What Is Your favorite RPG?

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mrprince04 wrote...
Chrono Trigger. It had everything I could want in an RPG. Simply perfect, imo.

This reminds me of Chrono Cross: one of the RPG's I'll never forget. The game was so darn good I had to juggle three RPGs everyday namely Chrono Cross, Legend of Dragoon and Castle Vania Symphony of the Night; these three were my favourites as a juvenile. They may not have the success in graphics of today's modern RPGs but these are the games I go back to everytime I look at the long stride of Japanese RPGs.
Its a showdown between Chrono trigger and FF6.

Seriously, both had awesome music, great visuals, incredibly good story, a very nice flow, good balance, lots of secrets and ways to customize your team. I finished both of them I dont know how many times and I know for a fact that ill play them again in the future.

I also REALLY like the Mother series, earthbound has a special place in my heart, but the title still goes to either Chrono or FF6
My favorite RPGs gotta be Xenosaga 1-3 mostly 3 it made me cry and the Tales series
Tales series, Final Fantasy 7, 8, 13(the aspect of constant despair made 13 quite enjoyable to me), and Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (fell in love with the characters more than the game).
I liked Final Fantasy 9 a lot. D: People call me a strange one because they didn't like the character design but it was still a fun game nonetheless and is one my childhood favorites even to this day.
Final Fantasy II for the SNES (as well as the GBA port and DS remakes) hold a special place in my heart since it was my first RPG, but I think I've enjoyed Earthbound the most of any SNES RPG. The story, characters, gameplay, graphics and sound just pull everything together into a perfect RPG.

For the PC though Fallout 2 is hands down my favorite, I've played it at least once a year every year since I was 8 haha. There's just so many options for character creation, sure there's nothing fancy like being able to sculpt your characters face, but all the stats, traits, skills and perks. There's just so many to choose from! I've played the standard "sniper" with a high small guns and energy weapons skill equipped with a Gauss Rifle and Laser Rifle with a .223 pistol, Sniper Rifle, Turbo Plasma Rifle or YK42B Pulse Rifle in my pack with Sulik equipped with a Ripper, Goris with his claws and Cassidy with either a Sniper Rifle or Gauss Rifle at my side. But then I've also tried a character with the One Hander trait, and another that used a combination of the unarmed skill and pistol type weapons, granted I cheated on that one the first time to see how feasible it was for me, it was still one of my favorite playthroughs. Also, am I the only one that thinks Goris is just completely badass?

Honorable mentions are: Secret of Mana (SNES), Seiken Densetsu (SNES), Dragon Quest III (SNES), Chrono Trigger (SNES), Lufia: The Legend Returns (GBC), Legend of Legaia (PSX), Legend of Dragoon (PSX) Disgaea (PS2/DS), Persona 4 (PS2), and Knights of the Old Republic 1&2 (PC).
Nhezu wrote...
Tales series, Final Fantasy 7, 8, 13(the aspect of constant despair made 13 quite enjoyable to me), and Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (fell in love with the characters more than the game).

Ff 7 & 8 are my favorites to 13 was ok. also versus 13 has even more despair so youll probably enjoy it
Room101 Waifu Collector
Mass Effect series, and Mass Effect 2 specifically.

It's a God gift to mortals.
Final Fantasy 7, 10, Chrono Trigger, and FFMQ sorry if I mentioned multiple RPGs
does pokemon count
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Saki-Man wrote...
does pokemon count

Sure. At its core, Pokémon is just another party-based JRPG.
Shadow hearts 2 Covenant on ps2 this game is so amazing too bad that no one played this rare gem
i think im gonna get involved in dragon quest, it looks really good and Akira Toriyam's style really adds something to it, so once i play it, im sure it will be one of my favorites
That would be Arc The Lad II for me. I would not say it is the best RPG I have ever played, but the cool story, realistic characters and system made it my personal favorite for all time.
Kuroneko1/2 wrote...
Persona 4, because of it's sheer excellence all around.

^This^ My eyes were opened to what a real RPG is. It is my favorite RPG and will always be. Sides my Lovely Yukiko lives in that world.
There's FF7, Star Ocean and Dragon Age
For me, I have several favorites, 2 of 3 are on the Sega Dreamcast.

Sega Dreamcast:
Grandia 2
Phantasy Star Online Ver. 2
(hoping to get Skies of Arcadia soon)

And the 3rd is on the DS:
Super Robot Taisen OG Saga Endless Frontier
(seriously also considering importing the sequel)
luinthoron wrote...
Saki-Man wrote...
does pokemon count

Sure. At its core, Pokémon is just another party-based JRPG.

Then that would be my answer considering this thread's topic.
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