Do you download porn?

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Have some hentai on the phone, other than that images gets saved only to do reverse search.
I download whatever I purchase from here, but otherwise I'm not particularly inclined to download. I don't really see a need to waste a bunch of storage on videos and whatnot when you can just stream it. Loss of content could be kinda annoying, but there's so much out there that I'm not super bothered by it.
I download for that funky fresh 3200 resolution
Kutharos Not a dentist
It depends, but I tend to download what I like. What I have learned is that nothing on the internet is forever.
Kutharos wrote...
It depends, but I tend to download what I like. What I have learned is that nothing on the internet is forever.

Sadly. Learned that lesson way too many times, so if I really like something, I download it so it can sit there taking up space on my hard drive forever while I forget it exists. But at least I've got it if I want it later!
I stopped watching/downloading live-action porn a long time ago since it has all become the same old boring stuff. I only play Hentai games and read Hentai manga and all of that stuff I download obviously from here. I have them all burned on DVD-Rs for storage and safe keeping in case I accidentally delete them or wipe out my PC.
There's some great stuff out there in the world of Porn that you download, definitely still do download occasionally!
Sometimes I'd download for offline viewing. However, my whole library will soon disappear because the site I use is going down (R18).
magnolsiac wrote...
Sometimes I'd download for offline viewing. However, my whole library will soon disappear because the site I use is going down (R18).
That's sad. What site is going down?
I don’t generally download. It’s rare when an artist has their stuff deleted so it’s almost always there for me to find again.

Though recently a forum I frequented for for a very specific type of content just vanished so I’ve been finding their stuff again on other forums.
I have my favorites downloaded. Everything else I usually just like or bookmark and move on.
I used to, but now no
I do not personally
mrrobot1994 wrote...
Avro12 wrote...
I have my favorites downloaded. Everything else I usually just like or bookmark and move on.

I'm just like you. My hard drive doesn't have enough capacity for all the high-quality porn movies. I usually bookmark them to save time instead of downloading them all.

Same here. I have a bunch of stuff downloaded, but nowadays I mostly bookmark stuff instead.
Oh, I totally get where you're coming from. For me, it's more about curating a collection of the stuff I really enjoy rather than downloading everything in sight. I lean towards the videos or pictures that resonate with me the most—those gems that you come across once in a blue moon, you know? Especially when it comes to content featuring auto strokers, since finding high-quality material that hits the spot can sometimes be a bit of a quest.

There's definitely that fear of missing out or losing access to content if an artist decides to pack up and leave or if stuff gets taken down. It's happened a few times, and kicking myself for not downloading a favorite piece is a feeling I know all too well. But yeah, trying to download everything is like trying to drink the ocean with a straw—pretty much a lost cause with how much content is constantly being uploaded.

So, I've kind of struck a balance. I download the pieces I absolutely can't live without—the ones that strike a chord or are just too good to risk losing. Everything else, I might bookmark or just appreciate in the moment online. It's about finding that sweet spot between keeping a personal treasure trove and not going overboard trying to capture everything. Plus, focusing on the Auto Stroker content I genuinely love makes my collection feel more personal and enjoyable.
accelheim wrote...
Do you download it, or do you just like it online or add it to collections? And if you download, do you download everything from your favorite artist or just the pictures/videos you like the most?

I feel the need to download it all as I hate it to come back to an artist and see that stuff got deleted or that the user doesn't exist anymore. But I also understand that you can't have it all and trying to download everything is just impossible, as there is posted stuff every second on each website and you simply can't keep up.
Engaging with sexual content on OnlyFans and thefap is highly subjective. Some users appreciate the direct support to creators and the personalized content. Others worry about potential addiction and the impact on personal relationships. It's essential to approach these platforms with respect for boundaries and awareness of the potential psychological effects. Everyone’s experience and perspective on this will differ.

sure, no porn no life
Nah, no need to download when internet speed is fast enough to access things on the fly nowadays
Yes, I'm a data hoarder. I also have a really bad memory so I'll usually organize and save what I like so I don't have to go scouring the internet or my search history to try and remember. Definitely a little annoying because I'll be doing something randomly, remember a panel from a comic I read, then spend the next 1-2 hours trying to find said comic. Essentially, like ear worms from songs... but hentai.
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