User Posts

Dance with her, put money on stockings :)
WTB> Squall's Gunblade
WTB> Death Scythe weapon. soo fucking laser \m/


Drum Stick & Guitar...


Razor so fucking rugged...

above all

me too 2 in 30 min if a lot of people on the house... rush time *woot*
steal the pocky while she's arguing with someone!

EDIT: Bodyslam!!
are you ready?, are you ready? let me join the game...
Persona 4 The Animation - The Way of Memories Kizuna no Chikara: Today's drumming practice for Tuesday...
Blue berry cheese cake, black forest, choco cake!! yiiiiishhhhhhh!! Can't help it!!! When you see 3 uncut cake for 2 days, it just can't leave it alone!! OTL

@Medzy That link just made me drool =))
Good Night <3333 hahahaysss =)))))))))
Is Kabadi a sport???
Soccer = Red Devils =) ManU!
Basketball = LAL :( OTL
if possible i could warp between those bumping bumpers
if avatar heck yes!! jump no jutsu!! Forum Image:
if user i'm scared already well known...
This is like secondary facebook for me. I visit the site in my time of breakfast and dinner everyday...