4 years ago
Is this the prequel to Death Stranding?
Nice that we're getting more from the "My Dream x Your Dream" storyline.
The hype I felt when seeing "Shono Kotaro" in my notification feed is immeasurable.
Was expecting revenge, but got overkill.
4 years ago
It's hard to feel sympathy for dudes like sensei. Push the girl away, expect shit to go awry.
4 years ago
Hamao wasn't the one who tagged it vanilla.
4 years ago
This is totally not vanilla.
Girl was hot. Can't wait to see what else you crank out.
Glad Gujira's back. Just wish it wasn't so brief.
Definitely not what I expected. But I for sure can't wait to see some of the other girls in "action".
5 years ago
Shizuku is the real MVP. Glad this lived up to expectations.
It's not listed, but this is a sequel to Virgin Little Brother & 3 Sluts.
Thank you for making some of the best harem H-manga in existence. Hope to see more of your works released in the West.

Last Modified Fri May 11, 2018, 1:53 pm

6 years ago
That girl's pubes dissapeared on page 7.
6 years ago
Damn. I wanted to see her drunk fuck session. Probably would've been even more entertaining.
This guy's slowly saving Japan.
I never felt that something being grounded in reality was always a bad thing. It makes for something different than your usual vanilla.
Those oppais at the bottom of page 6 got me harder than diamonds.
Thank goodness Homunculus is back. Feels like it's been ages.

Also, I don't know why people were let down by the ending. I felt it was fine. Felt like a more realistic scenario (aside from it involving student/teacher). Not everybody hooks up after sex, nor should they feel obligated to.
6 years ago
I feel like I just injected frosting into my blood veins.