete. It isn't natural. No one would talk about a parent as an acquaintance like this.

He then removed his weapon and sliced his father’s throat

Aria said Ofre shoved his sword through his father's throat as opposed to slitting it. This is no doubt a traumatizing thing to witness for both Olsen and Aria, but still. I'd take note of this discrepancy.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...
I read Chapter 5.

I don't think you did the best job of pulling it off, but Cerice and Aria's conversation and Cerice learning that Olsen has lied to her is a smart development for their relationship. They seemingly fell in love at first site and to have them go on happy with no conflict would have been a mistake.

You'll hopefully learn why they fell in love quickly soon. Other than that I can't add a whole lot without giving anything away.

d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...

“But…why would Olsen lie to me?” Cerice asked

I would think that Cerice would have more of a reaction to the reveal of Olsen's brother rather than simply being upset that Olsen has lied to her. Is she not curious at all as to what happened to Ofre?

Perhaps. But I would feel she would be too shocked by learning Olsen had lied to her and so she would rather learn his reasons for lying instead of learning about Ofre. I imagine she's also smart enough to understand that Ofre probably had something to do with it since A. She hasn't seen him in the village and B. Because Olsen has yet to mention anything about him or his own parents.

d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...

He then removed his weapon and sliced his father’s throat

Aria said Ofre shoved his sword through his father's throat as opposed to slitting it. This is no doubt a traumatizing thing to witness for both Olsen and Aria, but still. I'd take note of this discrepancy.

My mistake. I think I changed my mind since I wanted something a little more gruesome (I imagine watching his father choke on his own blood and gasp for life would be more traumatic to watch then having a sword stabbed straight through and kill him instantaneously) so he would repress the finer details of what happened.
Perhaps. But I would feel she would be too shocked by learning Olsen had lied to her and so she would rather learn his reasons for lying instead of learning about Ofre. I imagine she's also smart enough to understand that Ofre probably had something to do with it since A. She hasn't seen him in the village and B. Because Olsen has yet to mention anything about him or his own parents.

I still think it's a bit unrealistic. Unless of course it's the spell at work or whatever the hell that made her fall in love with Olsen.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...
Perhaps. But I would feel she would be too shocked by learning Olsen had lied to her and so she would rather learn his reasons for lying instead of learning about Ofre. I imagine she's also smart enough to understand that Ofre probably had something to do with it since A. She hasn't seen him in the village and B. Because Olsen has yet to mention anything about him or his own parents.

I still think it's a bit unrealistic. Unless of course it's the spell at work or whatever the hell that made her fall in love with Olsen.

Given the nature of 'what' made them fall in love: No. Given its context it almost certainly has nothing to do with that since they don't show any unnatural ignorance. In fact later on, and at earlier points, they show conscious understanding that their love for each-other is unrealistic. So I guess that's just a disagreement between us about how a person would act in that situation.
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
Sorry for the late reply. I spent last night attending to other matters so I did not read through what was 5 to 6 chapters for me.

I have to commend you for coming up with a story that I could read and understand. It was rather clear what was happening even though I nearly missed the part where Olsen's arm regrew back.

I am very impressed with how you came up with the plots and twists especially about Ofre's motivations even though I have my problems with them.

For example, why would Xion demand that Ofre kill his family instead of someone else? I would imagine that Ofre's parents were very important people and persons that Xion wanted eliminated. That would make more sense to me.

Did Olsen mind Einkard ordering the death of his family (and I suppose him as well)? This is considering that Olsen is still quite comfortable with Aria even though she admitted it that was the truth. Why would Einkard keep Olsen alive if he knew that the cat would be out of the bag someday let alone see him as a potential son-in-law?

Lamina was against the resurrection of Lux. Why exactly? (I don't buy her assertion that the world would be at peace anyway, especially with Xion on the warpath.) How would that be to her detriment and more importantly how would that be a problem for Olsen, Cerice et al?

Never mind what is in the spoiler though. I could not come up with what you have written if I were in your shoes. I have to compliment you nonetheless.

What made it more entertaining were the parts that I found funny.

First was how Lumina dealt with the riotous crowd at the trial by manhandling them in Chapter 11, The Sands of Time.

Second was how nonchalant Ofre was in these paragraphs:
“Yeah, yeah I get it! But I can settle this †˜grudge’ if I kill her quickly right?” Persephone asked.

“In theory, yes. But keep in mind this is the High Priestess we’re dealing with, she’s not your everyday Magika, she won’t be easy to kill” Ofre immediately threw his scythe and formed a chain to the end of it with his aura. Lilliana punched the scythe away with her gauntlets, Ofre pulled his scythe by the chain back into his hands and a large body of air travelled in the direction Lillian punched; destroying a pillar before travelling onwards. “See? She possess quite the formidable power” Ofre finished his demonstration with a calm look.

That aside, you may have noticed that I was persuaded to come up with a writing event.

I would love to see you contribute anything for that event. You can work with other people, me included to submit an entry.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
leonard267 wrote...
Sorry for the late reply. I spent last night attending to other matters so I did not read through what was 5 to 6 chapters for me.

I have to commend you for coming up with a story that I could read and understand. It was rather clear what was happening even though I nearly missed the part where Olsen's arm regrew back.

I am very impressed with how you came up with the plots and twists especially about Ofre's motivations even though I have my problems with them.

For example, why would Xion demand that Ofre kill his family instead of someone else? I would imagine that Ofre's parents were very important people and persons that Xion wanted eliminated. That would make more sense to me.

Did Olsen mind Einkard ordering the death of his family (and I suppose him as well)? This is considering that Olsen is still quite comfortable with Aria even though she admitted it that was the truth. Why would Einkard keep Olsen alive if he knew that the cat would be out of the bag someday let alone see him as a potential son-in-law?

Lamina was against the resurrection of Lux. Why exactly? (I don't buy her assertion that the world would be at peace anyway, especially with Xion on the warpath.) How would that be to her detriment and more importantly how would that be a problem for Olsen, Cerice et al?

Never mind what is in the spoiler though. I could not come up with what you have written if I were in your shoes. I have to compliment you nonetheless.

What made it more entertaining were the parts that I found funny.

First was how Lumina dealt with the riotous crowd at the trial by manhandling them in Chapter 11, The Sands of Time.

Second was how nonchalant Ofre was in these paragraphs:
“Yeah, yeah I get it! But I can settle this †˜grudge’ if I kill her quickly right?” Persephone asked.

“In theory, yes. But keep in mind this is the High Priestess we’re dealing with, she’s not your everyday Magika, she won’t be easy to kill” Ofre immediately threw his scythe and formed a chain to the end of it with his aura. Lilliana punched the scythe away with her gauntlets, Ofre pulled his scythe by the chain back into his hands and a large body of air travelled in the direction Lillian punched; destroying a pillar before travelling onwards. “See? She possess quite the formidable power” Ofre finished his demonstration with a calm look.

That aside, you may have noticed that I was persuaded to come up with a writing event.

I would love to see you contribute anything for that event. You can work with other people, me included to submit an entry.

Thanks for your support!

As for the points in the spoiler (I just want to talk about them a little) Xion demanded them to die to prove Ofre really wanted to join them, by severing his ties with what he loved the most and the biggest representation of what he loved about Despra.

I don't think Einkard ever intended for Olsen to find out, Ofre was kind of meant to act as a sacrifice and take the full brunt of Olsen's hate (Ofre's literal translation for his name means sacrifice from Nordic I believe) but I guess Ofre buckled under the assertions Olsen was making. I guess Olsen would be incredibly mad but at the time of learning his emotions towards Ofre must have gotten the better of him.

As for Lamina, I suppose she knew that Lux would be seeking blood against the nations who usurped his power and caused him to suffer mortal wounds in battle, so she knew resurrecting him could end up completely destroying humanity instead of just trying to deal with one rogue nation. Plus (although unconfirmed) it would mean that Olsen may lose his own consciousness by resurrecting Lux so obviously that would be a problem since Cerice would lose the person she loves.

I'd be more than happy to participate. I'll probably write a 5-6 chapter long story for it, I've been permeating some ideas in the back of my mind for a little while that I think might be good so expect to see them. I'm not great with working with others, so I don't know if I will (Not ruling it out but when I write I tend to write a lot in a short space of time and I would prefer to work with people who have time on their hands or are rather efficient so I don't end up running away with it) but definitely expect to see something from me!
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
DatYuriThough wrote...
I'm not great with working with others, so I don't know if I will (Not ruling it out but when I write I tend to write a lot in a short space of time and I would prefer to work with people who have time on their hands or are rather efficient so I don't end up running away with it) but definitely expect to see something from me!

I volunteer! Not that I have a lot of time on my hands though.
Read Chapter 6. I think you kinda cleared up Olsen's sickness a little too fast, but you managed to foreshadow future events and weaken him for the impending confrontation with his brother at the same time, adding to the tension.

“Be weary Olsen, for this beast will devour you if you’re not, just like he did to your ancestors” he said seriously and the image of the man faded as Olsen realised he was falling from Caballo and his consciousness faded with the impact of his head with the ground.

Olsen slowly came to, his hearing was distant and impaired from his blow to the head as well as his vision remained spotty and dark.

You're trying to cram too much into this sentence. I'd break up like this:

"Olsen slowly came to. His hearing was distant and impaired from the blow to his head, and his vision remained dark and spotty."

Note the use of "and." When you combine two complete sentences, you need a conjunction as well as a comma that helps to convey the relationship between them. Alternatively, you could use a semi-colon instead of the comma+conjunction.

You said your grammar could use some work. I don't know how much work, and if I've presumed too much, go right ahead and give me a slap on the wrist. I'm not sure how much you care about grammar, but if you can get your knowledge of it up to snuff, you'll win the adoration of grammar nazis everywhere.

Cerice smiled as she looked at his bloody face from where the blood had gushed out at inhuman rates, his nostrils and upper lip were crimson-dyed from his blood running down them

Blood, blood, blood. There's definitely a better way to re-word this description/trim it down to avoid saying "blood" so many times.

"Cerice managed a smile despite the ghastly state of Olsen's face. It was stained crimson from so much blood; it looked as if a five-year-old had covered it with face paint."

I cut out the info about the blood having run out of his nostrils and mouth because we were just told that several paragraphs ago.

Cerice looked over to Aria who stood with bent knees by Olsen’s side with an equally worried expression as Cerice

Aria shook at the sight of Olsen, she had never seen him so weak before, except for when he witness the death of his parents it felt almost unnatural for her to see Olsen in the state he was in.

Replace the commas with periods. Witness needs to be in the past tense. Add a comma after "parents"

You say that it's unnatural for Aria to see Olsen in this state, but I think what you mean to say is that it's unnatural for Olsen to be like this. Not a terribly big difference, but it is a difference.

Cerice demanded and her men looked unsure “What is it?

Missing the period after unsure.

“My Lady, Magika’s only exist in a 50:1 ratio in the lands of Despra, they are a rare commodity and to find an expert Magika is almost impossible” Davies explained.

I believe your ratio is backwards.

“Aria, you shall ride Caballo until Olsen is fit enough, we need someone to just watch after it”

The part could just have another rider lead him along. I'm no horse expert, but they aren't stupid, especially a horse like Caballo, which is undoubtedly trained.

It is not the first time that blood had escaped you since we have travelled together but neither have they ever been so powerful while being expelled from your body

Maybe it's just me, but those two phrases sound awkward.

Cerice began to start bargaining with Olsen about him waking him


I do not know much about medicine but I believe you are not meant to offer wine to someone in poor health”

Actually, wine isn't a bad choice.

“They said you alone may enter with me and Aria because of your standing, while the men must fill out some extensive paperwork”

Isn't Aria the princess? Can't she just use her position to wave everyone through?

but the fact he spoke at all was an amazing and positive feat for him to accomplish given his state.

Bit of a stretch there. Initial attack aside, Olsen's symptoms as described seem in line with what you'd expect from a nasty but not life threatening sickness.

A man in a dark black cloak that covered his entire body with tattered ends stood in the middle of the street, blocking their path. He had black metal greaves on and boots with black metal gauntlets as well. He had his cowl pulled over his head so it cast a shadow over his face and obscured his features.

Not a fan of Ofre's physical appearance. Maybe it'll grow on me later if there's some reasoning placed behind why he looks the way he does, but for now, it just sounds like that of a stereotypical villain.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...
Read Chapter 6. I think you kinda cleared up Olsen's sickness a little too fast, but you managed to foreshadow future events and weaken him for the impending confrontation with his brother at the same time, adding to the tension.

You said your grammar could use some work. I don't know how much work, and if I've presumed too much, go right ahead and give me a slap on the wrist. I'm not sure how much you care about grammar, but if you can get your knowledge of it up to snuff, you'll win the adoration of grammar nazis everywhere.

I've resigned myself to just not caring about grammar at all at this point. It's been so many years where people (Namely my teachers) have just ignored my pleas for help over it. I don't care about it at all really, I only really mentioned it to give Grammar Nazi's a heads up so they would (and I'm not directing this at you at all) just shut the fuck up.

d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...

Cerice smiled as she looked at his bloody face from where the blood had gushed out at inhuman rates, his nostrils and upper lip were crimson-dyed from his blood running down them

“My Lady, Magika’s only exist in a 50:1 ratio in the lands of Despra, they are a rare commodity and to find an expert Magika is almost impossible” Davies explained.

I believe your ratio is backwards.

Yeah probably but I'd expect most people would understand they're the minority due to the 'only' I used and the fact they've been given a specific title. I'll change it but its not that much of an issue.

d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...

Cerice began to start bargaining with Olsen about him waking him


I think. Maybe I was trying to convey how desperate Cerice was but didn't know how to phrase it.

d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...

I do not know much about medicine but I believe you are not meant to offer wine to someone in poor health”

Actually, wine isn't a bad choice.

Cerice doesn't know any better. She's very privileged and doesn't concern herself with things like that.

d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...

“They said you alone may enter with me and Aria because of your standing, while the men must fill out some extensive paperwork”

Isn't Aria the princess? Can't she just use her position to wave everyone through?

The Princess doesn't hold much power, plus to let an entire regiment of men who are technically no longer their allies would be an insane thing to do for the higher-ups of the city even if Aria gave the go ahead. Purely an assumption since we know they wouldn't do anything of the sort but Aria is young and inexperienced so they probably wouldn't take her word for it in the sense of letting them all through.

d(^_^)(^_^)d wrote...

A man in a dark black cloak that covered his entire body with tattered ends stood in the middle of the street, blocking their path. He had black metal greaves on and boots with black metal gauntlets as well. He had his cowl pulled over his head so it cast a shadow over his face and obscured his features.

Not a fan of Ofre's physical appearance. Maybe it'll grow on my later if there's some reasoning placed behind why he looks the way he does, but for now, it just sounds like that of a stereotypical villain.

There is. A rather important and symbolic detail to why he looks like that.
I've resigned myself to just not caring about grammar at all at this point. It's been so many years where people (Namely my teachers) have just ignored my pleas for help over it. I don't care about it at all really, I only really mentioned it to give Grammar Nazi's a heads up so they would (and I'm not directing this at you at all) just shut the fuck up.

I'd consider myself one step short of a grammar nazi. I think I'm more of a grammar fanatic. Yes, it bothers me, but I can put up with it. And Children of Lux isn't even that bad. I don't have trouble understanding anything.

The Princess doesn't hold much power, plus to let an entire regiment of men who are technically no longer their allies would be an insane thing to do for the higher-ups of the city even if Aria gave the go ahead. Purely an assumption since we know they wouldn't do anything of the sort but Aria is young and inexperienced so they probably wouldn't take her word for it in the sense of letting them all through.

I'm not so sure. Even if a princess doesn't hold much real power, a princess is still a princess. They usually get what they want, but there would certainly be some hesitation at the least if non-ally armed troops are involved.
I read chapters 1-3 and the last one. I found it good and easy to read. I'd like it if you made short stories too though.
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