First attempt at decensoring

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Finally borrowed a tablet from a friend of mine, and the first thing I use it for is to attempt decensoring an image from one of my downloads! XD

Well I thought I'd post it here but my com just flips out when it comes to using imageshack and thus, I'm uploading my first attempt through mediafire and hope that the more experienced users can help comment on how it is and how I can make it better plus point out things I should take note of.

Its only a single image with before and after.

Mediafire download!
A second one featuring a single decensored page of Honey Syrup by Thomas~

I would really appreciate feedback about these.

Honey Syrup Comparison
I'm not an expert, but those looked good IMO.

BTW, have you tried sadpanda for hosting these images?
I live in Singapore, I don't think any image uploading site that has a .us in its url would work for me.
I see, didn't know that. Ok then, I'll post them here so people can see them better. Not everyone is going to take the effort of downloading the file to see the comparison. If you post more of them and I happen to see them, I'll repost them like this.

Tennis Vs Kendo



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Honey Syrup



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artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Dude, that's pretty good decensoring! How'd you do it?
The second one looks much better, since the first was missing a few lines that should have been added back in, and have some clone-stamp issue. Were you using the content aware fill on top of normal redrawing?
That's some pretty awesome decensoring.
Damn man good job.
Personally I like the blur, because usually uncensored looks awful, but I do like that you took those black/white bars out, it really makes it better.
artcellrox wrote...
Dude, that's pretty good decensoring! How'd you do it?

I followed learnt from a tutorial I found online and had an advantage in using a tablet since redrawing is a little easier when I can use the brush tool like an actual pencil.

!!walw6pK4Alo wrote...
The second one looks much better, since the first was missing a few lines that should have been added back in, and have some clone-stamp issue. Were you using the content aware fill on top of normal redrawing?

I'm not an expert on photoshop so I don't know what is content aware fill, but the second one contained a lot more redrawing in the main areas compared to the first one which was mostly clone stamped.

The tones in the first one also demanded clone stamp method compared to the second one where some parts were actually brush shaded by hand.
That is really good.
Here's another page I've done for Udon-Ya's Monhan no Erohon series.

This might not be as good since I'm still a beginner and I haven't seen a single uncensored version of his work so I had to mainly rely on guesswork and what I feel looks good.

Download it here

I feel like I'm ready to lose nights of sleep to decensor a single work by someone. :)
Monhan no Erohon



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Buff_Daddy_Dizzle The True Buff Bizzle
Looks pretty good to me...I'll rep it
Dayuuuummm!!! They look fantastic.
It's a shame that decensoring is only easily done in small bars. Once you start getting to really think ones, you pretty much have to start drawing from scratch. And mosaics and blurs would require you do erase that's where and pretty much make it all up.
!!walw6pK4Alo wrote...
It's a shame that decensoring is only easily done in small bars. Once you start getting to really think ones, you pretty much have to start drawing from scratch. And mosaics and blurs would require you do erase that's where and pretty much make it all up.

Actually if its mosaic, you can just duplicate a layer and lower its opacity to draw the new one while having the blurred one as a reference. Its better than having the entire part hidden by a solid bar.

I do agree that thick bars or white hole censorship pretty much makes it impossible for me to decensor.

I still have not the experience to recreate whole parts.
Am in the midst of decensoring chapter 1 of monhan no erohon (:

Only completed 2 pages of decensoring and still a few to go... FIGHT ON!
Wow, really great work!
You should do some on manga that have complete "white out" censors, like Cuvie's stuff :o
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