Are the forums... Alive?

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Discord is the forum killer from what I've seen with other groups and communities so I'm not surprised if traffic nose dived because of discord servers that are say either official or topic focused groups.
It's a good ploy because I want my tags lol. True or not I guess.
Otomegane wrote...
sahc888 wrote...
bourneh wrote...
Lurking_ wrote...
They're going to be for at least a few weeks, what with people having to post 15 times to get all the tags.

And I don't even think it works. Still no unlocking option for me despite having enough posts.

People on here are saying it works, yet Discord says it isn't true. So who knows.

It's just a ploy to get people to post here.

Is that really the case?
I do wish the requirements were made clear or they used another method.
Discord is devouring most forums these days.
volcanicmelon Volcanic Melon
Forums feel dated.
I always liked forums. It's sad that they're not as popular as they used to be, because I hate all the other forms of social media (except Discord).
Forums need something like a weekly discussion question in order to keep people active nowadays. Otherwise we just end up necroing everything..
yea they are super dead and i just joined lol
Probably should just get the tags enabled from joining their discord at some point.
i saw somebody else mention 15 posts... lol i wonder is that what is keeping it going right now? thats my objective, for now. when i get maitetsu i'll be back to let you know which girl is best girl :)
unfortunately here also for the tags. would be cool to see the forums more active though
I'm pretty much just here for the tags haha
not really
Coming in a year after this post, it certainly feels that way. This place is pretty barren.
Just here for tags
Sadly, also here for the tags.
onlyfor2 wrote...
Forums in general are dying off as a method of online communication. The internet moves too quickly nowadays for forums to work outside of niche cases. People want fresh content shared quickly. Forums are more suited to discussing a particular thing over a longer period of time, such as a specific game or book. For most people, they'd rather have a feed that's constantly changing (Twitter, Reddit) or instant messaging (Discord).

Honestly I have to agree, forums for faq yype content are helpful or to get cimmunity guidance but managing a forum and participating in archival content is really a thing of the past.
Kinda hard to get to the 15 post requirement when the forums aren't that active though.
I mean, there's no rules against Necroing threads as far as I know though, so that balances things out.
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