Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today.

Gambler wrote...
Can I assume your love for Menma from "Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai" persists? I might be wrong because I have yet to watch said anime title.

My love for Menma is as strong if not stronger than ever.


Forum Image: http://puu.sh/ixsPd.jpg
Gambler wrote...
Your post reminds me of Rbz and Zeph=3 too. Send them my regards if you are still in contact with them.

Idk about zeph but rbz still here. @Rbz

Gambler wrote...
All of us have grown over the years. :)

Still a long way to go I hope.

Gambler wrote...
I cannot deny the accuracy of your statement.

aww man if you say it like that I cannot deny it either :D
Gambler wrote...

Nekohime wrote...
Gambler stalked me on a site that shall not be named, so here I am.

You may remember me from my monthly cooking contest called "Top Chef Fakku" over at Food and Cooking, or from the Sex Toys thread, from the Christmas Grinch Thread, or from the My Little Pony fan thread updates as Princess Luna. Alas, I have no time for any of that now. I was funemployed when I started posting here, but now I'm employed in a job that sucks all the time out of my life. I've got to get out of this industry before I die of overwork...

I swear it was a polite request. :D

Definitely the Christmas Grinch persona. Definitely.

I'm definitely becoming Grinchier as the years go by! And you get to see my Christmas tradition of changing my profile pic to the "NO SANTA" every year around the holiday season.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
It's really nice seeing a lot of old faces :)
HELLO I AM LATE BUT I MADE IT; ; i just got message!!

h-hello, am menolly; as always i'm the super shy, meek, pink and starry strawberry (though i'd like to think i've gotten a little better at the talking thing, so i'll do my best to write something of interest). added the "hime" because menolly was taken, i think, and i've always wanted to be a princess. still haven't achieved that! joined in 2010 after lurking for a whiiile. was part of fakku voice acting club, voices of eden (more voice acting), and a few RPs. met my best friend here five years ago. \ o /

still in university. mostly upload art, do music on youtube, and play vidya inbetween school and general life. you can usually find me active on twitter and LINE more than other social media. still working on my VN because i've started over a bajillion thousand times now. i still enjoy animu and mango, but recent entries just don't seem to interest me as much. i pretty much stick to games unless something catches my eye. not sure what else to say!! hope you're all doing stellar qu q

b-bear tribute, using one of my favourite mascots, korilakkuma ////

Forum Image: https://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lx0omkTh401qhac9do1_500.jpg
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
This is an awesome thread! Love reading about all kinds of users on here and it's neat to see a lot of veterans on the site popping up.

I don't really consider myself an older user, but I guess I may have been on here long enough to not be considered a new user either, idk.

Started comming to fakku around 2010 and joined when I had joined officially when I was 19 and still in college. I think I've seen this place before 2010, but if I did I didn't really get into it then since I was more of an ecchi girl in the beginning and rarely used the internet other then for school. I really had no idea what hentai was at the time, I was just an innocent girl looking for what I had recently learned at the time was doujins (honestly I didn't know that a majority was eroge either lol). I sort of had ups and downs with hentai/porn since I was really a shy/innocent wallflower at the time (where the heck that girl went the world may never know). Never realized this place had a forum section, but it made me curious as to what people talked about on a porn-like site and I checked it out. Found the comments to be interesting so I built up some courage and joined.

I was active at first, but I had some family issues and school/life issues got in the way of me really being active so I took a break from fakku for a little less then a year. Missed this place so I came back. Helped @AliceSinWonderland with the newer version of the girls club and then sort of became a regular on here I guess. Now I'm a helper/uploader for the site and like to edit tags on here in my spare time. I also just do odds and ends things for fakku when the extra help is needed, I also bake good cookies!

When I first joined I was in college studying to be a nurse. I graduated in august with my BSN in nursing and now am currently working for a hospital as a full time night shift nurse (I still love the H reference to my shift choice kuekuekue). I really like what I'm doing, but hopefully I can find better hours and pay in the future. Also saving to move back closer to my family since I hate being so far away from them (they have health issues and I want to help them out).

Not too much more about me really. I've made some amazing friends from here that I try to keep up with best I can. Play videogames and watch anime/tv/movies in my spare time. Really love to cook on my days off and eventually going to get back into cosplaying and doing conventions. Guess I can thank fakku for also unlocking my perverted side since I always seemed to have it in me, just never honed and refined my skills till I came here. I feel like I know too much about hentai sometimes, but I don't mind it's a fun hobby for me now. Oh and dancing is still a big part of my life, trying to get some coworkers to go out for a singles night at some point (TT^TT)b
Laggi wrote...

Was lured into the thread by Nekohime and Aki-Chan after a loooong long break.

You made it! :D

I keep checking back in this thread to see who's posting and to read up on how everyone is doing.
It's really great! Good job, Gambler :3
opanihuya wrote...

What the fuck is this twitter bullshit? Maybe I'm old school, but I prefer harassing people's notification system by quoting them. #FuckHashtags

opanihuya wrote...

so after rbz convinced me wrong in a certain heated debate in sd concerning christianity and homosexuality

Oh shit, nigga, I remember exactly how I got you on the homo bit, too. Posted a vid by The Amazing Atheist wherein he demonstrated the fatuity of claiming that it is unnatural. You then apologized for your arguments and went quiet.

Also, since you mentioned being a ruski citizen, I noticed your name finally meaning something. Oпа Нихуя. Last thing. Make sure to ask Putin if he got that thing I sent him. My Russian is not as good as it once was, so if he got the wrong one, tell him to clarify specifically which dragon dildo caught his fancy, so I can send the one that will catch his fanny.

Gambler wrote...
Send them my regards if you are still in contact with them.

Send your regards to my fucking face, bitch.

Gambler wrote...
All of us have grown over the years. :)

Fucking right, I've grown. I can barely get out of the house without tripping over my cock. Consider yourself a miracle worker by indirectly managing to get me out of the vidya section. Wait no more, buddy, I'll tell you everything you need to know about me:

Hi, my name is Rbz and I'm a recovering pornoholic. I know I relapse every single day of my life, but I'm confident I can rid my soul of this titillating semen demon by appealing to the lord, thy God, Zeus. Every time I pray, this demon causes impure thoughts of Aphrodite's perfect breasteses. I wake up in the middle of the night only to see my computer on with some doujin open and at that part where the hips start moving on their own. I think it's a message telling me my hips will soon start moving without my consent. I've been wrestling with this issue for years, preferring to use my right hand, but I know I'll get over this any day now. Thanks for listening. Zeus bless.

Gambler wrote...
My obsession with bears has increased over the years. :D

To the point where you're seen as one of them, apparently. See, I was walking past some dude yesterday who was being asked incredulous questions, to which he replied, "Does a Gambler shit in the woods?" Finally made sense of that.

Ah, the image. One of the main causes of my relapses nowadays:
Forum Image: https://d.maxfile.ro/eokjzpykbm.png
been on fakku since 2010.

Now I mostly lurk.

Currently playing several games that I missed such as Metro Last Light(that I finished last night)

and finishing this

Forum Image: https://scontent-sin1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/11427210_10205857042162615_8880519863835281987_n.jpg?oh=b45d26ce47fd9448954718609bdb603a&oe=5628BF76
Yo, crazr here and I've been a member since 2008. When I made my account, it was a spur of the moment thing and I wasn't even of age. It scared me so much that I never touched it again until I remembered about it when I was 19 or 20. Even so, I still visited the site heavily and lurked. It wasn't until I rediscovered my account that I started writing and contributing on the forums. I ended up submitting my favorite works I have written and helping others with theirs on the Writing and Fanfiction forums. Heck, I even gave relationship advice to many on the Love Romance and Relationship forums.

All of a sudden, I disappeared once more due to school and my job. It was not until the beginning of this year that I rejoined the community. I was even more overjoyed this time around and tried my damndest to socialize with everyone. I broke out from being a recluse that hid in the safety of the writing and romance sections. I can honestly say that I have no regrets I did so. I have met so many new people that even though they might not be fond of me, I am fond of them. It's really brought me some happy memories that I can cherish.

Now with school starting up again in Fall as well as my job, I'm scared that I might disappear again. I'm going to make a promise now that I will find the time to at least talk even for just a little bit to the community that has accepted me with open arms. Even with all the things going on in real life, I'm determined to stay active on here. When I finally get my degree, it'll feel that much more impressive if I can brag to this lovely community. I will welcome the cheers of support and mockery equally!

Am still here, so not much call for introduction, I figure.

Discovered and joined Fakku 'round April 2010, but only started being active after an accident in July- the recovery period left me with not much to do 'cept dick around online.

Rap sheet:

-I try to draw stuff. Have basically dead accounts on DeviantArt and HentaiFoundry.
-Construction worker. Been up and down the country on several projects for the past 5 years.
-Collector of Scotch, Weapons, Flags, Guns, Watches, and Antiques.
-Like to do some off-roading, boating, and sport/target shooting.
-Want to play videogames and watch anime, but have very little time to do either.
-Currently battling that confusing feeling when you're not sure if you're hungry or not.

Self aside, here is a pretty picture.
Forum Image: http://s14.postimg.org/ih2zcqkup/382a63c71a11819423e4561bb4605652.jpg
...Damn I'm late.

Been here since 2008. Going on hiatus because loli stuffs were banned.


Forgot the pic

Forum Image: http://i.minus.com/iFlDSSzBhDA3s.png
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Only Gambler could bring everyone together :P
GreenZero Get Jinxed
Ziggy wrote...
Only Gambler could bring everyone together :P

As one of the most loved members of Fakku he has that power
BagMan wrote...
My love for Menma is as strong if not stronger than ever.

Too bad it's bound to be unrequited. Because she's ded.

and she's not real
Been here since 2011. I like coming here when I need a a good laugh. So, probably not considered a elder, but not a newfag anymore either.
Gambler wrote...
Sneakyone wrote...
I joined back in 2010 after seeing a watermark on an old Haruhi doujin, I've met a lot of cool people here and actually lived with a few. I'm not nearly as active as I used to be, but I'm still here alive and kicking. Love for Konata is still alive and strong since 2007. Its hard to believe I've been here this long but its been a lot of fun.

I might not be wrong to claim you are the number one fan of Konata on this site, or anywhere else for that matter.

I'm certain I'm number one on the site, as for the internet who knows, but I'm probably pretty high up there.
No Harmonian, no Nashrakh, no Captain Badass!

This revival could do better.
Lesee.... I joined 6 years ago, fooled around in the Flip thread among other things (those quote towers were beautiful). Went inactive due to college and eventually a bit of work. Now currently studying japanese language.......well, waiting for the next level's class schedule to open to be exact.
Yours truly is back from the dead for one day as requested by Gambler himself!

I joined in 2008, posted a lot at first and had a lot of fun, then my posting gradually decreased until I disappeared for good. I check Fakku every once in a while but it's not part of my daily routine anymore.

Looking back at it, I was a dumb high school student when I joined and now I'm heading to my third year in university. Time is moving way too fast for me! Anyways, It was really fun seeing some of the old faces again.

Now back to the underground I go. I love you all!