the_robo258 wrote...
Would parody doujins from artists who have worked with Wani or other licensed companies get removed?
If we don't have the rights to publish something, it'll be removed. That's all that matters.
the_robo258 wrote...
Will this mean that Fakku will no longer support translation groups and force the translation groups to go away?
Is Fakku going to be seeking out other websites to get them to remove their unlicensed content or face a lawsuit?
We're not going after scanlation groups, even if we're working on the same thing. We don't want to kills piracy by shutting down the competition, since others have shown that that approach hasn't been very successful in the past. Rather, we want to offer a better service so that people willingly chose our releases over pirated ones.
the_robo258 wrote...
Is Fakku going to prioritize getting newer content out first or will Fakku try to aim to get older fan favorites out?
Not entirely sure what your question is here, but I think I've answered it either way; we will remove all unlicensed content before the end of the year, and we won't try to shut down scanlation groups.
the_robo258 wrote...
Does Fakku have any plans or high priorities on getting classic doujins back that are removed as of now? (Mega Milk, for example.)
To some extent. There is one thing that I'd definitely consider a FAKKU classic that we're currently working on.
the_robo258 wrote...
If one were to subscribe and get content by buying it, but later choose to not renew their subscription will they still have acess to the stuff they bought or other licensed stuff that was free for them when they subscribe?
If you buy something, you'll always have access to it. A subscription service would most likely work the way you'd expect it to, where you get access to content as long as you're subscribed. One area that could get confusing would be if you had to have a subscription to be able to buy something, but a) I don't think we'll have such a feature, and b) in that case you'd probably get to keep it since you bought it.
the_robo258 wrote...
Is Fakku going to be a monthly/yearly subscribtion or a one time payment for subscription and then no more fees to worry about for digital content?
We haven't decided on this yet. Books will likely remain the same with you buying the book and then not having to pay for it again in the future. If we introduce a subscription model, it'd be recurring payments for continued access to new content.
the_robo258 wrote...
Does fakku have simular plans for Doijin games too, in the future? (I feel many get unnoticed due to the difficulty of translating them.)
Games, anime, figurines, etc. We would like to offer you everything imaginable, and magazines are the first step towards achieving that goal.
abysmaldream wrote...
I'd also like digital purchase by chapter or purchase -x chapters
I understand the point you're making, but we don't think it's a good way to go about it.
As an example, look at two artists from X-Eros #30: DISTANCE and Ayane. DISTANCE is a popular artist with multiple books released and a well-established fanbase. Ayane, on the other hand, has has their first ever publication in that issue. Nondiscriminatory localization of every story by every artist in these publications is a huge deal to us, and we never want to have to approach an artist and say, "why don't you try being more like DISTANCE?"
The same goes for genres. Say only .05% want to buy the NTR stories in a publication. That puts us in a tough spot where we either have to continue to do those stories and lose money while doing so, or just skip them in the future. We don't want to be forced to censor our releases after making a point about shunning censorship.
Finally, I don't think the people buying individual chapters will get a fair deal. Let's use a typical $10 book with 10 chapters and your suggestion of $2-4 per chapter as an example. If it was the lower figure of $2, there would be no reason not to buy per-chapter, since it would come out to $10 regardless, and this would lead to the same issues as above. That's not a viable option, and if we instead charged $4 per chapter, you could buy a book and hate 70% of it, and still get a better deal by buying the book in its entirety ($10 vs. $12). I don't think aiming for a happy medium of $3 would solve this either.
abysmaldream wrote...
So, no more doujinshi.
There will be doujinshi. Doing something like simulpublishing alongside major events like Comiket would be amazing, but that's a huge project that would come later on. It would involve reaching out to individual artists, but at least in the meantime, we can some smaller collaborations with artists who we already have an established relation with, like Bosshi.