Your own insecurities.

Yeah being a big guy can be a little downing. I mean i was harassed through middle school and because of all that i cant look at anti-bullying things with out grinding my teeth knowing it wont stop it. Also being pansexual i think people think im weird for excepting everyone regardless of their genders or belifes. I also could never do anything public. Speeches, class presentations, or contests because i hate rejection or being judged in general.
Shit this is a depressing thread, lol. I just want to say I love all of you for being willing to admit these things, and I hope that you don't let them get you down or define your life.
The fact that you can talk about and share it means you're already quite strong, and you can do so much more! Seriously, never give up (I almost did once, and professional help can be both useful and short term)! =)

Now that's out of the way for me...
I've got bad skin, and despite what family and friends say, I can tell from my single status I am not a good looking man. I'm not into sports for watching or playing, and I chose not to drink, simply because I don't find it all that enjoyable, so I've become a recluse, despite no intention of wanting this.
Also, since I'm single and a perv I now have a huge hentai collection, on the comp and physical, which probably means I'm doomed to stay single until I find a girl who likes hentai too, which I can kinda tell is never going to happen.

That's about it... if anyone wants some support or to talk I'm happy to do so (I'm probably a bit older than most of you if that helps, lol)! Sometimes it just helps to talk or hear another opinion. ;)
In general, I think not being motivated enough and seeing others achieve what I wanted to puts me back steps at a time. It causes me to be less focused, less enthused, less puts a damper on my mood. I've been trying to work on it so I don't feel that way any more. but old habits die hard. It's just that once I set my own pace and don't compare myself to others, I tend to do better. That is one of my insecurities.
The main ones are my mental illnesses/not really knowing who I am or understanding my emotions, terrible memory, how easily I cry, and my body ( acne, having small breasts, scars littered over my legs from the time I lived in someone's basement and there were fleas. Oh and a mole on each of my legs;; )
I'm only 4'11" and my gf is 5'9. Sometimes when were in public together, people think she's my older sister, cause I look like I'm 12 years old (I'm 23, she just turned 22 on May 1st). Plus, I'm white and she's japanese, so that makes perfect sense.

Once we were at a movie theater, and when the movie was done at around midnight, there was an old woman who thought my gf was my babysitter or something, cause she said something like "You should hurry up and get that boy home, what would his parents think if they knew they were paying you to look after him, and you're taking him to a movie this late on a school night?" I literally yelled "Bitch, I'm 23!"

Yakumo was laughing her ass off the entire ride home. Randomly repeating my "Bitch, I'm 23" line every few minutes.
But all of these things about me...i'm not insecure, do you think I'm insecure? But that's not what matters to They can jerk off their opinions all they want but they can't survive without me making mistakes for them. They don't carry like me, I can jack shit up and they fear me instead of pity me. I wouldn't even give a damn thought about who they are and that is no shit.
Let's see... I always feel like everyone hates me right off the bat with no rational reason. I'm very quiet and shy, I am paranoid that I come across as rude. I stumble over my words, I don't know how to properly speak on the telephone.

I have had horrible past relationship experiences so I'm always worrying that my current bf will get sick of me and want to get rid of me. It makes it worse when I have this bad habit of checking to make sure he still loves me, which annoys him, which makes me feel worse, and on and on the cycle goes.

I wish I could learn to just chill the fuck out... seriously though...
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
I have anxiety so my worst critique is myself. Even if people say good things about me I always think I should do better and if people have their own critiques or are upset with me I'm even harder then they are on myself personally. I also tend to over-think situations so instead of a person not talking to me because they're busy, I may think I did something wrong to upset them and drive myself nuts with it. I use to be a lot worse but I'm learning to deal with things a bit better.
idk i h8 my skin
lots of scars and shit and make up saves me lol
also i h8 my breast... they r huge n i wnt them gONE
i also would love 2 lose weight but considering i binge eat a

im vvvv awkward and i know this so i get even more awk n thus more insecure
I've always been insecure about my looks in general, I can't take my shirt off in public like most guys do because I just feel people would stare at me. I'm not even a big guy either. I don't like people touching my stomach either.

I also don't like my face. I blame it for the reason I've yet to have my first kiss.
chille the elderitch one
I have a few things I'm insecure about, but not many that are major, just minor things.

I am short as well but it never really bothered me, but recently my friends and everyone have been growing and suddenly the people who were smaller than me have become a lot taller than me. I am beefy in a way, i'm short but i'm compact meaning that my weight accumulates and makes me seem chubby despite the fact that if i was taller i'd be the same weight as most other people.
Recently I've felt that I don't love Cherry enough. That I need to love her more and more to keep up otherwise I'll lose her.

Just one of those thoughts stuck in the back of my mind, but it's really starting to get to me now.
I really hate my self for saying this but basically i am your ideal guy. i am tall, strong and have an athletic build.

on any dating site i would be at the top but i am really lonely.

i have issues that mean that i cant connect to people who might want to be with me.

i feel i can be honest here, i am a lolicon.

i do not want to violate anyone. i dont want to harm anyone. i am just me and i would like to find someone like me.
Xillia Full Time Waifu.
Weight seems to be a big one for the majority of us, but being slightly chubby is my own fault from eating and I can work that off.

The fact that my hair's thinning at the age of 19 is a massive insecurity for me. My friends constantly point it out and it really makes me feel different from the group...
I fear of not being... "special" enough to meet a special someone in the future. Right now, in college, I'm surrounded by people who just happen to click with each other so easily, and I end up feeling like the last guy in a musical chairs game. Maybe I expect to much and just think relationships happen in a snap, in a click, when people only meet. But this current absence has me feeling I won't find "the one" for me anytime soon.
My own insecurities you say...
I hate the way I look, I've had acne for a long time and it still hasn't cleared all the way. I'm afraid people will leave me if they know I sometimes get sexual thoughts while looking at drawn images of childeren. Some of the people I trusted enough to tell them about it left me and acted like I was a monster because of it.(FYI I've never acted on any of these urges)
The way I deal with these things in life is trying to ignore it and not trusting people who personally know me.
I have two things that I've always disliked about myself.

- My fear of being alone
- My callous nature whenever I stay out with people over 4 hours at a time.

The second one more so because it's ruined so many relationships for me in the past where I've went on a date or went out with friends and just hit this wall of self loathing and ceasing caring about what's going on at the time. It turns into people getting angry or depressed at what I begin to say, and they usually don't talk to me again afterward. It's this vicious cycle, y'know?
My weight really. I know I am bigger, and have been losing a lot of weight, but I feel like I will always be large. That and to fail is the greatest shame for me.
Well, a few of my insecurities:

Acne. Holy fuck do I have battles with acne all the time. And it's always one-sided. I have it on my arms, chest, back, neck, scalp, hell even my ass has some acne (though it's hidden beneath all my asshair, so that's good??)

Isolation. I have a tendency to ignore all my friends, say no to hanging out with them (despite being a major pushover), and then I proceed to hangout in my room doing fuckall else. It really sucks cause it definitely takes its toll on your social life, and the 5 people I talk to frequently has dwindled down to 2.

Being a pushover. Holy shit can I not say "no" in most circumstances. I ate a fucking leaf once because of it. Two, actually. Trust me, if I had to choose between eating a browned dead leaf, and a lively green leaf, I'd take the dead leaf any day. Chlorophyll tastes nasty. Avoid at any opportunity. I assume part of my being a pushover is due to the lack of fucks I give on a lot of things, but when it comes to things I don't want to do... It's pretty fucking hard to say no. Especially when bullshit drama is involved.

And my overall uselessness. Whenever a friend is going through some serious shit, I can't give them amazing advice and help them get their shit together. At most, I start to freak out with them because my inability to help sends me into panic-mode (not panic attacks) and I go into a mental frenzy trying to figure out what to do. Which leads me to either do absolutely nothing, or do something extremely stupid and make things worse.

Due to my pretty stupid insecurities, one thing always scared me shitless. I have a lot of friends in the LGBT community and at my old highschool, there was the Gay-Straight alliance club that I went to with them. And it was fun and everything, but we usually played like group games and whatnot. Which was fine. But then we had this thing called "group talk" which would involve everyone going around answering a question, which would be something like "what's your favorite anime character and why?" or "what's the most random thing you ever did?". Some questions were actually pretty loaded, and made for some pretty depressing and morbid group talks. One question though, was "what is one thing you like about yourseld?" and for the life of me I could not give a sincere answer. Out of all the bullshit I could say, like my eyes or hair or some other trivial shit, I opted to go with an asnwer along the lines of "my asshair"...

So yeah, apparently the one thing I like about myself is the jungle that grows on my ass. Pretty sure everyone knew I was bullshitting too. Could see the realization on their faces that I was a tool. After that, I really didn't like group talk so I stopped going. Lost a few friends that way too cause I only ever saw them at GSA.
I am soo insecure about myself!

I hate my looks. I have a *bad mood* facial expression CONSTANTLY, but a baby face... my face is overall shitty. Too round,yet edgy, not nice and ponty just ew.

I hate my thighs,my boobs are nice but too small for my big bottom...i hate my body overall (with tiny exceptions)

I hate how insecure i am. To the point i cry when people shout or raise their voice.
i care too much about other people, i'm naive and too emphatic, so i get manipulated and taken advantage of

Also i'm a rather big pervert, which does cause trouble

I'm too self critical too, so basically i hate everything and i overall feel like i'm not good enough...