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The real mvp thanks!!
Been trying to find detailed it to no evail. Here is the link of the small video. Big tits, she looks European :/
when i say most beautiful woman i meant dat ass tits look fake as shit obviously sorry for not being specific...i have yet to know what the hell her name is i thought some fellow hentai otaku could lend a helping hand in the whereabouts of her name but i guess i was mistaken....on to the next ass
omg, she is the one of the hottest women i've seen to date yet i can't find her name at all!
are you kidn'? Yusuke Yurameshi would win landslide victory
Zeriam wrote...
Thread's already been made. Breaking Bad

Wow! let me be the first one to say that's my bad (no pun spin off the title) i checked to see if i can find one thread for the show but i couldn't find it. Thanks for letting me know :D
At first i was skeptic about watching this show, but since i tried it after exhausting everything on netflix i had become addicted. I have already seen the whole show and it left me with goosebumps towards the end.
I want to know what you guys think about the show opinion wise, and if you hadn't already seen it give it a try :D
A Jersy Driver wrote...
LustfulAngel wrote...
The revenue that would come from taxing marjiuana would be high, but not high enough(IE: The demand for marijuana isn't that much. Maybe about 15% of Americans do drugs if you don't count pharmaueticals, beer/wine, cigarettes as drugs.)

Right now, the American Economy doesn't need taxes however. What America needs, is a Flat-Tax. A 20% tax plan, like that endorsed in the Republican Primary. This would lower the corporate tax rate by 10%. And with a lower-rate, perhaps companies wouldn't want to cheat the system if thaat is indeed what they're doing.

I've proposed outright eliminating taxes altogether, to phase for that eventual reality, 20% taxes means that 80% of your income will remain in your pockets. What revenue is, in our consumer economy is the revenue of the citizen. Washington has collectively forgotten this.

And while Democrats want to outline things as "Rich and poor" "Middle class versus elitists", even the elitists are Americans and thereby citizens of the country. Discriminating either side as anything but the American citizens they are is only counterproductive.

If we can't stop the global operations as it regards this war, we can at the very least bring back the troops from neutral nations such as Japan, Germany, Finland, etc. These bases all over the world cost millions to operate, and they in of themselves are burdens to the taxpayers.

Not only that, but the return of veterans will automatically demand jobs, which will then create them.

In short, a robust economic plan is as followed:

-Restructure taxes so as to significantly lower them for all classes of Americans, eventually we'll do away with them and this will also lower the size of government.

-Spending cuts, loads of spending cuts and I mean at places where it doesn't matter. Military operations where they serve no purpose, departments of government that are seemingly redundant or outright an insult to American national security(TSA, I'm looking at you) In of itself, the TSA has cost the American taxpayers billions.

-Via the return of veterans, as well as the reform of our corporate laws, we artifically jack up the demand in the country for jobs, which will then create them. Rebalancing our trade efforts and bringing back the jobs we lost.

In essence, to tear down everything Bill Clinton bastardized in his term as president, I don't believe in crony capitalism nor do I believe in tearing down our own infrastructure. I'm for Fair Trade, I'm against Free Trade.
I'm for alliances, not entangling alliances.

To restore America, America must restore herself. An end to foreign aid to countries that don't "like us very much".

America was a country that was founded and based on the will of the people, that focused solely on its economic prosperity. If Americans want to see a robust economy, they must vote for it and clamor for it. Not be ignorantly apathetic, as they have been for years. Listening only to their professor who is equally as apathetic :D.

This was a common discussion in my various high school English, History, and Economics classes and that was the conclusion we came to as well. and while the revenue from marijuana wouldn't be high it would generate at least some funds and couple it with smarter gov't spending(the army spends roughly $500 per toilet seat...) it could help

$500 a toilet seat!?? what are they out of their minds?? are these toilet seats indestructable or something? haha
FinnSwagg18 wrote...
Decriminalize Marijuana. It's a long stretch, but it'll do America some good. I wouldn't vote to legalize it though. If the government gets their hands on it, there'll be taxations so high on it you even believe it. So for the good of the economy as far as supply and demand, decriminalization of the drug is a must. :3

I was thinking the same thing a while back as well, but i really didn't see the possible setbacks of this. it sounds like a great idea on paper, but so did communism haha
i was wondering if anybody had any possible ideas to bring this economy back on track to the way it used to be (United States of America) I had a couple of ideas which probably won't happen but it could bounce it right back on track.

1.) Lowering Gas Prices- if you lower gas prices it would be cheaper to transport goods by semi and train for people all over the United States not only for transportation of goods but for all people driving. i believe it would keep people from being nervous and holding back their money just because gas is high. More people would shop, buy vehicles of their choice and spread the money into the economy boosting it back. i haven't thought of the other side of the coin to this just yet but could there be a setback to this?
Tsujoi wrote...
Fakkuist wrote...
This is definitely a good series, but i didn't catch most of the last part of the second season. No spoilers please :3 also, i'll probably be picking up the series on dvd eventually.

The last part of the second season is where it starts to get good. Hope you enjoy it.

Comic-con trailer

OMG is that who i think it is at the end??! i can't wait for the third season!
artcellrox wrote...
Hitokiribattousai1 wrote...
achhhuuubaaa! i just saw it, and u know what ....i'm satisfied that was the one i saw a long time ago! thanks man, i'm sorry i'm drunk as crap as i type this haha

... you said it may not have been TSF Monogatari when I answered in your other thread. :/

yeah i'm sorry man, credit goes to you because i was too lazy to go through an entire video which didn't look like it at the beginning. upon further inspection of said video, it has been brought to my attention that this surely is such video :D
achhhuuubaaa! i just saw it, and u know what ....i'm satisfied that was the one i saw a long time ago! thanks man, i'm sorry i'm drunk as crap as i type this haha
I remember a certain hentai video in which a guy wakes up a girl and blows his a few of his friends in front of a convenient store or something. he had mixed thoughts about blowing his friends cause it might be gay but i guess he didn't care. a good hint would also be the fact that the art looked relatively new. i know it was awesome, but i don't remember what was the name of it since my computer got a virus and i had to delete it. do you think you can help me?
man, i don't think that's it but thanks on the heads up on requests bro. i'm going to change it to requests
I don't understand y ya'll care so much what other people think on grades.
I went to a prestigious catholic school for ha and had decent grades.
After that I got hired by the railroad as an engineer and make
Over $100,000 a year *NO UNIVERSITY DEGREE* all I'm saying
Is if u can't get into a university, don't sweat it. There's so many
More opportunities out there ...if it can work for a simple farm boy like me
The same applys for you and anyone else.
Fricken' shweet, second season coming up! i thought it would never be this close haha!