Cat ear.. type things..

I wasn't sure where to ask this or not, i'm sort of curious, I had a stop in germany a while ago and saw a girl running around with a cat ears head band (also a person from the escapist has one) is there a proper name for them? or should i just ebay/google cats ear headbands?

Kinda after the descrete ones ^^

Thanks if anybody knows..

The Japanese term for it is "Neko Mimi"
Neko = which means Cat
Mimi = which means Ears

Cat ears nyan~ ^ , , ^
Wicked, Thanks :D

edit: SUCCESS!!
Exactly what i was after :D
Nyaaan :3
Ahhhhhh! SO cute.
Just my type.
Seriously, I'm huge on cat ears. I already have a small collection of ears, kitty ear hats, kitty ear hoodies, etc.
I may need to order some...
Where did you buy cat ear hoodies Aki-chan, I would love to get one.
Aki-chan wrote...
One I have is by Jessica Louise.

Sugoi. That store looks really really good. Shipping costs would kill me though.
Cospa makes them as well if you want genuine Japanese ones. If I reamber correctly they are under 1000 yen as well. (you can also get a tail from them as well)
Haburi-Chan wrote...
Aki-chan wrote...
One I have is by Jessica Louise.

Sugoi. That store looks really really good. Shipping costs would kill me though.

I got mine through hot Topic.