[Manga] Highschool of the Dead

ExESGO wrote...
Kaimax wrote...
Fuck, October.... it's not even August yet...

I cried when I saw the next Chapter's release date.

but it's the october issue.
and like newtype,they usually sell it before the month.
so,it's going to on sale at september 9th.
it seems like the author loves to kill its readers by having them to wait so much.
Have to wait that long? Better be a long effing chapter!
Nice chapter and it was good that Inazuma stuck to his emotional finisher plan with Asami. We will remember Asami *cries* hopes a good figurine of her is released.

Anyways, HOTD takes after the "Classic" zombie series. Meaning Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead series. It goes back to the oldschool more scientific zombies where they are just infected by a natural virus. 28 weeks later and those other movies or games like left4dead takes after the "New" type of zombies that are man made and the humans are driven from excess amount of adrenaline type of viral infection. The "classic" zombies are infected by a virus that is a human infection only, which means mosquitos are also likely to transfer the disease much like the west nile virus. The disease itself is like a retrovirus that aims only for nerve cells and the brain. It takes over the cells and uses them to produce more of them, they are also anaerobic meaning that they can have the cells continue to function without the need of oxygen, thus the aerobic system and heart do not function. Lungs still function thoug, but they don't do much but just make the moaning sounds. The corpses themselves actually have to be fresh to be infected, give or take 2 hours, this is so because the virus can only use the still functioning nerve and brain cells. If they are already dead, then the virus will die along with the body. Even infected the body has to be able to have the virus circulate throughout the body to have it be fully infected. Zombies tend to eat as it is what the virus is following based off the brain's basic intinct, but in truth the zombies don't need to eat and by devouring flesh they just grow plump until their stomach bursts. As stated in the manga, zombies are blind but they can still use sound to their advantage. They lack the ability to feel, but this is actually a good trait as it means they have unlimited strength based on the body's muscles. They have no concept of stress so they can utilize the body's muscles to the fullest until they rip. After using all their strength though, they will be quite unable to do much afterwards since all the muscles are destroyed and can't be repaired.
Wow, more waiting I see.
Zeke's tail clearly tells it all when Rei starts pressing on an even more critical area then boing nurse.
GSDAkatsuki wrote...
Nice chapter and it was good that Inazuma stuck to his emotional finisher plan with Asami. We will remember Asami *cries* hopes a good figurine of her is released.

Anyways, HOTD takes after the "Classic" zombie series. Meaning Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead series. It goes back to the oldschool more scientific zombies where they are just infected by a natural virus. 28 weeks later and those other movies or games like left4dead takes after the "New" type of zombies that are man made and the humans are driven from excess amount of adrenaline type of viral infection. The "classic" zombies are infected by a virus that is a human infection only, which means mosquitos are also likely to transfer the disease much like the west nile virus. The disease itself is like a retrovirus that aims only for nerve cells and the brain. It takes over the cells and uses them to produce more of them, they are also anaerobic meaning that they can have the cells continue to function without the need of oxygen, thus the aerobic system and heart do not function. Lungs still function thoug, but they don't do much but just make the moaning sounds. The corpses themselves actually have to be fresh to be infected, give or take 2 hours, this is so because the virus can only use the still functioning nerve and brain cells. If they are already dead, then the virus will die along with the body. Even infected the body has to be able to have the virus circulate throughout the body to have it be fully infected. Zombies tend to eat as it is what the virus is following based off the brain's basic intinct, but in truth the zombies don't need to eat and by devouring flesh they just grow plump until their stomach bursts. As stated in the manga, zombies are blind but they can still use sound to their advantage. They lack the ability to feel, but this is actually a good trait as it means they have unlimited strength based on the body's muscles. They have no concept of stress so they can utilize the body's muscles to the fullest until they rip. After using all their strength though, they will be quite unable to do much afterwards since all the muscles are destroyed and can't be repaired.

wow. a wall of text... such a definition, but makes sense. I just wonder, if these zombies are sound sensitive and blind, then how do they know if they have the right target after its target became silent or move to another place. zombie tends to follow its prey after it makes noise then, how the hell do they know that it's prey is at the far side back of a door?! they must have some sense of smell of flesh after all.
seesaw wrote...
GSDAkatsuki wrote...
Nice chapter and it was good that Inazuma stuck to his emotional finisher plan with Asami. We will remember Asami *cries* hopes a good figurine of her is released.

Anyways, HOTD takes after the "Classic" zombie series. Meaning Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead series. It goes back to the oldschool more scientific zombies where they are just infected by a natural virus. 28 weeks later and those other movies or games like left4dead takes after the "New" type of zombies that are man made and the humans are driven from excess amount of adrenaline type of viral infection. The "classic" zombies are infected by a virus that is a human infection only, which means mosquitos are also likely to transfer the disease much like the west nile virus. The disease itself is like a retrovirus that aims only for nerve cells and the brain. It takes over the cells and uses them to produce more of them, they are also anaerobic meaning that they can have the cells continue to function without the need of oxygen, thus the aerobic system and heart do not function. Lungs still function thoug, but they don't do much but just make the moaning sounds. The corpses themselves actually have to be fresh to be infected, give or take 2 hours, this is so because the virus can only use the still functioning nerve and brain cells. If they are already dead, then the virus will die along with the body. Even infected the body has to be able to have the virus circulate throughout the body to have it be fully infected. Zombies tend to eat as it is what the virus is following based off the brain's basic intinct, but in truth the zombies don't need to eat and by devouring flesh they just grow plump until their stomach bursts. As stated in the manga, zombies are blind but they can still use sound to their advantage. They lack the ability to feel, but this is actually a good trait as it means they have unlimited strength based on the body's muscles. They have no concept of stress so they can utilize the body's muscles to the fullest until they rip. After using all their strength though, they will be quite unable to do much afterwards since all the muscles are destroyed and can't be repaired.

wow. a wall of text... such a definition, but makes sense. I just wonder, if these zombies are sound sensitive and blind, then how do they know if they have the right target after its target became silent or move to another place. zombie tends to follow its prey after it makes noise then, how the hell do they know that it's prey is at the far side back of a door?! they must have some sense of smell of flesh after all.

Yeah, besides i don't think they are blind they would be easy too easy to avoid, and about the smell, the would have to be at close distance to smell you, yeah i know when you lose a sense, the other ones develope more but, i dont think it would be that accurate.
Well they do react to sounds as experimented by our tsundere girl in HOTD.

I remember a part in Shaun of the Dead where they pretended to be zombies and walk in the streets full of zombies but suddenly one of Shaun's friend cell phone rang and suddenly all the zombies were like looking directly at them.

The zombies in 28 days and resident evil does seem to still use sight a means of tracing their prey.Thou i imagine the zombies looking at the living as food(Burgers,Hotdogs,Meats).
i'm wondering if they are going to fight with mutations? that would be crazy.
Tank,Boomer and stuff.
GTFO! Get that newtype adrenaline infection sh*t out of my zombie series!
dude, reading chapter 26, damn i love this part! lucky zeke xDDD
Web Page Name
lol they pulled a full metal jacket line into the manga, kind of.

"Where are you from private!? Texas sir. Holy dog shit. Texas? Only steers and queers come from Texas, Private Cowboy. And you don't look much like a steer to me so that kinda narrows it down. Do you suck dicks?"
This was a pretty good one, and our resident gun otaku pretty much reacted how I thought it would. But, twister came in when Miss "Holy-Shit-I've-Got-Gag-Boobs" slapped some sense back into him. That, I did not expect, I thought that Takagi would be administrating the "Get a hold of yourself man" serum.
Huh, Marikawa isn't completely useless.
Bartre wrote...
This was a pretty good one, and our resident gun otaku pretty much reacted how I thought it would. But, twister came in when Miss "Holy-Shit-I've-Got-Gag-Boobs" slapped some sense back into him. That, I did not expect, I thought that Takagi would be administrating the "Get a hold of yourself man" serum.
Huh, Marikawa isn't completely useless.

You say that as if she was always useless.

I like to think they wouldn't be where they are without her. After all it was thanks to her connections to her friend that they got a car and all those weapons earlier in the series. Alice and Zeke might not be there either if it wasn't for her.

Really good chapter, now for another painful wait until September... :/
Lost_Hero wrote...
Bartre wrote...
This was a pretty good one, and our resident gun otaku pretty much reacted how I thought it would. But, twister came in when Miss "Holy-Shit-I've-Got-Gag-Boobs" slapped some sense back into him. That, I did not expect, I thought that Takagi would be administrating the "Get a hold of yourself man" serum.
Huh, Marikawa isn't completely useless.

You say that as if she was always useless.

I like to think they wouldn't be where they are without her. After all it was thanks to her connections to her friend that they got a car and all those weapons earlier in the series. Alice and Zeke might not be there either if it wasn't for her.

Really good chapter, now for another painful wait until September... :/

Ntm, she's has some medical expertise and was able to help out with Rei's condition when she fell of a freaking Hummer at high speed.
Lost_Hero wrote...
Bartre wrote...
This was a pretty good one, and our resident gun otaku pretty much reacted how I thought it would. But, twister came in when Miss "Holy-Shit-I've-Got-Gag-Boobs" slapped some sense back into him. That, I did not expect, I thought that Takagi would be administrating the "Get a hold of yourself man" serum.
Huh, Marikawa isn't completely useless.

You say that as if she was always useless.

I like to think they wouldn't be where they are without her. After all it was thanks to her connections to her friend that they got a car and all those weapons earlier in the series. Alice and Zeke might not be there either if it wasn't for her.

Really good chapter, now for another painful wait until September... :/

You do have a point, she isn't useless. It's just difficult to take her seriously, as a whole.
After reading all the rave reviews about this manga, I decided to read it today all the way up to chapter 27. It's heavy on the male fanservice, but it's a great read overall. Sometimes it gets real depressing when almost all the survivors the group encounters dies in some way, but I guess that's what happens when you're in
the middle of a zombie apocalypse-like crisis.

The anime also seems to be doing well so far, so I hope it continues on like that.
from mainpage in XLG.

Highschool of the Dead ~ Licensed

Yen Press has announced that they have licensed High School of the Dead in North America, as such we will no longer be continuing the series. Here's to hoping they do at least as kickass of a job as we would have.

And let us not forget the message from the author...


We'll post links (to amazon of course ;P) when the first volume is available in english~

this is bullshit.

Monster Girl
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