
Comic X-Eros 36 Release! Last month we officially launched the FAKKU subscription, which includes a ton of brand new content and simulpublished magazines fro…
Comic X-Eros 36 Preview! Here's a preview of the next issue of Comic X-Eros, the first chapter will be available on Monday! Artists: Inue Shinsuke (cover + chapter), …
October Caption Contest! Here is a page from Penis Divination, be creative and fill in the dialogue bubbles with some funny text. At the end of the month we'l…
Comic Kairakuten 2015-11 Release! Earlier today the new issue of Comic Kairakuten went on sale in Japan! We started working on it a few days ago and are going to begin rel…
[ Locked ] September Caption Contest! Now that subscriptions have launched we have a lot more time for fun stuff, like contests! Here is a page from Stepped On …
Comic X-Eros 35 Release! Last week we officially launched the FAKKU subscription, which includes a ton of brand new content and simulpublished magazines from…
[ Locked ] /r/hentai AMA I'm doing an AMA on reddit right now! Come ask me some questions http…
Sakurai Energy Wallpaper From Sakurai's Great Illustration appearing in Comic Ka…
New Feature? Turn Off FAKKU Books/FAKKU Subscription Label This would actually be pretty easy to develop, having a configuration option to hide the banner on content showing whether it is from a FAKKU Book or part of the subscriptions. Would anyone like this?…
[ Locked ] FAKKU Subscription Questions Earlier today we launched the new subscription service on FAKKU. For a complete summary of what that means visit the announcement page…
Magazine Covers Along with all upcoming issues of Comic Kairakuten and Comic X-Eros, there are 8 back issues we will be releasing chapters from (we started internally working on the magazines five months ago). We're …
[ Poll ] What's your favorite anime this season? What's your favorite anime this season?
FAKKU Subscription Suggestions FAKKU Unlimited is a term we are using to describe the bonus features your account is granted while you are an active subscriber. This gives us a chance to add new features to FAKKU that we couldn't n…
Favorites/Collections Export The favorites/collections export tool is now online. On the top right of the page on any of your collections you will find a link to "Export Collection". This will gen…
Retiring the FAKKU Books Founder Achievement On September 10th, 2015 we will be retiring the FAKKU Books Founder achievement. Meaning September 10th is your last chance to receive the achievement if you don't alr…
[ Locked ] FAKKU Subscription Beta Chapters To kick off the beta test of subscriptions we have made two new chapters available to beta testers. These chapters will be available to everyone when the service goes live, but for now only beta teste…
[ Locked ] FAKKU Books Gift... Final Week! This is our final free gift week before our new subscription service goes live! If you're interested in beta testing the new service, …
[ Locked ] FAKKU Books Gift Week... 13? It's been a while since we had a free week, our big announcement about magazine subscriptions is coming soon. Really soon. So soon in fact that if you're interested …
[ Locked ] FAKKU Subscription Beta Testers Wanted! We'll soon be rolling out the subscription service for FAKKU. Once we do I'll be making a huge announcement with all of the details, but …
Bosshi's XXX Mix Bosshi's XXX Mix is now available! You can pick the digital edition right now and start reading it on FAKKU, we are working on maki…