Forum Search Upgrade

I am pleased to announce that the forum search has been completely reworked and improved! You can now search for posts accurately, search for posts in a specific forum, search for posts made by a specific user, and search with basic boolean expressions. This upgrade is long overdue and now that there are almost 3 million posts on the forums, finding what you're looking for should be a lot easier. There may be some hiccups now that it's live, so if you run into any issues with results not being what you expected send me a message and explain what happened.

[spacer=4]touhou +mediafire -dicks search
[spacer=4]yaoi in user uploads search
[spacer=4]topics made by jacob that include hentai search

Head over to the forums and try it for yourself! And while you're there, make some posts and get to know some new people. FAKKU is one of the best communities I have ever been a part of and I love it. And for those of you who only want your porn, here you go!

%5Bjyaco%5D%20Original%20Work%20-%20Zett Super%20Soniko%20-%20Sexual%20Intercours %5BNingen%20Modoki%5D%20Hanasaku%20Iroha %5BHougakuya%5D%20Tiger%20%20Bunny%20-%2 %5BNingen%20Modoki%5D%20Panty%20%20Stock %5BOhigetan%5D%20Final%20Fantasy%20-%206 %5BKusatsu%20Terunyo%5D%20Original%20Wor %5BDA%20HOOTCH%5D%20Tiger%20%20Bunny%20- %5BMECHANICAL%20PENCIL%5D%20Lucky%20Star %5BKusatsu%20Terunyo%5D%20Original%20Wor


Will be trying this now :D
SECOND!!!!!!!!!!!! (^^)

Awesome thanx man :D
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
This will definitely be helpful, especially the ability to search in User Uploads.
Awesome search function. I love how we can search for a specific user's posts now. And thanks for the hentai.


And then I realized that the amount of posts I have on the Writing forum adds up to 26 pages on the search results, wow.
Awesome work Jacob!
Fap Yeah!...A Super Soniko Doujin...It's really quite rare to see this on Fakku(not sure since it's only been months since I signed up) But anyway hope it gets translated pretty soon and Thanks for the other uploads Jacob. Your the Man!
[font=comic sans ms]This is amazing feature! I love it yet I can also a bit frightened how you an literally stalk particular users now.

Also thanks for the awesome uploads!
Sweet XD, Some stuff I haven't fapped to XD. Thanks!
*Thinks about commenting.....
Just moves onto the porn*
very nice
and I know what you did there Jacob
awesome as expected of jacob your the man thanks for the uploads and upgrades hoping for more.
omg jacob! i haven't seen you made a front page update in a LOOOOONG time!!
where have you been?!?! T__T
Great improvement!!!
BTW aren't loli supposed to be banned from fakku :P
was this just a coincidence?
Nice update, thanks.
Cool feature - would be really cool to have it for tag searches as well.
Aura-Desu Beautiful and Twisted~
This makes stalking just a bit easier >_>