Would be cool to have physical magazines!

Would you like Physical Magazines?

Total Votes : 19
Hello, I just have a suggestion of doing physical magazines. I don't know how this would work with copy right and everything. But if possible, I would certainly subscribe.
Yes, I would buy them all.
Monthly box of smut would be good.
YQII FAKKU Translator
Here's quoting what I've said in the past:
Magazines in Japan are printed on very low quality paper, which is why they can get away with selling something with twice the page count for 40-80% of the prize of a regular book. They're meant to be easily used and then disposed of. We don't really have this option since our printing situation is very different than in Japan. Our books match some of the highest quality prints in Japan, so keeping it the same would likely balloon the cost of a single magazine to ~$50. A lot of changes would need to be made in order to make physical magazines financially viable (for us and our customers).

To add to this, we're still not out of the shipping crisis brought about by the pandemic, so it's a struggle just getting our new titles printed and delivered. The number I listed above was a conservative estimate back in 2017, so the actual price might have to go even higher nowadays.

Another thing I haven't mentioned in the past is the licensing aspect; for books is fairly simply since the only parties involved are typically us, the Japanese publisher, and the artist. Compiling a bunch of artists would complicate things a lot, and it would be nigh impossible to mix publishers (e.g., including chapters from Kairakuten, Bavel, and Aoha in the same release).

We know people love physical releases, but this is unlikely to happen anytime soon.
BoldMourn Harem consumer
Ouch, those costs would balloon and have the opposite effect on distribution hereā€¦
YQII wrote...
Here's quoting what I've said in the past:
Magazines in Japan are printed on very low quality paper, which is why they can get away with selling something with twice the page count for 40-80% of the prize of a regular book. They're meant to be easily used and then disposed of. We don't really have this option since our printing situation is very different than in Japan. Our books match some of the highest quality prints in Japan, so keeping it the same would likely balloon the cost of a single magazine to ~$50. A lot of changes would need to be made in order to make physical magazines financially viable (for us and our customers).

To add to this, we're still not out of the shipping crisis brought about by the pandemic, so it's a struggle just getting our new titles printed and delivered. The number I listed above was a conservative estimate back in 2017, so the actual price might have to go even higher nowadays.

Another thing I haven't mentioned in the past is the licensing aspect; for books is fairly simply since the only parties involved are typically us, the Japanese publisher, and the artist. Compiling a bunch of artists would complicate things a lot, and it would be nigh impossible to mix publishers (e.g., including chapters from Kairakuten, Bavel, and Aoha in the same release).

We know people love physical releases, but this is unlikely to happen anytime soon.

Yeah, this is true. It is something I would love, but I also understand it would be incredibly difficult. Of course, if something like this could exist, amazing. But I understand there are many complications with it. Thank you for the insight :)
Monster Girl
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