Can We Get Some Actual Improvements For Favorites Section?

The Favorites section on Fakku is honestly a joke. There's ZERO way of navigating through it. No search bar, no filter, kinks selection, or even randomize option. Just click through dozens to hundreds of pages to go through your favorites. There's a "random hentai" option when looking at specific kinks, but that shows not only stuff you haven't favored, but stuff in the store, and will even pull up stuff with kinks you've blocked.

Many of us know there are free hentai sites out there that offer way more options for their Favorites section. So for a paid site like Fakku to still be so barebones after so many years is just embarrassing.
Honestly, a tag system similar to the 'Booru websites or a lot of the reposter sites where you can search by more than one tag/artist and quickly filter results would be ideal.
sharkmanj wrote...
Honestly, a tag system similar to the 'Booru websites or a lot of the reposter sites where you can search by more than one tag/artist and quickly filter results would be ideal.


You could always search for multi tags and exclude certain ones also. excluding loli/shota/forced
Monster Girl
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