Tomoyo Fighter ~It's an Exciting Life~ - Perfect Edition

mallrat wrote...
qwertgbn wrote...

Thank you for doing this again.
I have 1 request this time. Can you alter the save game in a way that restores the broken wall showing the Kanon girls?
It's as if the game remembers it, and it only allows you this event once.

Sure. This will be my last save; I modified a clean save for this one and it should act like starting a brand new game [with everything unlocked]. If anybody is downloading my saves for the first time, start with this one.
I won't be taking anymore requests for the time being as I am messing around with the character editor at the moment, trying to find a copy and paste function; at any rate, enjoy.

Mallrat, can you fix the share file? I've looked thru all 3 of them and they're all empty files [0.00MB].
BennyChan wrote...

Mallrat, can you fix the share file? I've looked thru all 3 of them and they're all empty files [0.00MB].

They are not empty, download and open it with WinZip or WinRar. The file is too small to properly count the size.
mallrat wrote...
BennyChan wrote...

Mallrat, can you fix the share file? I've looked thru all 3 of them and they're all empty files [0.00MB].

They are not empty, download and open it with WinZip or WinRar. The file is too small to properly count the size.

It is less than 1kb in fact.
Around 412b. if i'm not mistaken
I can't seem to choose every second option (Challenge mode, Option, and Event View) Anyone know what I can do to fix this :P
Well it looks like I've unlocked everyone I could (only 2 blank spaces left in the character selection screen). After playing as Eroyama (the guy with the red necktie tied around his head; also he's one of the last unlockable characters to be unlocked) I found a few interesting things about him:
1. If there's a girl nearby (friend or foe), Eroyama can recharge his health by groping the girl - press punch or kick (yes even your Auto 2p partner - which made for a hilarious game and thus lots of this happened [Minmin was my Auto 2P partner]:
Forum Image:
2. His "special" attack is a Molotov Cocktail. It's tricky to use (because it's slow to execute, which can make him vulnerable), but when in very close quarters, the impact of swinging the cocktail actually inflicts heavy damage to opponents (even more than the blast and flame from a thrown cocktail). Also, it doesn't drain the "SP" bar so he has unlimited ammo.
mrtesting wrote...
Just wondering, what the song name that is on the beginning stage?
That is if you choosed Miku.

Sound can be found here too
%install dir%\Tomoyo Fighter - Perfect\sound\music\31.wav
I've been wondering about this as well. Never found the song in my research, though I've checked about the first 150 songs here.

Maybe it's custom made for the game? :?

<edit> Found out about it. It's a Vocaloid Original Song called "Oshiete!! Mahou no Lyric" ^^
Great game however... I can't seem to pass level 3.... whenever my character goes to the subway... the computer hangs... and stop... and needed to reset... I set the regional for non-unicode... what do you think is the problem? Help me... Thanx..
ZigMuf wrote...
Did anyone beat the game with 1 player on hard yet? My best try was with Kyou, but i lost to the pumpkin.

i did!!! i use the pumpkin
how come i just a black screen withe the menu bar at the top.
This game is so damn cute and fun xD Nippon banzai des~ I just went through my first cycle, I have to say, playing one character (Tomoyo) against the other 3 Clannads at one go can be comboed to death easily o.o I died like twice against them because they keep ganging up :S Ah well. Hope to unlock the rest. Btw Shiroko is uber imba o.o'' Her sweeping alone clears everything easily.
This is a fun game, it reminds me of when I played Streets of Rage 2 with my cousin all the time.

Also, on Derailed by Darry, it says you can summon a starfish with Fuko by pressing (qcp+k or p). What button(s) is "qcp"? And, how do I get (down forward+kick) combos to work? I know it should work for Tomoyo 3. It doesn't do anything for me.
mallrat wrote...

Sure. This will be my last save; I modified a clean save for this one and it should act like starting a brand new game [with everything unlocked]. If anybody is downloading my saves for the first time, start with this one.
I won't be taking anymore requests for the time being as I am messing around with the character editor at the moment, trying to find a copy and paste function; at any rate, enjoy.

mallrat, could you re-upload on another file hosting? it's hard to download from zshare recently, strange, somehow the download page keep looping around and cannot save the file. thank you.

cross_hare123 wrote...
What button(s) is "qcp"?

quarter circle punch = quarter circle forward, punch
The reason the zshare link keeps looping is because they had a server error and all uploads before they fixed the server were deleted.

Here's a new link for the save data that works for the no-crash version of the game:
wow thnx for the save file.. btw Mamimokkori is still missing.. and can someone tell me where to find ai enma coz in the boss rush u can fight her but in actual gamestart she was not found??
You are using that save file on the "no-crash" version, right? The save file unlocks all the characters for that version including Nanoha and Marimokkori.

If you don't have the no-crash version go to Tantrumbull's Crib to download it. Use google to find the site.
so i need the no crash version. i got only V2.05.
is there a way to make the event conversation in english?
or it is imposible? :?
Unless someone makes an english patch for it then you're stuck with jap speak. :)
I can't seem to select the Challenge Mode, Event View and the Options buttons... How do I select them??? :cry: :cry: I want to unlock the other characters...
Did the game makes stop working on TFP?
i just downloaded it and all i get is a blank screen.
I did change my regional setting.
Monster Girl
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