Clowkusanagi's anime artworks

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indeed does look good and way better then my art XD
Sorry that I've left this topic unattended for almost half a year, I just got myself a new job in a Bank for the past 6 months, and it has been so busy there. However, now that I've passed possibly the busiest month in the year, I've managed to spend some time drawing again.

Anyway, I've started to take interest in vocaloids after playing Project Diva 2nd, so you may notice that both my new sketches & WIP are Hatsune Miku. Anyway, enjoy! :D

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Glad to see you back! I like the sketched one, especially the way you give the shadings. I'm looking forward to see the colored version of it.
high_time wrote...
Glad to see you back! I like the sketched one, especially the way you give the shadings. I'm looking forward to see the colored version of it.

Thanks high_time :)
And in accordance with your request, I humbly present you the colored version of the lineart above:

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Nice background work here, but somehow I felt that the clothing doesn't really match with it.
Nice usage of the color, green and yellow compliments each other nicely
Tottaly impressive.I wish i could draw
high_time wrote...
Nice background work here, but somehow I felt that the clothing doesn't really match with it.

Thanks high_time. The clothing was based on the Project Diva 2nd Yellow song, and I also changed slightly the color from the original yellow-green to bright yellow.

Juggle wrote...
Nice usage of the color, green and yellow compliments each other nicely

programer wrote...
Tottaly impressive.I wish i could draw

Thanks guys :D

And also, I just upgraded my tablet from Bamboo to Intuos4 last Thursday, and I just loved all the new features that it provides compared to Bamboo.

So, this is my new sketch using the Intuos4, enjoy!~

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One thing enters my minds .... MMORPGcharacter = Swordman/woman =D ... or your original character? Great detail on the clothes and armor.
Juggle wrote...
One thing enters my minds .... MMORPGcharacter = Swordman/woman =D ... or your original character? Great detail on the clothes and armor.

It's my original character, although highly influenced by most MMORPG characters. She is a Magic knight (Mage/Swordman hybrid).

I'm taking too much time in coloring her, since I'm taking my sweet time doing nothing and too little time coloring (lol)...

Here's my current progress on her, any comment/insight would be highly appreciated

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Here is the finished work of my previous magic knight:
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And, here's my current project, from the anime Nichijou;
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Any comment, critiques and suggestion is highly appreciated!


Good job you posted here, I never visit DA any more.

Colouring and detail on the first one are gorgeous, they lend her real depth. Love the pose and expression. I don't think the background suits it, but that only took me five seconds to change. Matter of taste I guess. Second one is coming along very nicely.
Iam1vs100xp wrote...
I'm willing to see more of your works HA 666th POST


doswillrule wrote...
Good job you posted here, I never visit DA any more.

Colouring and detail on the first one are gorgeous, they lend her real depth. Love the pose and expression. I don't think the background suits it, but that only took me five seconds to change. Matter of taste I guess. Second one is coming along very nicely.

Thanks for the comment doswillrule :D

For the Background of the first pictures, I wanted to match it with the background color of deviantart page, but as you said, when it was taken out from deviantart and screened on its own, the background does not really suits it.

The modification on the background color is looking much better compared to my original background color. Thanks for showing me that <3

And I hope I would be able to muster my patience + motivation to create a good Nichijou fanart, lol :D
i'm not sure why but I like your sketches more than you're colored work haha that probably doesn't make much sense at all but I do xD
I would love to see more and more (...and more and more and more...)
azylsagara wrote...
i'm not sure why but I like your sketches more than you're colored work haha that probably doesn't make much sense at all but I do xD
I would love to see more and more (...and more and more and more...)

Thanks for the comment azylsagara!

Well, its probably because my coloring skill is still needing a lot of practice, since I have been sketching and drawing since i was very little, but I've only started coloring 5 years ago.

So sketching feels much more natural and at home for me, since I've kind of found my sketching style, while coloring takes a bit more effort and I'm still struggling and finding my own style of coloring.

Nevertheless, thanks for the comment and support ^^

In any case, here is the updated work of my Nichijou sketch:
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New update for today:
Tachibana Misato from Nichijou
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Nice drawings there.
Hi guys, long time not posting here ^^;

My RL work has been taking a lot of my time lately, and I did not have enough motivation do draw anything as well,

Well, at least until Katawa Shoujo came out.

I would like to say thank you so much for 4LS for their effort in creating 'Katawa Shoujo'.
I have played all routes of KS, and to say that this game is extremely well made is a massive understatement.

Thus, to show my appreciation for 4LS for their hard works, I would like to present a KS fanart, consisting of all of the main characters (no Misha though :p)


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New Update: The colored version of the KS fanart posted before:

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rin^2 wrote...
Clow, nice job on the KS fanart. I like it :3.

Thanks Rin!

New update for today, Ezreal from League of Legends ^^

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