Do you smoke?

Do you smoke?

Total Votes : 721
Smoking sucks, it mades me cough for at least 5 mins before it stops. I really don't like the smell of it and most of my friends who smoke has a bad breath. And I don't want to die early.
I don't smoke, but my girlfriends friends do... so whenever we go out drinking, my clothes end up smelling like smoke, purely cause i'm hanging around them whilst they smoke.

Although, the gf used to smoke, and has even asked for my permission to once or twice (I said she wasn't allowed to obviously)

But yeah, long story short, I don't want to start smoking, nor do I want my gf to.. am I a bad man for that?
No, but i dont mind people who do smoke.
i only smoke on rare occasions, if theres a party and they offer me a cigarette then okay. But to me its not addictive. Last time i smoke was about 7 or 5 months ago. Like i said rare
No, and I never will.

I lost someone important to me just because he couldn't stop smoking. So, I'm never touching that. I don't mind if others do it as long as they don't do it around me. I would however, try to convince someone I care about to stop smoking, but I wouldn't press the issue. It's their choice to make, not mine.
Don't wanna smoke ever :v
Never, and I don't see myself ever picking it up. :/
nah i dont even drink ima stay clean and avoid diseases
No I don't, I have no intentions to. I have nothing against smokers though.
No and i think i wont ever!
Tried a cigar once - graduation tradition - didnt really like it.

Dont mind others who smoke though, of course not right in my face, but im not that petty of a person that I judge them solely upon their smoking.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
No, I don't. Though I'm pretty much a second degree smoker, thanks to my dad and my fellow friends in other bands.
Yes, but only when I got my smoking companion/hang out with friends whom smokers.
I found myself not too addicted to cigars though. Can resist few weeks without it.
hi im new to this forum :) i actually started forumming years ago until the site went down permanently :c anyways, here I am now and please take good care of me :D

OT: I have been smoking for a long time now (probably 3 years or more? can't recall though). It started as a stress reliever and whenever I get depressed. Well, I get depressed now and then but lately I just can't take the habit out of me. I know the bad effects of smoking and I sometimes get the urge to quit but I just can't help it. Cigarettes never left me and are always with me whenever and wherever - unlike some people I know (sad, isn't it?). (Not that its good for me though LOL)
I smoke weed once in a while when I'm in a long writing session or something, keeps the ideas flowing and keeps me relaxed.
I don't smoke cigarettes, and I use a hookah socially.
Thats it.
I cant believe this thing is still going
Cigs? No.
Aki-chan wrote...
film_orange wrote...
weed, yes. cigs, not regularly. only in social settings or to ward off a hang over.

We have crazy similarities yet again... O__O;

same but i kind of stop on my own after i saw my friend running out side naked cause to 2much weed
No and never will.
I only smoke whenever I'm in a bad mood.
Monster Girl
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