Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today.

Forum Image: http://s29.postimg.org/97s4i3o6r/49727152_p0_master1200.jpg

Forum Image: http://s29.postimg.org/5o6oz7ewj/1432219460379_2.png

Hi I'm Reno. I started lurking in late 2009 and I forgot to make an account on my 18th Birthday and ended up making it in early January.

I was on Fakku IB before the segregation of IB and CTFG and I used to post on the Flip Thread. I mostly just come on fakku to check out whats happening with y'all. I tend to stay on facebook because Some of the fags here have me as a friend there.

I like to shit talk, and laugh at stupidity. Though I know I'm not a gleaming example of brilliance myself.

Currently Infatuated with Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Though this past week I've been getting back to Minecraft.

Don't play Minecraft with me if you can't build according to a theme. I got OCD like that.
Forum Image: http://i3.minus.com/iccIGPM9193nX.jpg

Hi, roku here. Joined since 2009, but only actively post at 2010. Now that I think about it, it's been such a long time since I started being a pervert... I still remember the rise and fall of chat topics, chatroll madness, all the dramas and romance that was going on. Heck, I even got myself a girlfriend here. Mad times, mad times...

Life's pretty good since. Got into university, found another pervs irl that I quickly became friend with, graduated, and now finally got myself a job. I even got myself some romance in between. Now I'm with this cosplayer girl who is a closet pervert and I'm thinking of settling down with her. Yep.

It's been a while since I last checked here. It feels nice to be at home again.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Forum Image: http://a.loveisover.me/eatrqc.gif

Oh hi, I remember you.

I guess I was a lurker in 2009, and then I had my account deleted because hotmail was retarded. I've been here for over 5 years now, soon approaching 6(unofficially). I'm still in University(thank goodness I graduate soon) and I hope to not be a bum on the streets. Truth be told I'm starting lose interest in this site, and I only find myself coming back because of the forums.
I guess it's time to post normally.

Oda(must) here. Found Fakku around 2010 because some guy had told me about the existence of hentai and I was thinking whether I can find hentai versions of the animes that I've watched. I've been a regular visitor ever since to read all kinds of mangas and doujinshis. A year later and I decided to explore the forums. There were so many fun and interesting threads with unique posters that it became one of the main reasons I keep coming back to Fakku. I then decided to make this account when I became legal by age. I was pretty active in the forums in my early days, making tons of posts every day in a lot of places. Then stuff happened (personal, educational, financial, etc.) and activity has reduced over time. I've been frequenting IB and CTFG as the result.

At the moment, I'm about a semester away from finishing my biomed course so it has been pretty stressful. It's even more stressful when my exams are still going on. Currently aiming to get a place for internship in certain labs in my university. I haven't been watching as many anime series as I used to nowadays, though I would always make an effort to clear up some bits of my never-ending backlog from time to time. I never thought that I'd still be visiting Fakku until today. I've met a lot of cool and unique people here. Still keeping in touch with some of them, especially on Skype.

With pretty much everything said, it's nice to see you again Gambler even though we've never talked before.

Forum Image: https://d.maxfile.ro/qznfktnhev.gif
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gifForum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Nx77d5c.gif
And here's my bear tribute.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Just posting to say "Hi." to the best mod Fakku has had.

Forum Image: http://puu.sh/iwmUd/c41ab83b91.jpg
Lurked around in 2008 and joined in 2009.
I come back and post once or twice every now and again, mostly due to the fact that I hardly have time to chat on forums as I once did.
Don't really watch/read Anime/Manga or Hentai nowadays.
Working Part-Time at a computer refurb place and going to University, from which I will be graduating in the Fall.
Doing a lot of Art and comic work lately, and will be putting out stuff soon.

Forum Image: https://33.media.tumblr.com/047b91d299178637d1f066c3e8497bb8/tumblr_npzwplX4wj1rvs9wso1_500.gif
And because boobs:
Forum Image: https://41.media.tumblr.com/9f51e2d59077e9367919e9e2a6ef47fe/tumblr_mu1kjcRrNe1su4tsqo1_1280.jpg
Joined back in '11 after watching too much naruto. When I first joined I was as terrible of a user like everybody else, but I tried my hardest to pull through and use fakku as a mean to learn and improve my English with. I also soon discovered the many Skype chats that Fakkuza has created and also found my place in them. And so now, many years later with a track record of not-so-great threads, I still talk to my Fakkuza friends on skype daily and try to keep up with the forum on fakku. My grades in English has also improved greatly and I'm now allowed to drive a car legally. It'll be interested how things will look once I get out of uni in a few years.

Still interested in[...]:
Movies: ✓
Anime: ✓
Manga: Only Berserk, Yotsuba and Onepunch Man.
Games: ✓

It's been a bumpy ride but I hope it never ends.
Not haven't exactly been around for an awful long time, but I've been using this site for three years and my account is two and a half. Made it the day after my birthday some time, forget the details. "BagMan" is a shitty superhero comic me and a very close friend used to make when we were like 8, name just stuck for all things internet.

A lot of users know me as BagMan or some derivitive thereof, some (Good buddies and skype friends) know me as Eoin I don't really mind which one people use. Don't post an awful lot, especially not anymore, and it's even rarer for me to post about myself (no one really wants to hear it) but I figured if there's any thread worth doing it in it's this one.

Currently dealing with minor depression, it's not awful but it's there. Only something that's shown up in the last few months but I've always been oversensitive, I let things bother me that really shouldn't and I guess that's why I've ended up like this.

Still, I like to think I enjoy life. I have a good thing going here but it's difficult some days to think about that but I'm really thankful to this site for helping me get to know a lot of great people who share similar interests to mine.
I was here to see the old guard fall. Not sure if that makes me elder. Harmonian Nashrakaksdajkd and others.

I mostly chill at home and watch my chinese cartoon porn when I'm not at my cush security job. Trying to get back into college.
Forgot image, and since we can post whatever have a picture of my waifu

Forum Image: http://puu.sh/iwr7d.jpg
Antw0n Remember me?
I've been here for six years.

I was a pretty shit user in the beginning. Also hated Tegumi and thought she was an evil cunt.
Now I love Tegumi and am a slightly less shit user.

A lot of people might consider me to be FAKKU's Gundam guy but I didn't really get into Gundam until after I joined FAKKU, so I wasn't always the fanatic some people know me as now. Watching G Gundam on Cartoon Network as a kid was definitely the first step in that direction.

I still draw stuff too. Better stuff than the Adventures of Antw0n crap. Got a tablet recently, trying to become a "real" artist.
Not professionally. Just as a hobby.

I remember when I joined FAKKU I still only had a PS2 and a gen-1 Nintendo DS. Xbox 360 came shortly after.
Now it's two generations of gaming later. Its blows my mind when I think about it.

I don't have much more interesting to say. Some days I can't believe I've been on this website for so long, and a lot of you have been here way longer.
I don't plan on leaving any time soon. I'm here forever.
Or at least until I get permabanned. Not gonna make an alt account if that happens.

Now some words of wisdom for the newbies.
Remember, newfags. Just because you can shitpost in IB doesn't mean you should.
This isn't /b/.
People always like to see a thread that took some thought and creativity.

Forum Image: http://puu.sh/iwra7/d4b1deb4f1.jpg
Hey there. I joined in 2008, forgot the impetus. I was a student back then, I still am, though the level has changed somewhat. I mainly lurk these days but I've never left the forum, I don't foresee myself doing so in the near future but only time can tell.
Xenon FAKKU Writer
Xenon here.

Most probably don't know me, but I've been a member since the beginning of 2008 after finding out about Fakku from a thread on 4chan's /h/. I finally became active on the forums at the end of 2010 because of the Fakku Seasonal Writing Contest. Ever since then, I've been very active in the Writing and Fanfiction section and pretty much no where else. I'm too long-winded, serious, and genuine a person for IB so I steer clear.

After the Seasonal Writing Contest, the people who started it took off from the section so I took it up as my own and have been hosting it every winter since 2011. I look forward to it every year.

In that time, I enrolled in college, and subsequently graduated with a bachelors degree in psychology but unfortunately can't use it on its own and I didn't want to go further with it.

After graduating and failing to find relevant work, I ended up taking a job in a graduate studies library for two years. I'm a pretty quiet but highly organized person so it fit pretty well. I've enrolled in a program starting this fall to get a masters degree in library and information science. It would be nice to work in a public library, utilizing my desire to help people directly.

Just a month or so ago I decided to give back to Fakku and help out, so I've been on the tagging and uploading team with Misaki_Chi & Co. Plus, it fits well with my professional development in information keeping. It's been nice so far.

In my spare time, I avidly play video games on PC. I typically love "triple-A" single-player adventures and moving onto the next title after completing one. However, I have played various multiplayer games intensively, namely Team Fortress 2, DotA 2, LoL, Street Fighter 4, Heroes of the Storm, and Hearthstone. My latest love is The Witcher 3, a damn fine game. Feel free to PM me if you'd like to add me on any PC gaming medium.

TL;DR: I'm Xenon, a writer from the W&F section, been here since 2008. I run the winter writing contests. I'm trying to become a librarian. I'm a tagger and uploader now. I have played PC games my whole life. PM me if you want to friend me and play some games together.

One of my earlier avatars:

Forum Image: http://orig01.deviantart.net/36ae/f/2011/067/e/7/jason_todd_ongoing_petition_by_jiuge-d3b7wz8.jpg

Also, Gambler, it has indeed been some time. I hope you have been and will continue to be well. My sincere regards to you.
Guess I should come out fresh as well.

I was first this guy and fakku was my first forum. It was great rp'ing with others, still remember Zeph=3 who took a liking to me. I was new to internets and pretty judgmental, so after rbz convinced me wrong in a certain heated debate in sd concerning christianity and homosexuality i couldn't remain my persona anymore. But i still wanted to come to this place. I started anew with this account, it was around the time ib devided.

All that was in my uni days, faculty of finance and credit. Then I took russian citizenship (had latvian) and got drafted in the air force. Afterwards had two jobs, and now working as project director's deputy in а construction company in moscow. All the meanwhile entertaining myself in ib, this place has kinda grown on me. but i still lurk in ctfg ^___^

Forum Image: http://c.mfcdn.net/store/manga/3592/09-073.0/compressed/ggb_study073_001.jpg
NEXUS Since 2010
Found fakku around December of 2009 while looking for hentai, I lurked for a few months and joined in February of 2010. Been here ever since.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
Gambler wrote...
Your avatar has changed plenty of times over the years too.

More importantly, I am glad to see a certain topic faring well. :)

Until I feel like locking it again. Hi Gamb.
It's been awhile I guess? I was here constantly a few years back. Now work is a piece of crap and I'm super busy lately. Finding comfort in alcohol and gaming nowadays, nice seeing other people here :)

Pretty much got roped in to make a fakku account like how most users were; I saw people having fun and I wanted in. Was a shit user in the beginning, got my jimmies rustled and went into hiatus, came back and met ryssen and grenouiiuiuillle99 (Lughost) and it was smooth sailing from there to now.

I don't post as much anymore mainly because interest in the site is starting to fade, and because I have the coolest people in skype now. Me, Ryssen and Lughost started a small comfy chat group; now it's much bigger and full of wonderful people. We play/share games with each other from time to time. I love everyone in there.

I like animu, I like cute shit. I'm decent at Touhou. I play a MOBA (I should stop). 2 years left till I graduate from college. Fumbling around at life. Here's a neko.

Forum Image: http://puu.sh/iwKUE/021f8069cc.jpg
Hello, I am Old - Jenkins.

I've been here for 5 years, ever since I was still a kiddy university student to be exact. Found F! Forum when browsing doujins back then, decided to join in just because. Nowadays, I just came online here to meet certain people at the most random of times. Workload is catching up quickly to my job, and the life hasn't been much better recently. But with all things considered, I am more of thrilled than annoyed to complete the challenge of settling things sooner than later.

In all honesty, I am thankful for F! because it led me to find some wonderful people I would eventually bring along even to this date. Unfortunately, most decided to walk their own ways and ceased contacts due to personal reasons. However, whatever I remember about them remains intact. It is all thanks to them that I managed to sharpen my character, improved my english, and led me to find what sort of hobby suit me best, to name a few.

It's been pretty fun and unforgettable years from my side.
I joined back in 2010 after seeing a watermark on an old Haruhi doujin, I've met a lot of cool people here and actually lived with a few. I'm not nearly as active as I used to be, but I'm still here alive and kicking. Love for Konata is still alive and strong since 2007. Its hard to believe I've been here this long but its been a lot of fun.

Forum Image: http://a.loveisover.me/gdikha.jpg
Monster Girl
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