Has anime ruined your sense of reality? (in dating)

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Waar wrote...
Anyone want to buy a slightly used brunette? all her holes are in working order, ALL her holes.

Can I buy just one?
Waar FAKKU Moderator
some are more pricey than others.

Waar wrote...
some are more pricey than others.



Well, that is the most expensive hole.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
k, that is the last i will allow.

Seriously.. No.

I can easily distinguish between reality and anime.
But I'd be lying if I said that I didn't have my hopes up.

Who doesn't want sexy chicks who take only seconds to get them in your pants?
Can't say it has. Sure, when I was a younger, I hoped I would have a romance like the one in Ichigo 100%. Not exactly ridiculous but not exactly realistic either. I have a firm grip on reality. I can tell the difference between anime and reality.

But that's not to say anime hasn't influenced me in some way. I still want to be a pirate from watching One Piece too much. This holds true for romance as well. I know full well that romances don't fall into your lap and you're not going to gain a harem like Rito in To-Love-Ru. Romance is full of drama and you're going to have to work damn hard to get it work.

But I'll still hold onto my dream that I'll meet a tsundere one day when I'm reading a book outside on a hot summer day and we'll fall in love and live a happily ever after ending.
Have I ever compared a real girl with an anime girl? Yes, but that doesn't mean that I've been disappointed when they don't meet up with anime's standards. There is nothing wrong with comparing them, but when it starts distorting your sense of what is real or not is when you start doing thing like that one guy that fell in love with that Love Plus sim girl. And when that happens, that's when the rest of the world starts looking at us in disgust and ruins our image more than it already is.
I wish I lived in Japan...
Shinji Ex wrote...
I wish I lived in Japan...

How about elaborating?
Shinji Ex wrote...
I wish I lived in Japan...

You don't want to go there, it's a very oppressive culture. Japan in anime and Japan in reality are two very different countries

Anime has not warped my sense of reality, but like loller said; it has given me some good lessons. Lessons mainly on what not to do, and how not to act. Sometimes I think they put these stupid situations in Anime because they're trying to tell you something; probably this.
...*tries to be intelligent*

As human beings, it's in us to always want more than what we have. Since normal girls have flaws (who the hell wants that?) we turn to anime/manga/hentai to satisfy our desire for perfection. Now, there are two ways one can go about this (okay, three.)

1: Accept that there's no possible way (right now) that anime/manga will ever be real (okay, maybe some are close), and move on. Really, this is the only way that one will be able to truly love another person, whether it be for a relationship, or friendship.

2: Stick with anime/manga, and cut off everyone else. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun fapping away your days to animated girls doing it, but you'll never feel any love towards yourself (through others), and I'm sure others will think you are a creep. Also, eventually, you'll get bored of that, too.

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/248806-92U2PF2.jpg
[size=10]On the other hand, you can never get bored of those. [/h]

3: Mix of both. Really, make up your mind, or you'll end up with neither.

Anime really can impair our judgement of reality, since developers can just give a big 'fuck you' to everything that ever made sense. After all, it's what we want.
Forum Image: http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee293/lukutis999/Anime_Boobs.gif
[size=10]See those? They don't bounce like that. Goodbye, hopes and dreams. [/h]

Physics? No, screw you, I can jump millions of feet in the air. Science in general? Nope, we can totally do things impossible otherwise. Boobs... you get the idea.

The better something is, the more we want it to stay that way. Say, for example, you met a nice girl whose breasts defied gravity. If you like them bouncing that much, I'm pretty sure you'd be fine. But if you don't, and then you come across an anime equivalent of that person, without the bouncyness, then unless you realize that you're making a bad choice, you're probably gonna end up going with anime. After all, it's perfect, right?

Forum Image: http://www.fuckedgaijin.com/forums/images/vbimghost/9794bbc6370a0747.jpg
[size=10]Other than the fansubs.
I'd say it has. More like it did. And I got burned badly for trying to be overly romantic and going to fast. As in, at the same pace as those romance genres of anime. Though, after that first experience, I've learned my lesson, but what I'm still afraid of is how society look at people with hobbies like mine. I'm not very good with girls, but I DO wish to have a girlfriend. I don't care much about the "perfect girl". That's subjective, ymmv and it probably won't happen. Ever. She's only in my fantasies and will probably stay there as fetish fuel.

I've never been in a relationship before, but I'll still do my best. In any case, I'm in no rush. I AM still young after all. Still, seeing people in relationships make me envious. It must be nice, even with all the hard work put to establish and maintain it.
It hasn't for me. I'm a realist and know that nobody that I'll ever meet will be perfect, and I know the anime/hentai are places for fantasy. When I look at a girl, I don't want her to be perfect- the things one would call "imperfections" are what define us as people in my opinion.
Who would've thought that Waar would say something so important and touching? I've lived for 21 years and I have had a crapload of bad luck with women. A lot of times it was mainly fat girls falling for me (sometimes good looking girls too but I was too dense to notice >_>). Also I am really shy with women. Many times I have told myself I was going to die alone but never have I been so desperate as to call myself in matrimony with Mikuru Asahina.
Honestly anime is what brought me and Zoey together, but Waar is right, it takes some effort. you can't expect someone to magically pop into your life, just like that, but the chance meeting sometimes does bring about some happiness.

Think about this, if you are looking for a relationship you need to respect the other person and vise versa, or if you are looking for my specialty that is a one night stand, you still have to respect that person but you are going to need to either get them drunk off their ass, and lie your ass off.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
lots of girls out there that actually like being treated like shit, dont ask me why. Ignoring a girl and acting distant/cold often pushes them to try to force themselves into your lives.

Girls want the bad boy who is deep and really a nice guy on the inside, regardless of what the rest of people think; they want someone only they can figure out, someone who understands them. This is not the case with all girls, but the majority.
Waar, I love you man :') There really is a giant teddy bear underneath all that tough mod exterior.

In all seriousness though that was a pretty good read. Have to say it's boosted my confidence a bit. Suppose what it comes down to is time. Just hope I can get the timing down right @.@
Kaimax Best Master-San
I don't have these problems, most of my friend already knew I like anime and all the sorts, including some girls that meets me often at college.

The problem with me is, I tend to be to nice, and all and they think I'm a great friend, or the girl I was after has already been dating, or just got hooked up with another guy.

main point is,
Anime, manga, hentai and all that does not change my way of thinking. But still, it's really nice to get some girls that seems to come out from an anime.
I seperate animes and reality into 2 different things
i dont want my love for anime to ruin my life as an individual in a society. My girlfriend is also into animes but like me can differentiate it between reality.

Its not wrong to love animes/manga etc, just dont let it get on your mind too much or it will take over your mind fully ( and start living under the basement of your own home in your own self-made reality )
Waar wrote...

Girls want the bad boy who is deep and really a nice guy on the inside, regardless of what the rest of people think; they want someone only they can figure out, someone who understands them. This is not the case with all girls, but the majority.

Well,shit. I coulda swore when anyone sad "bad boy" they meant the guy that's just a complete dick to everyone, even her most of the time. The ones that think they can just leave her at any time if they want, and will just go and screw the next hottest thing they see.

Because we have alot of people like that here.
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