Ps3 move and xbox kinect what do you think about it?

hey guys!

I fuckin hate the fact that sony and microsoft are freakin going wii mode
wii was for the kiddie gamers
xbox and ps3 for the more hardcore gamers!
Dont go fuckin around with that camera bullshit i dont see myself playing COD in front of that camera!!
I disagree with the wii being for "kiddie gamers".

People are going to have to invest quite a bit of money into the move/kinect; it is a rip at this time because so far they are designed for few games - most of them are mini games. It will be a while until we are able to play things like CoD etc.
I like the direction they're going but I'm not interested in buying these yet.

Not only have games evolved, but so has the controller. I believe the controllers (PS3 and 360) have reached their limits in advancement as far as two analog sticks, finger and thumb buttons, and shape are concerned, which is why they didn't really change from last gen.

I think the way games are played needs to continue evolving. Controllers are nice, but we need a better way to control something in 3D space. Analog sticks are nice, but we're just using two sets of 2D axes in order to move in 3D. We're using both of our thumbs, our most valuable tool with controllers, to do it.

I also think games will continue to be "cookie cutter" until the control method evolves again. Just look at shooters, nearly identical control schemes not because they copy each other but because it's the best known scheme. We'll still be playing games like this in 15 years if the controller doesn't change.

With that out of the way, I still don't want Kinect or Move but I like that they're trying something. Even if it's already been done with the Wii and EyeToy, the tech is getting better and some people are still trying new control methods. Even though I won't be getting either I hope something good comes out of them. Companies will learn more and hopefully develop something even better.

No, I don't want to stand up and act embarrassingly silly in front of a camera or wave a wand around. I don't know how to achieve this new evolution I think we need, but that's for a genius somewhere to figure out and maybe Kinect and Move will help us get there. At least I hope.

Apologies for so much text.
Dude, please tell me that opening post is a joke.
yurixhentai wrote...
I disagree with the wii being for "kiddie gamers".

People are going to have to invest quite a bit of money into the move/kinect; it is a rip at this time because so far they are designed for few games - most of them are mini games. It will be a while until we are able to play things like CoD etc.

Wii doesn't necessarily mean kiddie gamers, but it does mean casual gamers, and so most of the games are for them, and some seem pretty much for kids.

As for the whole motion sensing thing, Sony and Microsoft should stop NOW. I somehow foresee that all future games will require either the Move or Kinect, which sucks ass. The PS3 and X360 are for hardcore gamers, who don't really give a crap about waggly sticks or motion sensors. REAL GAMERS SIT DOWN AND MASH BUTTONS.
Antw0n Remember me?
One day, Nintendo was jumping up and down with his child, Wii, being motion sensitive as they are.
Sony and Microsoft, being controller exclusive games, could only sit there and watch.
They finally said "Fuck this shit."
They both took Nintendo behind a dumpster, and began raping him. Because Nintendo is from Japan, he has both a penis and a vagina.
There was double-penetration, bondage, and 69ing.
Sony and Microsoft both ejaculated inside Nintendo's tight Japanese pussy, and impregnated him.
9 months later...
2 children were born, there names were Move and Kinect.
Unfortunately, they were both born fragile and autistic.
Sony and Microsoft act like they're happy to have idiot children, but on the inside they both know they fucked up.
The End.
I am Antw0n wrote...
One day, Nintendo was jumping up and down with his child, Wii, being motion sensitive as they are.
Sony and Microsoft, being controller exclusive games, could only sit there and watch.
They finally said "Fuck this shit."
They both took Nintendo behind a dumpster, and began raping him. Because Nintendo is from Japan, he has both a penis and a vagina.
There was double-penetration, bondage, and 69ing.
Sony and Microsoft both ejaculated inside Nintendo's tight Japanese pussy, and impregnated him.
9 months later...
2 children were born, there names were Move and Kinect.
Unfortunately, they were both born fragile and autistic.
Sony and Microsoft act like they're happy to have idiot children, but on the inside they both know they fucked up.
The End.

Muthafuckin' brilliant.
BeardedWizard wrote...
hey guys!

I fuckin hate the fact that sony and microsoft are freakin going wii mode
wii was for the kiddie gamers
xbox and ps3 for the more hardcore gamers!
Dont go fuckin around with that camera bullshit i dont see myself playing COD in front of that camera!!

...*Sigh* I'm not going to go there. There are a good amount of hardcore games, you just have to shift through all the shovelware and whatnot.

Same with PS3 and 360, a lot of shit on those consoles and you have to shift through the shit to get to the gold.

OT: Don't care really. I'll just sit back and watch how it goes. I don't see Kinect doing well though, Move might do better, but that's just me.
They are just trying to expand their fanbase, they saw how popular the motion control on the Wii was and they are trying to cash in, but you could just go get a Wii for the price of the new accessories tho
This VG Cats comic explains my feelings for the kinect perfectly.

Forum Image:
The Sell:
Targeting 'YOU' and everyone else.

The Reality:
Targeting everyone else except 'YOU'.

The console wars have their fanbases and a few retards. Now their getting the
retards with no gamer opinions EN MASSE.
Kinda unlikely that it'll hype the none gamers and casuals, but there always be a few who will buy it for the sake of:
1.Trying it and warning what people didn't take the "I told you so."
2.Company Console hardcores that buy everything regardless of the crap that comes out.
3.The people who were stupid enough not to remember "Eye-toy" and were immensely impressed by the software applications for both consoles while arbitrarily forgetting they had a dusty Wii piling up even more dust in the back of their mind and closet.

But this is speculation on my part. It may turn out good(not)!
BeardedWizard wrote...
hey guys!

I fuckin hate the fact that sony and microsoft are freakin going wii mode
wii was for the kiddie gamers
xbox and ps3 for the more hardcore gamers!
Dont go fuckin around with that camera bullshit i dont see myself playing COD in front of that camera!!

Dude you are probably 12 years old so i'll explain everything as easy as i can.
Nintendo have much more advanced technology than any of your so called *hardcore* consoles. After all they were the ones who made a *Successful* motion controller and they were one of the FIRST gaming companies that showed up on the market back when you were just born. If only they wanted it, Sony and Microsoft would have been under their heel. But unlike those hungry for money Microsoft and hungry for graphics Sony, Nintendo is a Family console who tries to make games not just for HARDCORE players but for *EVERYONE*.They just take turns in releasing games from children ones to more mature. And by the way CoD is not really that hardcore of a game, it's just an Unreal Tournament that tries to look modern *and fails*. I wanted to say something more about you and Wii but i forgot while writing the above so, i'm sorry. I will have to finish my lecture another time.

As for the Move and Kinekt. No i don't want to run around waving a glowing dildo around to stab someone in a FPS game. And neither i want to run around empty handed liek a retard to do the same sh!t.

P.S. No i'm not a Wii/PS3/XBOX360 fan although i do have a Wii along with PS3.
Aperture wrote...
This VG Cats comic explains my feelings for the kinect perfectly.

Forum Image:

L O L ! ! !

I personally think that Sony had the idea of integrating hard core games in mind...
Something like the Wii but more precision

Microsoft on the other hand wanted something to show at E3

Nintendo blew everything away wit its 3ds....
The Kinect looked ridiculous from the start and is just getting more ridiculous from what little I've been following on it. Unless I see 20+ interesting games for it (that are actually fun for more than 10 hours a year) I'm going to pass on it, regardless of my physical disability.

The Move looks somewhat interesting, and may have some success in both the "casual" and "hardcore" venues, but again I'll wait a long time, especially since I'm barely getting a PS3 later this month.

Mostly it seems like a marketing play for both of them, but especially the Kinect. "Oh god, Nintendo's ridiculous idea actually sold! We HAVE to make a competing product or else they will win the war! *Screams of terror are heard throughout the MS and Sony offices.*"

And it's already been touched on but while the Wii does have more games that are aimed at the "casual" market if you know where to look there are plenty of "hardcore" games to choose from. Of course this all depends on your definition of "casual" and "hardcore."

Personally no recent game has come close to competing with the best games of the 80's and 90's so my definition of "hardcore" comes from that era of gaming. On the other hand "casual" games to me are the plethora of puzzle games (Jewel Quest, Sudoku, etc.), adventure games (Phoenix Wright series, Sam and Max series, Monkey Island series), and the different cook book/exercise/brain training "games."

Don't get me wrong, I love the classic adventure games and even some of the new ones, and on occasion I'll play Jewel Quest or 50 rounds of Mahjong (god I love Mahjong, especially on the Shanghai II SNES game with Dragon's Eye), but 95% of what I play are the "hardcore" games, Metal Gear Solid, Devil May Cry, Persona 4, the first six Final Fantasy games, Dragon Quest, the first four Seiken Densetsu (Mana) games, Mega Man, Super Mario Bros. and so on. My tastes span almost every genre even though lately I haven't bought more than a few games, and most of those are $10 PS2 games because of my hatred of the hand holding of newer games. Sure some classic games leave you wondering about a bit too much of the controls or mechanics of the game, but most of the new games I've played are too easy or tell you exactly how to get through an area. And now we have Nintendo including the ability to let the computer get you through an area you can't do yourself, just look at New Super Mario Bros. Wii. What happened to the days when people actually took the time to get better at a game instead of whining about it being "too hard" after dying once?!

Ugh... I'm ranting...

tl;dr Kinect looks like crap, Move might have potential, Wii isn't a "kiddie machine" and has plenty of "hardcore" games if you take the time to look and lose your company loyalty to MS or Sony. I love a lot of classic games and hate the way most new games are made so I constantly hope some company will pop up that will create, port or remake classic games or at least create games that are worthy of being played.
Kind of Important A ray of Tsunlight.
So hey.

Who cares?

Don't want it, don't buy it. There will still be plenty of games not using Kinect, or Move. And the Wiimote irritates the crap out of me, but I dealt with it to play Twilight Princess. Worth the effort if you ask me.
Why did a question on Kinect and move turned out into a debate to define what is a hardcore or a casual gamer?

It is a fact that Nintendo is currently leading the market because the Wii sales are simply way over the other two consoles.

Microsoft and Sony would love to be on top, so they are trying to develop their own motion sensing device. I am not saying this as a Nintendo lover, I have never touched my Wii in years.

Overall, I think Kinect is a more ambitious project, and Move is an upgrade of the Wii.

I would say I am more interested in Kinect than in Move, based on the game selection that was shown at E3 this year.

However, I will most likely not buy Kinect at launch, because it will be locked, even in Canada. :\
Wii being "kiddie game console" everyone said "have the pacience to look over all the crap other companies release to find your gems". The Wii has them, but there just being block by other games.

My thoughts on Move and Kinect:
Sony & Microsoft being reeled into Nintendo's net of 'catch up'.

The only way this two devices may work; on the words of a Sony Execute story in Gamespot "If publishers (EA, Activision, Ubisoft, etc) release games that didn't do so well on the Wii (respectively); then don't release them on our system if you expect the same failure. Make changes on how you develop games, not just quick buck-it".

And no, not interested in buying a glowing dildo (I already have that) or a camera where I need to do shit on (computer camera comes close to this).
kinnect is going to be jusst llike the crappy eye toy thing on ps2
Way I see it, neither the Wii nor Move or Kinect are a step in the right direction. They'll be big for a while, but in the end, motion controls aren't much more than a gimmick being heralded as the next big thing in place of real, lasting innovation.

The controller has universality going for it, which motion controls could never hope to attain, simply by their nature alone.
Monster Girl
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