Threads of Fate

This is my very first review, please be kind, yada yada, hope you enjoy.

Two Amazing Adventures!
Rue is on a quest to revive a lost friend.
Mint is seeking power and revenge.
Both of them are looking for a powerful relic,
but which will be brave and
clever enough to reach their goal?

-the excerpt

Threads of Fate was one of three big games released by Squaresoft during the 1999 "Summer of Adventure." While it never was as big as FF7, or Chrono Cross, it was nevertheless a well received action platformer.

The game was notable for it's real-time combat along side it's traditional RPG level and magic system, and I feel as though it helped pave the way for other games of this type; Kingdom Hearts comes to mind.

It's main draw, however, was it's design to allow players to have two characters to play as, the amnesiac and solitary Rue, and the spoiled and brass Princess Mint. While it follows the same storyline for both characters, each receives a different dungeon in the game, and different character relations. An example of this would be; Rue, guided by a sense of duty, bonds with a broken down archeologist, while Mint, who thinks nothing of using people gets close to his daughter to gather information.

As I said before, it is an action platformer, but it plays different for each character. Rue, is a shape-shifter and melee expert, while Mint is a mage who is more suited to long distance.

It has a simple story, with no major plot twists, but it isn't a dumb game by any means. However, this seems to clash with it's theme of destiny and choice. It has a beautiful score, composed by Junya Nanako, as well as an almost flawless localization.

If you can find it for the PSX, buy it, and if you can't, that's alright because it was released on the PSN earlier this year.

I've been playing this game for over a decade now, and don't you think it's about time you started too?
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
All I can remember about this game is finding it at Fry's and loving the shit out of it.
I like playing four colors, I think you can try it now.
Everyone has their own tastes and preferences. Some people like this in passing dungeons, while others start having problems, but mythic plus carry will help with them all
Monster Girl
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