Will the site become actually decent in future?

No easily accessible artist tags, no list of non-tag categories, no advanced search. So much stuff has to be accessed through weird ways - as if adding a link to the artists page is hard - the page already exists, what's the problem?

The site is so bare bones that one day I will simply go away because browsing is absolutely terrible and I already have enough of this useless user experience. Free sites have much more options and better browsing experience that I usually just go there, because browsing on Fakku is so bad.
YQII FAKKU Translator
Can you elaborate on what it is you're asking for? Artist names already link to the artist page (as do most elements on the site), and advanced search can be accessed by selecting the search bar and either hitting Enter or clicking the spyglass. I don't know what you mean by "non-tag categories," but Doujin, Games, Manga and Tags can all be found in the topbar, with Magazines shown under New Releases.
What they want is the old, old site layouts and the tags that have been removed to be added back and UI to not be what it is because the current UI came out to near universal hatred but somehow the shop takes priority over a monthly subscription experience.
YQII wrote...
Can you elaborate on what it is you're asking for? Artist names already link to the artist page (as do most elements on the site), and advanced search can be accessed by selecting the search bar and either hitting Enter or clicking the spyglass. I don't know what you mean by "non-tag categories," but Doujin, Games, Manga and Tags can all be found in the topbar, with Magazines shown under New Releases.

Visit ANY well-known free hentai site and you'll see what I want. I want a site that has actual features that are not terrible or bare-bones.

Artist NAME already links to the artist page - but where is the easily accessible artist LIST? I come back after a month and I already forgot how to access it, despite it BEING THERE, you can't access it with a simple click.

Why is the Unlimited page greeting me with "Here's you'll find 100 RANDOM unlimited comics"?

I'm sorry? What am I paying for here? What is this terrible design? Why can't I browse the site like a normal human being and instead have to manouver through some weird and baffling sh*t like this?

Like I said: if you don't come to your senses - I'm out. And I'm unsubscribing right now. Fix your damn site.

PS: Also, a page with a full grid of ALL the pages of a manga would be nice. Literally every other site has this. This isn't a "manga reading simulator", you know - I don't want to click through every single page just to get to the stuff I'm interested in or to see if the manga is even worth checking out.
YQII FAKKU Translator
beetleman1234 wrote...
where is the easily accessible artist LIST?

There are currently over 1600 artists on the site, so I don't see how scrolling through a big list would be particularly useful. Browsing galleries and then exploring the artist sounds like a better way to discover new content you like, and obviously if you're looking for a certain artist, the search is much more efficient. I could see us making it a dedicated menu item if we were to add extra functionality to the page, like sorting or a search, but until then it can be accessed through two clicks—click any artist name, then the Artist link at the top of the page.

beetleman1234 wrote...
Why is the Unlimited page greeting me with "Here's you'll find 100 RANDOM unlimited comics"?

This I 100% agree with. It's actually something I brought up the other week, and that page will get a revamp into something more useful.

beetleman1234 wrote...
I don't want to click through every single page just to get to the stuff I'm interested in

If you read any content and click on "XX|XX Jump to Page" at the bottom of the page, the reader changes to a slideshow view. If the chapter is part of a bigger piece of content (like a book), you also get a list of the individual chapters above the page view. This way you can quickly skim through while still being able to make out what's on each page, but a grid view with even smaller previews could be a nice option to add.
YQII wrote...
Can you elaborate on what it is you're asking for? Artist names already link to the artist page (as do most elements on the site), and advanced search can be accessed by selecting the search bar and either hitting Enter or clicking the spyglass. I don't know what you mean by "non-tag categories," but Doujin, Games, Manga and Tags can all be found in the topbar, with Magazines shown under New Releases.

I will not resub until we can see tags on the artists page again. While a "minor" thing, it was also the feature I used the most on the site. I read an doujin I like, I like the artists art-style, so I click on their name, look at what other stuff within the same type of tags\content they made, and then look at those too. With removal of tags on the artist page, this has become an absolute hazzle, having to click into each and every one, rather than just look at the overview.

Taking away QoL features that were already there is a big no-no, and a good way to bleed subscribers, especially since it's been 8 months with no resolution. Hell, the very first comment\feedback post on the new UI design was THIS . Not to mention the old artists view-page was superior in every-way for how most users used it, which is to find similar type of content to what they clicked on it for in the first place!
beetleman1234 wrote...
No easily accessible artist tags, no list of non-tag categories, no advanced search. So much stuff has to be accessed through weird ways - as if adding a link to the artists page is hard - the page already exists, what's the problem?

The site is so bare bones that one day I will simply go away because browsing is absolutely terrible and I already have enough of this useless user experience. Free sites have much more options and better browsing experience that I usually just go there, because browsing on Fakku is so bad.

There technically is an advanced search (I forget the URL), but nothing actually links to it. No idea why they haven't added a link to it yet. I also can't wrap my head around how ridiculously difficult it is to get them to add tags, even if you provide examples as per the instructions in their tag request thread.
YQII FAKKU Translator
RychschaX wrote...
There technically is an advanced search (I forget the URL), but nothing actually links to it.

This was already answered in the first reply. I've also added these instructions to the subscription FAQ.
YQII wrote...
RychschaX wrote...
There technically is an advanced search (I forget the URL), but nothing actually links to it.

This was already answered in the first reply. I've also added these instructions to the subscription FAQ.

*has a look*

You are absolutely right, I stand corrected.
Monster Girl
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