adult swim..

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adult swim and the anime world

Total Votes : 37
TheJesus is right... I have the entire first year of AS (remember the pool?!) on VHS. Yes, this was me before DVR. That was back in the day when it was ONLY Sunday nights. Home Movies, Mission Hill, SeaLab, SGCC, Brak Show, Oblongs... And, their first stabs at anime was Cowboy Bebop... InuYasha... Big O... etc. I still remember as a non-anime fan way back when saying... I hate this japanese stuff, can I just watch Sealab? hahaha, now look at me. Now that most of the comedy sucks on there (I'm sorry, Assy McGee is the worst thing on TV) I mostly watch anime.
rukia92 wrote...
TheJesus is right... I have the entire first year of AS (remember the pool?!) on VHS. Yes, this was me before DVR. That was back in the day when it was ONLY Sunday nights. Home Movies, Mission Hill, SeaLab, SGCC, Brak Show, Oblongs... And, their first stabs at anime was Cowboy Bebop... InuYasha... Big O... etc. I still remember as a non-anime fan way back when saying... I hate this japanese stuff, can I just watch Sealab? hahaha, now look at me. Now that most of the comedy sucks on there (I'm sorry, Assy McGee is the worst thing on TV) I mostly watch anime.

i remember that, adultswim anime action block on saturday night at 9pm. It started off with yu yu hakusho. I got hooked on that show for some weird reason. Then they just started repeating it and never finished it. The toonami got it and ruined it...bastards.

I think dubbing is gay, but i hate editing on characters even worse though. Like dbz for example have you seen the unedited version? Shit isnt real so why bother with it? If parent have problem with it, then they simply have to turn the tv off not like their forced to watch anime at gun point!

but yes i think adultswim helped out. Plus i met mcchris awhile back and he's character on sealab forgot his name, the horny one with high pitch voice with orange brown hair. HE IS AWESOME and i actually dont like rap but i piss myself laughing so hard because of his lyrics.
ZeroOBK wrote...
rukia92 wrote...
I have to thank InuYasha for getting me to watch Adult Swim... I loved it, it was like my own soap opera.

I'm beginning to feel old (again). Robotech was my first 'soap opera'. Anyway, anime would be helped a lot more if [as] would advertise their anime a bit more.

they do it to piss the anime fans off. You should go on the boards the comdey folks and anime folks tear at each other asking for segragation or gencide of comedy or anime from the entire network. So AS plays with it taunting one side every week with marathan or something!
Yeah the last like 4 comments about AS are soooo true. But I do think it is kinda funny that the to sides are at each other's throats so much, its kinda pathetic though. But on the topic of dubbing:

Personally I don't think ALL dubbing sucks completely, just MOST of it does. Some of the more regular voice actors have actually gotten kinda good at there jobs, and not being fluent in japanese at all makes it hard for me to gauge whether the japanese voice actors are good at it or not. As a side note, I'm often too lazy to try to read subtitles as they usually move to fast during long-winded speeches, or just destract me from the actual visuals at hand ('cuase I space out alot:P) and will usually just sit through the dubbed versions unless it hasn't been dubbed, or the voice acting is so bad that my ears bleed.

What I don't like about dubbed anime, as it has already been said, is plot changes from the original, or editing of any kind that isn't just translating japanese text into english when needed. Doing so is a complete insult to the original creators of the show.
I can't really say I know anything about adult swim, but as a swede, I can say that it wouldn't be that bad to have anime broadcasted on tv. Not to attract any new audience or anything, just so the wannabe-otakus of sweden actually would have some series in common to talk about except pokémon.
And if that ever would happen, no chance in hell they'd have enough cash to dub it.

On the other hand, the feeling of being completly isolated in a country full of mainstream sheeps might be one of my motivations to learning Japanese, and I suppose i'd much rather move there or to America then staying in a better sweden, so maybe I shouldn't care.
i personally love adult swim. and i dont believe its doing much damage(if any) to the anime industry. frankly i know at least three people that only got into anime because of adult swim. i personally didnt know any of it existed till i saw inuyasha. after that was cowboy bebop and i just fell in love(that was prolly my all time favorite anime). i mean without it i wouldnt be the anime(and hentai) lover that i am now.

as for the dubbing i can understand what you mean to a point. for instance the first time i watched naruto was subbed but then it went on cartoon network late night and i wanted to stab my ears out after hearingg naruto speak the first time. however i started watching bleach and others dubbed and it doesnt bother me. in fact i tryed to watch bleach subbed and it bothered me. i suppose its just a matter of preferance. either way not everyone has access(or the time) to go for just the subbed animes.
I get what you mean by that, most of the anime I watch, were in english the first time I saw them and it is kind of off when you already have a voice for the character in mind and you hear another voice come from that character. But more than anything, I think it is the ability of the voice actor that makes a difference. The voice actor for Naruto frankly sucks, but the the voice cast for Bleach, for the most part, is better, in my opinion (although both shows share many of the same voice actors, except Naruto's, who is incredibly annoying)
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