Funniest glitches you've ever come across

Donkey Kong Country 1, The Dk humping glitch, you can find this on Youtube "Best DKC glitch ever"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, when you fall through the ground and you somehow end up were you just were
Goldeneye 007, there was two for this one. One at the start up screen as 007 walks toward the famous scope scene, he starts doing back flips O.o. Another one is when my brother got a kill on multiplayer and the kill music sounded muffled for some odd reason.
Some wrestling game for the N64- the N64 was kicked accidentally by someone and EVERY object existing in the game started swirling in a tornado with glitched music and ended with my sister's character looking like spike kirby from Kirby 64.
WWF No Mercy- I glitched The Rock into the crowd and started to run within. As I moved out far enough everything gradually started to disappear and eventually freeze.
Tales Of The Abyss - programming bug, golem-type enemy that walks in the air, and flies down at your party when you walk near it. In the end, the battle is really only 3 bats.

Tales of the Abyss (again) - If you have Glory equipped, and get auto-revived while attacking, you keep moving in that direction. Meaning if you jump, then get killed, you'll keep floating up and off the screen, forever.
This is the best glitch on Mercenaries 2. Mass AI suicide.

Just blow up the bridge near the Oil facility, and watch them drive off to there doom.
Yesterday I played GTA San andreas again. I was doing the mission in San fierro where you had to swim up to a tanker and plant a tracker, then get back to the docks. I had a parachute at the time (I love jumping out of a plane and flying throught the air)

Anyway, I jumped off the tanker and as I was falling to the water, my parachute got auto-equipped (you could see the height meter on the left) and when I fell in the water, CJ was still in the motion of when your falling down from a plane. I could not move, swim, or do anything. I turned off the ps2 in frustration, since i didn't feel like doing the mission again.
in world of warcraft im not sure if it's still there,, but there was a forest where every few steps you would be hit in the bcak with a lightning bolt that did no damage.

also in azjol nerub, one of the dungeons, if you use feign death on the big spiders guards they will all dissapear.

i also love the glitch in the original ssb where you pile up the turtle shells and throw a red one up it wil send the opponent sraight to 999% damage.
Fallout 3 Glowing Lake: I walk around near the Super Duper mart and I see the lake turn a bright green, It was so funny, also, when the limbs on the Spartans in Halo 3 multiplayer get stretched out due to being hit with something, I lol every time
Funniest glitches I've seen recently was when Red Dead Redemption first came out
Here's a compilation video so I don't have to post them one by one, they're hilarious.

David wrote...
Funniest glitches I've seen recently was when Red Dead Redemption first came out
Here's a compilation video so I don't have to post them one by one, they're hilarious.

I remember those, once in multiplayer we were riding invisible horses
David wrote...
Funniest glitches I've seen recently was when Red Dead Redemption first came out
Here's a compilation video so I don't have to post them one by one, they're hilarious.

Wow that game seems to have more glitches than Revolver O.o
007 golden eye (n64) glitch where the Geddan meme came from.
I remember so many times when I was doing Terrorist Hunt missions on RB6V, if you ever got headshots, sometimes terrorists bodies would stretch in and out at ridiculous speeds and the ragdoll would fly all over.
In Killzone 1 while playing a multiplayer match I killed my friend as he killed me. When we fell to the ground, my corpse fell atop his corpse however do to a clipping bug my corpse was left to furiously zombie hump his corpse in the face at what appeared to be roughly 500 rpm.
I don't know about all-out hilarious, but I was playing Mass Effect 1 a couple of days ago, Veteran difficulty, and I went to that planet where the Thresher Maw tries to ambush you. You know how it can come out of the ground underneath you and kill you instantly? That happened twice before, on my third attempt, it somehow flipped me upside-down still alive. I was stuck looking at space through the ground before it killed me from range, the cocky bastard.

Edit: my favourite glitch was actually on the PS2 version of GTA: Vice City. If you got in a golf caddy, drove inside the mall on it and walked back out, you'd be taken back inside the mall. You then drive out on the caddy again and you're in a world where only people and cars are visible. Try it if you have the time. ;)

Halo 2 was also a great game for glitches, testament to the ambition of it on the Xbox methinks. There was a glitch on the Headlong multiplayer map, the big one with buildings, streets and vehicles, where you could rocket jump up on top of some of the buildings, and then use a Banshee to force your way inside the scenery. You could then shoot out - rockets and snipers were brilliant - and no-one could shoot in. They eventually patched it online, I think, but good times were had on local. :)
doswillrule wrote...

Edit: my favourite glitch was actually on the PS2 version of GTA: Vice City. If you got in a golf caddy, drove inside the mall on it and walked back out, you'd be taken back inside the mall. You then drive out on the caddy again and you're in a world where only people and cars are visible. Try it if you have the time. ;)

Ha, the GTA series are really awesome games but they've got so many glitches...there's a similar one in that same game. If you go to the room that parodies the scarface movie's chainsaw scene, you can "walk out" of the bathtub. You'll be outside, and the only thing you'll see are some of the roads, people and cars. The buildings will be invisible. If you go through it again, the world will go back to...."normal".
Red Dead Redemption - Donkey Lady
lazyasschillypepper wrote...
doswillrule wrote...

Edit: my favourite glitch was actually on the PS2 version of GTA: Vice City. If you got in a golf caddy, drove inside the mall on it and walked back out, you'd be taken back inside the mall. You then drive out on the caddy again and you're in a world where only people and cars are visible. Try it if you have the time. ;)

Ha, the GTA series are really awesome games but they've got so many glitches...there's a similar one in that same game. If you go to the room that parodies the scarface movie's chainsaw scene, you can "walk out" of the bathtub. You'll be outside, and the only thing you'll see are some of the roads, people and cars. The buildings will be invisible. If you go through it again, the world will go back to...."normal".

Heh, sounds like the same fuckup. Yeah, there were a fair few in GTA, but I guess it's to be expected from such massive, densely populated worlds. I remember there was a big thing about using the jetpack in a gym in SA, which could apparently take you to Liberty City or something...presumably some discarded code still on the disc. I never tried it, but I doubt it worked somehow. Lots of theories about the Lil' Probe Inn as well, from a nearby mockup of the infamous mass burial of unsold copies of ET: The Video Game, to UFO easter eggs. Again, I fear it was all bullshit, but fun to try I guess. :p
Monster Girl
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