How I Became A Hypocrite

Anyone who's seen my posts on manga pre-sub FAKKU! knows how much I don't like, no, hate NTR, but this one woman I've met makes me want to commit Netori.

We met while playing TF2, you know, the whole "friend-listing people you like playing with" thing, so I looked over her profile and left her a message wishing her luck in the career she wants to pursue.
Well, after that, we started talking, and I found out more about her, how beautiful she is, how she's the sweetest thing I've ever met, and how she has the voice of an angel.

She seems perfect, right?
Well, that's where my hypocrisy began.
There's three problems, and two of them're linked:
1. She lives a state over.
2. She has a boyfriend.
3. I know nothing about 2 except that he's a med student, while I'm a worthless NEET.

You can see my dilemma here, right?
The one gal who actually likes how I look and who I am is the only woman I've ever considered purposefully compromising my morals for.
I mean, she fits literally everything I've looked for in a wife since I was 5, so that's a hellova long list, and not a thing's missing, so meeting her felt like fate finally gave me a perfect hand, and now all I have to do is change out the right cards to find my chance at happiness.

Just because I have these deep feelings for her, it doesn't mean I won't regret what I'm wanting to do, in fact, it makes me afraid to make things worse for her, because she might be happy with this guy, and I'm just causing trouble for her, but, no matter how much I question it, it still feels like I'm meant to be with her, y'know?
Like some force is pulling us closer and closer together, and it's my choice whether to keep going or pull away.

I'm mainly wanting to go as far as I can until I cross the line, but I don't know what I'll do when I get that far.
The dilemma is whether I should risk her being happy with this guy to be selfish and try to make her happy myself.
I know I'd be able to make her happy, but he'd be more likely to be able to support her monetarily, so I'm at war with myself over a plethora of questions ringing through my mind.
It's Love vs. Morals, and I think I know what I'm going to do, but it doesn't make me happy to do it, but if it can help her be happy, I don't care how I feel afterwards. ^.^
You're assuming a lot. This isn't an h-manga where you can just steal someone by fucking them. This girl has this boyfriend for a reason. She must like him. And unless you've been presented evidence that things are rocky between them and things might be heading for the bad, you shouldn't think you can just win her over with your personality. The circumstances aren't in your favor, either. You said you live a state over and you're a NEET. No offense, but if I were I girl, I'd probably want to date a med student and someone who is in my state (presumably).

I hate to shit all over your plans (especially when I've had similar feelings in the past), but my recommendation is just try to stay friends. As I said, she has that boyfriend for a reason and your "cosmic feeling" doesn't negate her real feelings of affection towards him. Sucks, but at least you don't have to compromise your morals.
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
It's cool you like this girl and all, but you should be a bit more realistic about the situation. You only know this girl from what you know about her via online. Even if she is being honest (catfish can be a real thing, so warning you), that doesn't mean that you know everything about this girl.

The way you say you two are destined to be together is a bit creepy. Not trying to offend you, like it said it's nice that you like this girl and have a crush on her, but to say you two were meant for one another and that destiny is bringing you two together is a bit much. This girl has a life and her own feelings and things going on, I doubt she has a clue how you feel and given she has a boyfriend you need to consider her feelings in all of this. Not the feelings you wish for her to have for you, but her real to life feelings. This doesn't come off as romantic, more like infatuation (again I'm sorry to offend, but I'm just trying to be honest with how this all sounds).

As 623 said I would just stay friends and get to know this girl. It doesn't matter the person you are; if you find the right one they will love and accept you no matter what. If you feel like you are lacking something personally then work on yourself so you can be good not only for yourself but others. I can't say that this girl is or isn't the one for you, but don't just go off the deep end an NTR her. Life is not a hentai and if you try this you will probably get your ass handed to you.

If you find you don't want to stay friends then confess or drop the friendship all together. I personally think given she has a relationship, the distance and just knowing one another the way you do now you probably won't get with this girl, but again if you feel you cannot maintain a friendship, best to end it then to live a lie.

Sorry if some of my words were a bit too harsh, but I am being honest and I do wish you the best.

Edit: I agree with what Freak's said below about saying if you go for it regardless of her boyfriend if she chooses you it's her choice at that point. I think personally the whole "meant to be" thing is just odd, but again my personal opinion. I don't believe in soul mates or anything like that so grain of salt warning for my post. Do what you feel is right and let the rest be up to her afterwards.
animefreak_usa Child of Samael
Unlike most people I don't subscribe to the she has a boyfriend so don't do it. If you have a chance and she feels the same then steal her like the antidote to cancer. If she doesn't feel the same way then why try? Happiness is a fleeting thought. Just ask her she's happy with her boyfriend and if she says yes just drop it. If she was into you then her answer would be you. There's no morals in the war of love. It's a dirty disgusting war crime filled world in that thing. What it be what it be.

If you're able to break up her relationship between her boyfriend then that relationship wasn't strong enough to survive anyway. It's not like you're entrapmenting her, she has her own choice to make. If it makes you feel bad that you're stealing her from her relationship then think of this way. You ain't doing anything wrong. She made her choice with you. You don't have a gun to her head and she is an adult. That just means Mr pre med wasn't for her.

Does it make you feel like a scumbag? That's on you. Weigh your options and listen to your conscience and if you can live with it, do it. You can't be in love and be her friend at the same time. If her friendship means more to you and you're afraid to ask her that question then there's your answer. Regret is a bitch but self-loathing is that a whore who steals all your money and leaves you with your dick in your hand. You decide what you want to be her.. friend or man. There no right answers.
Thanks for the advice, all, it means a lot to know you're willing to help me keep on the straight and narrow, or support my efforts.
I think it's funny that I wasn't the one who said it must've been fate that caused us to meet, as she did after I explained things in greater detail.
I talked with her and several friends about it, and I think I got a summary of pretty much what you three have told me:
"If it helps, let her know how you feel, but don't immediately ask her out, leave yourself as an option.
Tell her that if it doesn't work out with him, to come to you.
She mentioned "If it doesn't work out.", that might be a hint.
Go for cuck as a last resort, then feel guilty later."

Things seem to be going well, so I'm not going to go farther than she lets me, as I'm more patient than I usually give myself credit for.
Our feelings seem to be mutual, so I'll just wait and see what happens.
If it goes well, I'll do everything I can to make her happy, and, if it doesn't, at least she'll know I'll always be there if she needs me. ^.^

-the Hopelessly Romantic Baka no Naisugai-san
I don't have any advice to add, you have gotten really good advice from the other users who replied to your message.

All I want to say is good luck with everything regardless of what your decision is.
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Looks like you handled it in the best way you could have (good to see). So just go with it and see where things take you. Never feel inadequate though, even if you feel like you lack something that doesn't mean you can't have someone as a result. Chances may not be as ideal, but hey shit happens when you least expect it. And always keep working on yourself, as I say the person you come to love will appreciate that more then anything if they're the right one. And always keep your options open, who knows another lucky lady could be round the corner. Best wishes to you.