Japan want to ban... LOLI?!

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Harmonian wrote...
This is news...?

They've always been trying to ban loli.

So.......... Have you fapped to loli yet?
I think any thing 16+ should be perfectly legal at the most & no lower than 13+.

Though it makes it much easier if they don't mention the age of the character so people can assume that there old enough.

I mainly think it should be 13+ for a substitute to people that are intrested in the younger even though there more likely to only be into the fantasy and not the real life.

They should make the legal age of hentai characters at the age of consent logicaly.
I would like it to be at least 16+ since I can legally have sex with a real 16 year old, but it would be illegal for me to masterbate to a fictional 16 year old.
Age wrote...
I think any thing 16+ should be perfectly legal at the most & no lower than 13+.

Though it makes it much easier if they don't mention the age of the character so people can assume that there old enough.

I mainly think it should be 13+ for a substitute to people that are intrested in the younger even though there more likely to only be into the fantasy and not the real life.

They should make the legal age of hentai characters at the age of consent logicaly.
I would like it to be at least 16+ since I can legally have sex with a real 16 year old, but it would be illegal for me to masterbate to a fictional 16 year old.

The description for loli IMO is:

1. A pre-pubescent girl involved in erotic activities...
2. A girl that has small breast (or none)...
3. A girl under the age of 13...

In most anime/doujin I see, a 16+ girl appears to be fully grown (I said most). It wouldn't really be considered loli in my view...
To FPod:

Get what you're saying. I just meant that it'll go underground, and independent artists will still churn out works, and they'll still get their money in some way or form. This won't end with just a ban. As for money... well it is quite a major industry with big bucks in Japan, if you assume that the ban is blanket, affecting everything from video games to animation. It certainly has the potential to disrupt akihabura, at the very least.
The only thing they can do is to stop the sells of loli but not the production/owning/viewing of it.
Forum Image: http://blog.omy.sg/sgblogawards/files/2009/05/lol10.jpg

in all seriousness The law they put in place will be amazingly vague and to be honest as long as you can argue that the girl is older (that sounds so amazingly silly) but really everything will end up on a case by case basis
Hazah wrote...
Forum Image: http://blog.omy.sg/sgblogawards/files/2009/05/lol10.jpg

in all seriousness The law they put in place will be amazingly vague and to be honest as long as you can argue that the girl is older (that sounds so amazingly silly) but really everything will end up on a case by case basis

One problam with the law in most countries I think is if they are under 13 there won't be any case to say that you thought they were older & what if there is a parody of a character that is under 13 in the original and 18+ in the parody would they even pay attention.
Nashrakh Little White Butterflies Staff
Oh yeah, that reminds me of something... somebody said, when such a ban will ever be in effect, all lolis will be 18+ Magical Girls that are stuck in a very young body OR they can shape-shift to a Loli form.

There will be ways, I guess >_>
casiopao wrote...
Stop from???..... What!!!! You fape on Real LOLI!!! Police capture that man!

No. He was talking about animated loli.
Nashrakh wrote...
Oh yeah, that reminds me of something... somebody said, when such a ban will ever be in effect, all lolis will be 18+ Magical Girls that are stuck in a very young body OR they can shape-shift to a Loli form.

There will be ways, I guess >_>

forget the ban its already like that "cough"danceinthevampirebund"cough"
Japan wants to ban everything that the western societies find immoral and wrong. Hentai, Rapelay, Lolicon. I feel like a certain society is jamming their foot down someone throat in hopes of changing it so they look like them. And the Japanese politicians are letting this happen.

I don't think anything will happen. I mean Japan has been taking shit for eating and hunting whales all these years, yet they've only placed restrictions on how many they catch per year. If anything you'll just get that magical tag that says "all girls are 18+".

I mean certain companies have even placed bans on non-japanese ip's with the message: "please play your own games for world peace". Or something, read it in an article somewhere.
That would honestly be the worst decision ever!
There are actually some people who like this sort of thing so let them enjoy it
I think that the world is bored with everything and they're just searching desperately for something to toy with...

Go back to environmental planning than messing with this kind of things....
I think so long as they don't force young girls into posing for pictures, then the whole thing would be a victimless crime which would end up being more costly to enforce than not. To give an example, it would be like the prohibition days where sellers end up making liquor to sell. In the end, neither the seller nor the buyer feels bad and both leave the deal happy.
Kaimax Best Master-San
just want to add oil into the fire

So, Ink and paper (digital pixels) also get Human rights?

this is much worse if robots starting to want human rights...
Kaimax wrote...
just want to add oil into the fire

So, Ink and paper (digital pixels) also get Human rights?

this is much worse if robots starting to want human rights...

Oh, fuck Sankaku. They blow everything out of proportion because it gets them readers. Half the articles I've read there are much, much more mellow when you read them on other news sites.
The vote about this loli banning thing will take place in June 2010


It's the same like voting "who is you favorite actress?" among the new-born baby!!!!
Harmonian wrote...
This is news...?

They've always been trying to ban loli.

What Harmonian said. Also this the article (from the summary of it) smells of the US equivalent of a politician promising to kick out the illegal immigrants, universal healthcare for all, make abortions illegal, ban gay marriages, o wait...

well, except two out of all those, the rest is, in my opinion, mostly rhetoric to keep up a more appealing image to the rest of the world that condemns such images/acts.

Just my two cents :P
I'm not a lolicon myself but I think having loli banned would cause a commotion.
Anytime a ban is brought up there's some kind of commotion, I'm just worried the commotion might get out of hand and give politicians an example to go "See I was right" as oppose to bringing up a commotion in some legal form... But that's my worry.
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